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Posts posted by Eisaac

  1. I hope all goes smoothly and that you get back to us real soon!!!

    oh... and by the way...

    Thorax will be moving out of my current house and into the new one. Im not sure when i will be back online, but i will try to make it back soon. Be sure to take care, and if you want to know anything about me as always ask..... me .I will be in contact with him ( >:L ) , and those that have my cell phone #972-54-4395486 feel free to call in the eves (not between 5pm and 10pm EST or anytime on the weekends)

    Stay honorable and I will see you soon *hugs them all*

    (Sorry charlie for abusing your post :) no copyright, right? I did italic all places I changed)

  2. That is real sad for UO.

    Maybe if you submit a few emails to EA (let's say... one for each shift >:L ) of your complaint (That Argain dismissed you where a simple answer would do the trick) then maybe someone will get his butt kicked!

  3. The most important thing... Have a safe and quick moving!

    You can call the phone company in the new place to check if they have DSL :p

    Just today I ordered (from a TV company) Cable TV, Phone and 1.5 Mb/s internet, and we still don't have the key to our new place :(

    Oh, now I will be another 5 miles to the east from all of you :lostit:

  4. Oh.... :p

    After you visit the doctor spawn (hospital) and kill all the doctors and the minions (nurses) don't forget too loot before you come back to us.... IN A HURRY!!!

    Get well!

    Almost forgot... be careful not to double click *coughs* attack innocent bystanders and other patients :dancing_smile:

  5. Could be nice! I'll try it even if it's only to raise your quota! :yahoo:

    I will take the stage to call all T.H.E Horde (and by this I mean all Honor Empire website memebrs) to sign up to raise Balandar's quota! :thumbsup:

    Ah, almost forgot... Use the link at the original post :yahoo:

  6. It is now about three months since I made my last appearance at the weekly meeting. Not even speaking about other things... (champion spawns, bard's nights etc.)

    Just to let you know, I have gone nowhere far and I'm always close, at least on ICQ. I constantly check the forums and I login for short periods of time, even if it's just to get a few BODs and take a couple of skill tenths. I really miss all of you that I know, and can't wait to know those I cannot yet miss! (because I still don't know them :p )

    Maybe this was a better entry in a blog, but I rather do it like this:

    So... for those who do not know, My wife and I had our firstborn son about 3 months ago (23rd of June). That alone is a big time consuming (but fun!) "project". We also bought an appartment two years ago ("on paper") and it is supposed to be finished... a month ago :( we're waiting for the wheels of bureaucracy to do their work because all is really finished and we're waiting for the key. (No problems with the constructor, only the regional municipality) So, in then meanwhile we live with our parents, basicly my parents have more space and give us more privacy (and it's my computer, which is good and has 5Mb ADSL), but as luck would have it my father in-law seriously broke his ankle 3 months ago and can't even yet walk (he was actually in the O.R. while we were in the same hospital, on the other side in the delivery room) this means my wife and son spend more time at her parents (well, I am there too, haha). No much place, nor privacy there (and the computer is an old crappy one with 256Kb ADSL which doesn't help much. Can't fight anything worthwhile in UO). We can barely (I mean we really really can't) hold it much longer this way. No time for anything! (yes, including that thing ;) )

    Hopefully, soon enough we will be in our own place with our things, and at last I will find gaps of free time to play, without being called off in a hurry.

    See all of you, soon! (and I even wish... sooner! ;) )

  7. I was just about to mine a few at my usual place, Felluca Cove. When I am there, I also do escorts for some quick gold. I opened a gate to my escort (to Skara), and some PKer thought to sneak quickly and kill me... well, he just appeared through the gate, attacked before he saw he was deep within city limits... and got vaporized by the guards... :lostit:

    His name is Colibri Jachin, just so you'll know. Rest his soul in hades :jester:

    Next time.... I'll throw gates to Felluca Yew gate :friends:

  8. ...And for any who think our priority isnt our members, remember the leaders combined spend at least 40+ hours a week planning, working, and making things happen for you all to enjoy. Thanks and see you tonight. -Kodoz

    First of all, because it is much more important, I know, and of course we all know that the number in the quote (although the 'at least') needs to be higher... And speaking of Kodoz, I have personally seen him at least a couple of times defend a guildmember, only to give him a big kick out shortly later after a "trial" (checking well if there is truth in the claims against that one). The combined rulership of Charlie and Kodoz is a great thing, I don't know ANYONE (or any couple) who can even closely match the combined talents and knowledge of them, in game or out of it.

    After that being said, I can only say slips may happen... so about this:

    ...My warning was both to Mare, Obake, and everyone....

    Living in the forums, I can say that in reality, it was a warning to Mare. All others guildmembers here do not need this.... whatever it was. And non forum members will not ever see this. This was the root to this whole discussion and to my humble opinion, could have been said in private, that's all.

  9. I can only guess (but am no sure) what happened. I don't believe people will be silenced so quickly, nor your post being deleted.

    By your writing mood, you are quite pissed off, and I'm always sorry when it comes to that. :D

    I hope that this will be far from your last verbal post, as all your posts, as far as I can remember were wise, useful and to the point.

    Please, keep in mind that by being silent, you are only aiding the other side. (Off topic, That is why I say we must all vote)

    There is not a doubt in me that there is a place for grown up debate in these pages.

    Again, please, don't be the silent Knight.

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