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Posts posted by Rhoach

  1. That's the way we (my RP guild) ran things in SWG, and it worked pretty well. By being able to choose our enemies, we could ensure we were fighting those who were mature RPers and fun to play with (or even killed by!), and not some random level kasmillion dick randomly killing you and typing in caps over and over "I OWZNAGED JOO!"

    So usually things turned out pretty well. Guild to guild battle, that is. :silly:

  2. The battle had reached a fevered pitch, the sound of bloodthirsty orc warcries and ululating elf chants filling the air, the clash of weapons and the screams of the dying completing the symphony of carnage on the battlefield. Rhoach ignored it all as he continued his climb to the top of the watchtower. Scarcely seven feet from the top, Rhoach heard a sort of whistling sound subtly reaching his ears over the regular sounds of battle. "What that...?" Rhoach wondered aloud, pausing in his climb to look around.

    Suddenly, something smashed into the top of the watch tower, bringing with it an almost unbearable heat and a blinding flash, causing Rhoach to grit his teeth and look away. With both of his arms wrapped around the scaffolding, Rhoach felt the watch tower rock and shudder. Eventually, the structure stabilized, and Rhoach was able to look up and survey the damage. The protective basket at the top of tower and the trolls contained inside it were totally gone. Rhoach blinked. Magework. The need to urinate was more urgent than ever.

    Rhoach chattered his teeth a few times (a habit he had developed to calm himself down), shrugged, and began to unbundle a spear from the pack he had managed to hold on to during the blast. As he did so, he squinted across the battlefield, taking a more careful look at the elven army they were facing. We can't take these numbers... Rhoach thought. And that mountain giant quickly approaching the entrance to the fort looked none too friendly as well... A plan of escape began to form in his mind. As he was thinking, an arrow whizzed by his face, causing him to reflexively jerk back, bringing him back the present as quickly as he had drifted off. Growling, he finished loosening the tie on the bundle and hefted the spear in his right hand. Grabbing on to the scaffolding with his left, he leaned far out to the right, took aim at an elven swordsman, and threw. He saw the spear pierce the elf's stomach. The elf clutched his abdomen and was lost in the shuffle of combatants.

    Grinning to himself in satisfaction, Rhoach pulled another spear from the bundle and repeated the process. Hey, this battle isn't turning out to be so bad, Rhoach thought to himself as he downed elf after elf. Close, easy targets without much risk... hey! An arrow thunked into the scaffolding. Apparently, an elven archer had seen Rhoach's antics and decided to put an end to this nuisance. Rhoach was forced to duck behind the poles of the scaffolding when he wasn't throwing spears, and he had to throw quickly. This was making him miss most of his targets and waste his dwindling supply of spears. What was worse, the mountain giant had reached the front lines, and was making its way towards Uglutz and the clan shamans who were a short distance from the watch tower Rhoach was currently in. As if THAT weren't bad enough, the need to pee had reached a new high and was making Rhoach constantly squeeze his legs together to avoid embarassment in addition to death.

    "What do now..." Rhoach muttered, throwing another spear and managing to wing another elf. Before he could duck back behind the thicker sections of the scaffolding, the pesky elven archer hit his mark. An arrow jutted out of Rhoach's right thigh quicker than he could comprehend its coming. He hissed in pain and stumbled, barely managing to hold onto his few remaining spears and keep his balance. Another arrow zoomed by. This one, by sheer chance or by an elf's cruel sense of humor, caught the string on Rhoach's loincloth, effectively piercing it and ripping it off of him, and shooting it past the watchtower into the nearby fort walls with a dull THUNK.

    Rhoach snarled slowly and wondered what he had done to offend the gods so. It wasn't enough that he was going to die, now he was going to die naked. The thought of elves trampling over his naked body make his green-blue skin burn with anger. Poking his head out from behind cover, Rhoach narrowed his eyes, looking for that treehugging, weakblooded, maddening elven archer who took away his mobility and loincloth with well-placed arrows. There! Rhoach picked him out among the middle ranks of the elven army. When the elf observed Rhoach's nakedness, it grinned and nocked another arrow, apparently planning to finish the job. Rhoach snarled more than he thought was possible, locked his eyes on the target, and threw his last spear with all his strength. It flew across the battlefield, reaching an enormous height at its arc. Plunging down onto the battlefield, it pierced the elf's pelvis, shattering its hip and pinning it to the ground.

