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Diamond T9C

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Everything posted by Diamond T9C

  1. Thiork, I emailed you last night asking if this chess tourney was to take place. I dont have you on my Q list anymore, as I had to revert to an older Q number (the one I had refused to show anybody online). I've changed my profile to reflect this. I need to know within the next hour or so, as my fiance, Crane and I have several rl things to do with my daughter today.
  2. Imaginary Dimensions, an internet radio station that I used to broadcast for, has found it's way back onto the air. Starting this Saturday night, I will once again be piping music out of my computer for the world to hear. If you would like to listen, all you need to have is Real Player vers 8 or higher. Simply go to The Imaginary Dimensions site imaginarydimensions.com and click the "Listen to the show" button. It will launch Real Player and connect it to the broadcast. If you do not have Real Player, you can download the latest version (RealOne Player) for free at the Real media site real.com . Imaginary Dimensions is a Prog Rock format station, so if you like bands like Yes, Marillion, King Crimson, Pink Floyd, etc. you may want to check out the other shows in the lineup. My show does not follow the normal format of the station however, it's an "anything goes" show. Requests are always welcome, and if I have it, or can download it before the show is over it will be played. The Witching hour airs Saturday night (very late) 12-2am (guess you could say it's sunday morning) Any questions or requests...q me my q number is 126038551
  3. We found out today that Crane's mother (my rl fiance's mother) will be going into the hospital this week to undergo tests. She has had a migraine that has lasted a shade over a week. The dr's thought it had developed into an infection, so they put an iv in her head to try to catch it before it got worse. Now it seems the dr's believe she has a mass on her brain. Please keep her and the rest of our family in your prayers.
  4. I would like to extend a big "thank you" to Elathiel, for hosting the archery tourney this afternoon. It was good to see that archery has not become a dead skill, as some had predicted it would. If you ever decide to do another tourney, please let me know..I'll be there with bells on. Of course, I will be hunting down the dwarf that was hiding under the buttes that caused me to miss 3rd prize by 10 points!!!
  5. Greetings all, I have seen on stratics that PGoH will be hosting an archery tourney this comming Saturday. Will you be providing gates to this event? I will be posting this information on the T9C boards, as I know we have several archers (myself included), that may want to compete. There is so little recognition of archers anymore. It is a wonderful idea on your part and looks to be quite a fun way to spend the afternoon.
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