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Everything posted by Lan

  1. ok your right you win, your the biggest fool here instead of me :smash: :smash:
  2. I can understand the tone down.....and out of EVERYONE here, i don't know what your complaining about! Everything from the Keebler elves(snickers) to Koop the clown, I was STILL CALLED KENNY FRICKIN' G!!! GAH!!! A poofed out curly cue earthy crunchy clarinet player! Come on now!!!
  3. Its alright Bal, He doesn't even think to name one of his OWN WARLOCKS! Guess Balandar and Madman will have to be in part deux oh yeah, hey Balt......JOE PESCI AHAHAHAHAHA DONT FORGET TO BRING YOUR SHINE BOX!!!
  4. Wait, Wait, Wait.....I can see the headlines now: PGoH STARRING: GEORGE MICHAEL AS PRAETORIAN KOOPSTA! CAUSE KOOPS GOTTA HAVE "FAITH" hehehehehe :roll:
  5. Does Coldren like men? He must be if he's trying to get those two to play us Koop And Aluim, you know we're just teasing......and oh yeah, Aluim...."be nice to the kitty"
  6. Aluim, dont worry about things! We're gonna keep your solo act in the film. You'll still get to sing " we represent the lollipop kids" by yourself for an oncore And I would NEVER bring up the north pole, that would just be mean man!
  7. now THAT was a slamming at the highest level of slams!! my sides hurt now too from laughing!!!!!!
  8. *english translation* My good friend, Much wind pours from your mouth, but you mean well We shall see you next time in ShadowBane For Honor, -Ma'ar
  9. Now, now, I wouldn't say your a cookie just maybe something like a fruited cake, you know like a fig newton Dont worry about Keebler either, smurfs and ewoks tried out for your part too
  10. Emilio? I thought we'd just get a couple Keebler elves to play your part.....
  11. amin dan friend, antovys ulua sulrim, but vys mean well Lye shall elea vys tul're e' shadowbane Pa'Solal Ma'ar
  12. HELLO! I'm getting no respect in this movie! And Coldren, Russell Crowe??? Come on now, he only died at the end of gladiator and he'll never put up with having to die 50 million times to play you......
  13. Send me a pigeon m'lord and we can go from there. I'm also always making kegs and scrolls so maybe we can work something out....
  14. Sorry Tok, unless this is happening this afternoon I won't be able to join up. Tonight is a surprize 30th birthday party for my best friend and its going to be an all out one! Sorry if I can't make it but i'll make it up somehow
  15. Wolf, your keg of refresh is ready to go just pigeon me when you can pick it up!
  16. I definately have a few hundred around....pigeon me and we'll get together...
  17. How many are we talking about???
  18. HA! Glad to see you back around so much!!!
  19. Tell us how you really feel!! HAHAHAH I love all the above!! Coldren, we need to get together over a few beers man!! Ok, this is a good friend of mines best joke: My girl loves that one
  20. Farewell Vens!! We will see you on Shadowbane!!
  21. Anyone else wonder where our favorite praetorian has been??? Cause all of a sudden *bam* he's here spamming the boards!! hehe J/K Koop, bout time we see you up here!
  22. OUCH!! Harsh words from above!! Hear her roar! Hehe J/K Anyways bud, I was in the same situation and said the EXACT samething. Well let me tell you something, i've been doing it in sales and its the women who really don't care about your money that you'll like better....mine snagged me in 4 hrs and could've cared less what I did(trust me, I told her off the bat that I shoveled trash for a living!!!)
  23. I know ye are my friend, hehe I was wondering who else's attention I would get and Suin was the winner:) But now she's read all your posts, she thinks that you "just need a good woman" (like her of course) to settle you down a bit, hehe GOOD LUCK!
  24. ARRGGGHHH!! Damn'd if I do, and Damn'd if I don't......no WONDER she doesn't like any of my friends.....(ponders the fact that she may have to go VERY soon now) Hmmmmm Like they say bud, out with the old and in with the new!
  25. Alright, here I go off to learn Elfin! Thanks for the help guys
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