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Everything posted by Leah

  1. Happy Birthday! We've heard already that you have lots of stories for us Simon! May your recovery be speedy so you can share them with us. Glad you are to be home soon with us again!
  2. A WHITE Dragon Lies Beneath! I took the Inner Dragon online quiz and found out I am a White Dragon on the inside. If there ever was an apparition of balance, power and reclusive intelligence, my Inner Dragon is it. Whites are a fairly common dragon and are considered one of two harmonious dragons. My antithesis is the evil Black Dragon. My Inner Dragon likes to think things out, plot against enemies, and look down upon the world from the highest mountain peaks. My favorable attributes are the Day, the Sun, truth, a positive attitude, and helpful magic. Humans only need fear me when they stray into my domain without proper tribute. Of course, that tribute would probably be a cake the size of a Volkswagen, but hey, if they wanted to move through my turf they should have brought it, right? If someone ever really wanted a fight I'd be an impressive opponent, considering I pack a breath weapon combination of Fire and Lightning. Even the nicest dragons can do some serious damage.
  3. What kind of software are you using do those... they are amazing Wolf. Happy Birthday!
  4. Since I haven't had much time to spend in UO my informaiton is all coming from the boards currently. I have to admit to feeling a little lost in the situation with GOL. Could someone please fill me in a little better?
  5. Already being Done Strider..we want all home safe!
  6. find your element at mutedfaith.com. <º>
  7. Doddz same as I said before, God bless and keep you safe till you return home. We will miss you greatly, and look forward to when you will join us again. Keep planning for Whiskey, and like Lora I want a phone call too when you get home <~~ Doddz ^Saddam PS..You would have to go show the "bloody Yanks" how to do it eh? Take care and stay in touch if you can. Let us know where we can get a letter to you when you get there if possible.
  8. in reading through the posts I remembered that Leah is working on taming.......
  9. Nice thing about being a newb like me... theres still tons of adventure! There are so many places I haven't died yet!
  10. the shard here has been up and down and in that process I somehow lost a bonded pet I was riding! Hummm
  11. thats interesting.. I pre-ordered from the EA store and only got 2 shroud validation codes for the 3 copies. And I got not tracking number... I'm really confused now... I thought they wouldn't send out the codes until they shipped your order?
  12. All VERY usefull information..now if my copy of AoS would JUST GET HERE!!!
  13. Due to the amount of unfortunate arguing in the guild at this time I have chosen to remove myself from it. I have made a good many friends within the walls of Olympus and will continute to consider them as such. Until such a time that the arguing can be abated I will refrain from rejoining. After all it is only a game. I perfer to have fun in it. Farewell and safe journies to all.
  14. When and where is this event to take place?
  15. Leah


    The only thing that I would ask is that consideration is taken in is for an alternative uniform for the women. I for one am tired of dressing as a man. I have no problem with wearing armor for battle but must I really wear it all the time to show my alligence to the Guild? Or is this something I am confused about? :smilewinkgrin:
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