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Posts posted by Vradish

  1. well no the US is just fine with me, better than..oh..say, Iraq? I was just saying because they all seemed to be from around the same place.

    There are not many members that live in Europe..

  2. I take by the ... you don't like living there? What's it like?


    No i like belgium a lot but Surek Tharor is from nederland.

    Haha lol.

    No i like my country i live in the land of weed  (Netherlands 

  3. That's true,you gotta live in in your character...

    That bloodthirsty orc that stands there in your screen--Thats you!

    So you don't have to work or make money all the time,jsut do what you do in normal life.

    Maybe wow will provide something for smokers,so you can smoke in the game and in "real" life. :)

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