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Amulet/Orb of the Darkmoon Faire

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I borrowed this from the Roguespot Forums because I wanted to show how insanely easy it is in order to get your first epic. My Rogue is level 49 and at the time I am posting this, I have all of the plumes I will need and just about half of the Thorium Widgets (I'm an engineer). By the time I am 60, I should have the rest of the Widgets. This post was mainly compiled by "Cerias Shadows" who admins the Roguespot Forums. I have edited a couple things to make it easier to read, but the numbers remain the same. For the original post which I used for this post, please click HERE.

Ok with Darkmoon Faire in town and restoration of the valuable 1200 ticket neck to epic quality post 1.7 I felt it was time to write a quick FAQ to help people here.

First of all the rewards:

Amulet of the Darkmoon

Binds when picked up


+10 Strength

+19 Agility

+10 Stamina

Requires Level 60

Sells for 2 Gold 50 Silver to vendors

Item Level 65

Source: Quest

(Better than onyxia's pendant for all but hunters.)

Orb of the Darkmoon

Binds when picked up


+11 Stamina

+8 Spirit

Requires Level 60

Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 22.

Sells for 2 Gold 50 Silver to vendors

Item Level 65

(You are looking at end-game MC/BWL stuff to beat that quality.)

You'll need 1200 tickets to purchase these. Now here is the rub, as your rep goes up with Darkmoon Faire Faction you are constricted in regards to what you can cash in to gain tickets, hence manipualting the system is of the highest priority.

First thing is first, IF YOU HAVE A DARKMOON DECK TO CASH IN AND WANT TO GET THE NECKLACE TOO PLEASE REFRAIN FROM CASHING IT (THE DECK) IN UNTIL YOU HAVE ACCQUIRED THE NECKLACE FIRST. Cashing in your deck will earn you 150 rep, effectively eating 24 potential tickets if you do this before you reach 2.5k reputation point in neutral.

Ok here is how you can go about getting rep: Profession turn-ins or hunting.

For the first part I'm going to SERIOUSLY reccomend you get to 2.5k rep via the wonder of hunting.

In Alterac Valley & Northern Feralas there are plenty of Harpies(lvl 51-54 in AV, lvl 48-50 in Feralas) which have around a 25% drop rate on Vibrant Plumes, they stack in stacks of 10. These plumes you can cash in 5 at a time for 100 rep and 12 tickets. This means you will want to farm 130 Vibrant Plumes and cash these in. This will earn you 312 Darkmoon tickets, 25% of the way towards your necklace. On top of that these mobs drop a lot of cloth and wicked claws and pots. Very Handy indeed, very Easy to Farm.

(SABRIANICA'S NOTE: I farmed these up from level 45 up to level 49, making sure I had a bunch of rested XP as well. It took me about a grand total of 12-14 hours of farming at the mob level in order to get them all. I received a donation of 6 plumes from a friend, so add another 20-30 minutes of grinding in Feralas. Also, you are not flagged here, so you don't get the down time you would experience inside AV if you grind there, plus you don't have to wait for Feralas to open up! ;) )

Now, the last 900 tickets are the tricky part. You have 4 options:

  • 450 Evil Bat eyes from Eastern Plagueland mob grinding.
  • 270 Thorium Widgets if you have Engineering as a profession.
  • 360 Dense Grinding Stones if you have Blacksmithing as a profession.
  • 360 Rugged kits if you have leatherworking as a profession.

You need 10 bat eyes/6 widgets/8 dense grinding stones/8 rugged armor kits per turn-in for 20 tickets.


  • 450 Evil Bat eyes(roughly a 2% drop rate off of bats in EPL and the worst mobs to farm)
  • 810(40 and a half stacks) Thorium Bars + 270(13 and a half stacks) Runecloth
  • 1600 (80 Stacks) Dense Stone
  • 1600(160 stacks) Rugged Leather

Is required to achieve your 900 tickets to reach the magic 1200 total.

You can only turn-in Widgets/Kits/Grinding Stone if you have the respective profession at least at journeyman (50/150 skill). Thus if you are an enchanter/tailor, you have my deepest sympathies.

If you want or can, you can merely seek to buy the remaining mats needed instead of grind, at assumed prices of 3g per stack of thorium, 1.5g per stack of runecloth, 2g per stack of dense stone, 1g per stack of rugged leather during non faire times, you are looking at paying between 142g to 160g for your 900 tickets, Cheap for an epic of such quality.

The faire sets up in Elwynn and Mulgore on Alternate Months, it sets up on the First Friday of each Month, with it being usable by the following Monday after that Friday if you need to know when the Faire will be up.

(SABRIANICA'S NOTE: I know that this sounds like a lot of work, but it really isn't. Getting these together (as an Engineer) is a lot easier than grinding up the reputation required to get the WSG revered weapons, and is certainly taking up less time. The 140 Thorium Widgets I have are partly why I am at a 300/300 in Engineering at the moment. After I level out, I plan on grinding out more plumes for the guild bank for anyone else who would like to get the necklace.

I will also post whether or not the method here proved 100% accurate. It is (and has been) posted on a high-traffic website related to WoW, so I am fairly certain it's got to be dead-on accurate.)

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I did the turn-ins today, and it is dead on! I have 1237 Tickets, and as soon as I hit 60, I should be able to claim my necklace!

Note: Turn in the plumes first. The crafting turn-ins will give you too much rep too quickly, and will prevent you from getting the maximum amount of tickets.

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  • 1 month later...

I farmed thorium for making widgets... and had tons of dense stones left over...

had a friendly Blacksmith make em into dense grinding stones ... and turned them in!

Also, i hunted with rhoach and helpd kill mobs for rugged leather for the rugged leather kits...i also turn'd in a few of these...


"You can only turn-in Widgets/Kits/Grinding Stone if you have the respective profession at least at journeyman (50/150 skill). Thus if you are an enchanter/tailor, you have my deepest sympathies."

This is not true!


Otherwise GREAT Faq! /approvedbyHaq

Edited by Houli
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