    Rhoach, his eyes on the progress of the spear, did not even see or feel the elf's last shot until he had watched the elf fall with grim satisfaction. Looking down at himself, he saw another arrow, this one sticking out of his knee. Rhoach bent it experimentally, then howled with pain, his leg buckling. The world swam before his eyes for a few seconds, making him throw his arms around the scaffolding to avoid falling. "Hm, not do that again," he breathed to himself, grinning ruefully. At that moment, Rhoach felt the ground begin to shake. Uh-oh... he thought. Looking down, he saw that the mountain giant had reached the clan shamans who were chanting below him.

    Standing well over fourteen feet tall, the giant was less than five feet below Rhoach's ankles on the scaffolding. Rhoach saw the giant raise its club to dispatch the group of shamans in one fell swoop before they could finish their chanting. Before it could squash them, Rhoach saw an orcish clan member, Glok'tur, charge into the area. Glok'tur let out a battle cry, raised double axes, and threw them at the giant. They stuck into the giant's shins. The giant roared, fumbling with its club and staggering around. Momentarily, it had recovered itself, however, and faced its new opponent with the axes still embedded in its shins. Watching the scene, Rhoach saw the brave orc looking left and right for a new weapon as the giant closed in on him. Rhoach reached for a spear, then realized that he had thrown his last one at that pesky elf, and scimitars were worthless for throwing... What to do... what to do... Rhoach thought fervently, as the giant had almost reached Glok'tur.

    Maybe it was the stress of the battle. Maybe it was Rhoach's mischevious mind at work. Maybe it was his nakedness. Whatever the cause, Rhoach had an idea. Grinning to himself, and thanking his foster father for being able to speak some of the alliance language, Rhoach shouted, "Overgrown dwarf! Up here!" as he threw the bundle of thick spear tie at the giant's head. The giant heard an insult and felt something bounce off the top of its head. Glancing up in irritation, the giant let out a rumbling cry of fury as thick, greenish liquid cascaded down into its eyes. Rhoach was hanging onto the scaffolding with one hand and directing the 'assault' with the other. The giant dropped its club and staggered blindly around, groping for some kind of handhold. Its eyes burned as if acid had been poured in it, troll piss being even more vile than the usual fare.

    Rhoach laughed, giddy with success, loss of blood, and the brilliant afterglow of just having taken a long-needed piss. He even took his hand off of the scaffolding to point at the giant. It was at this moment that he tumbled off the scaffolding, his leg finally being able to take no more, buckling at the knee. Rhoach laughed all the way to the ground until he made impact in front of Glok'tur, sending up a huge cloud of dust and losing consciousness.

  3. Starting tomorrow, I'll be gone on weekdays for the next five weeks. This, of course, will mean a decreased presence for me on the forums. I'll try to post every weekend when I'm back in civilization :D

    Away I go to forestry camp! Oh yeah, and I get free food while I'm there. Hell yeah. :silly:

  4. Yeah, I have a picture on my hard drive I wanted to upload to somewhere (anywhere!) and use it for my avatar, but I couldn't figure it out and just ended up direct-linking to my avatar on Wow-Ra. If someone could tell me where I could upload a .jpg image, or just what I've been doing wrong with wow-ra's uploader or imagedump.com's services, I'd appreciate it.

  5. Hm, NOW I've heard rumors on a factional PvP server... that is, consentual PvP against other horde members and open PvP between alliance and horde. Makes me wonder if they'll have RP servers combined with those....

    ARG. Must stop the speculation. I think I'd be better off just shutting my mouth, locking myself in a closet, and releasing myself on the release date.

  6. Hm, alright. I'd definitely like to try out the RP server if there is one. The one in SWG was great compared to the others, MUCH less l33t d00ds and the like. RP nazis bother me much less than 10 year olds using numbers for letters, but I suppose that's a personal preference :)

  7. Aerie Pioviel, the night elf commander, surveyed her forces as they swept out in a semicircle formation, nearing the orcish encampment. 500 strong, her army was like a spider reaching out its legs to encircle its hapless prey; the outpost had no chance of successfully defending itself against such a relatively large force. A runner silently sprinted up to her side. He snapped to attention, and reported in the tongue of the night elves, "Commander Pioviel, our scouts have been spotted. The vermin know we're coming."

    Aerie nodded and dismissed the scout. Inwardly, she cursed. She would've liked to have had the element of surprise on her side, as every night elf casualty was equal to a thousand casualties of the lesser races, to her mind. She turned to her aide and gave the order to speed up their march and throw caution to the wind. It no longer mattered if they were seen.

