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Posts posted by Volonazra

  1. I am not going to neglect my son to experience a video game that wants you to sink as much time as humanly possible in it. Sure they want their game to be a time sink to keep making money - but since I had Gabe - is frustrating myself so much to experience what I pay for to just prance around in pixels really worth it? I dont think so. Sure it would be fun - but not worth the frustration, the friends lost over loot lust etc etc.

    Totally agree. The nature of the MMOs that are out there are not catering to us grown folks who have priorities, bills, and other adult happy fun stuff.

    It is improving, slowly, but WoW definately isnt a causal gamers game. Unless you enjoy the simpler things about the game.

    Crikrunner and myself agree there needs to be some innovation and change in the very nature of MMOs dynamics to end the trap/obstacle/bedlam of raiding. Since EQ in '99 theres been no real change in the formula? Maybe some day there will be niche MMOs, or genres, which cater to different styles. Ah well we can hope.

  2. We have seven committed raiders and several interested in filling in. Only thing stopping us mainly is healing (one priest is necessary). Waiting to hear from some leads. Get your gear, potions and skills ready to go.

  3. Pinned temporarily

    Ive approached most of you the responded and talked some about a Friday night (maybe Tues. and Fri.)10pmish Kara raid. Everyone seemed interested but there were some obstacles. Please post your characters you want to bring (regardless of key status) as well as any circumstances I should be aware of. Keep an ear out for others that would be good teammates, and send them to me. If we all take initiative we can in there rolling on the first treasures next week.

  4. What I saw in the press release didn't thrill me. And the fact that they've already announced expansion 2 is also troublesome. How much time passed before they announced TBC? I don't recall it being only eight months after the initial release. I may have to start considering a different MMO myself, though I have doubts it'll be Warhammer. A pvp-centric game is not likely to thrill me.

    All MMOs do this. Also, historically, the expansions get put out faster and faster the farther from original lauch it becomes. People wither get annoyed, or learn it is important to no put the loot on such a high pedestal and figure out something more meaningful or at least fun.

  5. The nights that avoid pre-scheduled CS events are Tues/Fri/Sat (somewhat Sun.). If we wanted such to do such a thing (possibly to include alts of those people that like to raid). Perhaps a 10pm server Tues/Fri Kara and 10PM Sat team pvp? Give me some input.

  6. Good to see some interest. Ive been reading over some Kara strategy as my hands on experience is limited, but seems that we have half of a Kara group responding. I ask you to put the word out to some folks you typically group with and see if there would be more available to fill up a raid.

  7. Are you, like me, forced to sit on the side lines due to not fitting into normal play times? Are you interested in raiding and/or organized pvp that starts later than the standard 7 or 8pm server time?

    If there is enough interest, and availability, I am proposing we start talking about raiding (Kara/Grulls/Heroics) and pvp which begins at 10PMish server time and goes until 2AMish.

    Update: We will be starting a Karazhan raid, Fri. 10:30pm server.

    Committed raiders are:

    -Kargoch-prot warrior

    -Rhoach-Subt rogue

    -Kazragerg-Marks hunter/affliction warlock

    -Scryll-combat rogue

    -Jeroabem-Elem sham

    -Waldonnis(et al)-fire mage/affliction lock/feral druid/marks hunter

    -myself-Afflic. warlock/resto. shaman/prot. warrior

    -Frei-resto druid

    Support raiders are:

    Guilozak-holy priest

    Gaelasia=holy priest

    Its a go! Fri. Aug 24, 10pm start invites, 10:30 clompin time.

  8. Makes me wonder who in our guild fits which character best :p

    I instantly thought of you (Rhoach) when i heard the Blades character turn every thing into innuendo. :) Was waiting for the mama joke to make its entrance.

    Cant place any other characters quite as perfectly, but there are shades of us in there for sure. Thats why I had to share it.

  9. Remember several months back, you were very uncertain of success and hesitant to even take on what seemed too high a goal.

    I knew success would come if you just refused to let any doubts or temporary setbacks stop you from simply going for it.

    Congratulations to you and your raiders. :)

  10. ...Avoidance in only more important for the 5 and 10 man stuff, after which, the healers need to do preventative healing, as opposed to reactive healing that most are used to (note, in BC RAIDS overhealing is ok, and prefered). This is because the bosses hit fast and hard (multiple 4k+ hits in a sec or 2), so big overlapping heals coordinated between the healers are prefered, with the tank stacking stam and armor so he has more of a safety margin. If healers try to reactively heal this type of damage, the tank will go down before any heals go off.

    Agreed, from experience and reading the number crunchers findings this is certainly the case.

    ...On another note, this threadwas started in the context of 25 man raids such as Gruul's Lair, so the arguments about GoA for the main tank, increase rogues dodge, etc. are a moot point. DPS is the primary concern here. If in a particular grouping WF totem gives more overall DPS than GoA does, then it should be used in a raid. in small groups (10 man kara, and 5 man instances) GoA should be used for the avoidance.

    I think Kailand is right again and this is generally valid (with the knowledge that many factors may contribute to this not being the law.)

    As side note, For Warriors @70: ~30agi = 1%dodge and ~33agi = 1% Crit. Agi does nothing for parry, nor block.

    Therefor, general gain from GoA is 2-3%dodge/crit. This should not be a major concideration when shaman choose totems.

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