    Her nightsaber mount growled in anticipation as the army's pace sped up. She could now begin to make out the individual faces among the monstrous defenders...

    Rhoach trotted up to the gathering of Skullcrushers, ignoring the chuckles from a few clan members over his lack of clothing. He glanced left and right, wondering if he should make his way to the fort erected behind the common sleeping grounds. While wondering, he strapped his scabbards to his back and slid his scimitars home. Spotting Uglutz giving commands to various groups of clan members, Rhoach made his way closer to the elder shaman, narrowly sidestepping a group of warriors that had been ordered to form up in front of the fort's walls. Cursing quietly, Rhoach glanced after the orcs and tauren that had just thundered past him, then spotted a group of trolls with spears strapped to their backs climbing a few of the watch towers. Hmm, perhaps I could make myself useful there, Rhoach thought to himself. Pushing his way out of the mob surrounding Uglutz, Rhoach ran to the small armory constructed outside the fort walls. He grabbed a bundle of spears out of the hands of a young human slave jogging the opposite direction, ignoring its cries of, "My master will beat me if I don't bring these to him!"

    Glancing at the battlefront, Rhoach saw that the elves were nearly upon them. Sprinting as fast as he could, Rhoach reached a watchtower and climbed furiously, making his way awkwardly up the tower with the bundle of spears in one hand. Just after he had reached the 15-foot mark on the 25-foot tower, Rhoach heard the clash of battle beneath him. The battle had been joined. Glancing down, Rhoach saw a tauren smash the head of a night elf with a huge tree trunk. Gazing briefly around the battlefield, Rhoach saw the night elf archers forming up, as well as the bulk of the Skullcrusher orc warriors begin their charge into the quickly growing melee. Troops of both sides surged around the tower, hacking, slashing, crushing. Rhoach set his face in an expression of grim determination, beginning to climb again, only one thought on his mind: I really have to piss.

  8. Ok, this time I tried wow-ra.com's image uploader tool, and it seemed to work at first, except the image isn't shown, just a black square with a red X in the upper left corner...


  9. Hey, so I uploaded an image to imagedump.com and tried to use it for my avatar, only to get the following message:

    'Sorry, but the URL you entered for your avatar was incorrectly formatted or the link is not valid'

    I tried using the address that says: Link directly to this image, as well as the address in the address bar. I don't have any personal webspace I can use for the image, and don't want to go through the pain-in-the-ass which is the acquisition of a personal website. Any suggestions?

    p.s. The picture is a 64 x 64 pixel .jpg image. The link to the page it's on is http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=74620

  10. These were people who were out for one thing... individuality -- they wanted to be seperate and distinct.  They wanted to be the exception to the rule ... maybe in their minds that made them look "cooler"?

    I couldn't help but comment on this, as this is basically how I think a lot of RPers (including myself) feel. I included this in my application to SoC, and was prepared to accept rejection if it did not fit in with their vision of the guild, but thankfully, they accepted me. I think that it takes a weirdo to RP a weirdo, and a fairly normal person to RP a normal person (or orc, as the case may be). Different people enjoy RPing different things.

    That being said, I am definitely guilty of wanting to be the 'exception to the rule.' I'm going to RP a troll rogue who was forced into the role from birth, lived the first ten years or so of his life in a human city, and doesn't end up running into the SoC until he's fairly developed as a being. I tailored his bio to fill a specific need that the leaders of SoC might be interested in. That is, an RP reason to be able to speak the alliance language(s) (albeit poorly). I feel that if the 'exceptions to the rule' make themselves useful and offer something unique to the guild that couldn't otherwise be had, then I don't see much of a problem with it. I do understand your concern for wanting to be in an all orc guild, but your RP reasons and game mechanics reasons don't hold up that well, as Glok'tur has pointed out already.

    You seem like a good RPer to me, from what little I have seen of you. I, for one, hope that you'll be back.


  11. *snatches the glurk angrily at the implication, chugging it down* :cheeburga:

    *eyes widen momentarily, then settle into a half-closed position*

    Thazzzzz gud sschtufff....

    OOC:Thank you for the welcome. I'll try to make myself worthy of it.

    p.s. Rogues are dirty rotten scoundrels who'd slit their momma's throat for a nickel. Rouge is women's makeup. >:L

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