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Everything posted by Koopsta

  1. Quote from Lan, posted on Ok, thats it.. As your Phalynx I order you to invade the felucca orc fort alone! And when your done with that, give Wolf a bath!! :smash: :smash: :smash: heh
  2. Hey! At least the character you was cast as didnt get caught in a public bathroom playin pocket pool! :p :p hehe
  3. I was enjoying it untill the Ronald McDonald casting of me! Kal your goin down!!!! *growls* And George Michale!! GAH! Sleep with one eye open Lan!! hehehehehe j/k I think its hilarious.. No use in taking it seriously.. its all in good fun.. Besides, nothings goin on in Ultima Online anymore.. this is all some people have to do.. *snorts* :roll: And thanks for havin my back BB, I say we go arrest Kal.. hehehe
  4. Well, Im not so sure about Meatloaf... But I think Kenney G could pull Madman off... hehehhehe
  5. :ohplease: Its all in good fun, dont take it personally.. Coldren said he is casting me as Meatloaf and Lan as Kenny G... heh
  6. Hey dont rule out that guy that played mini me or willow.. heh
  7. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. !!!! My sides hurting, stop it! LOL
  9. AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! LMAO!!!! Im sorry but that was hillarious... lololololol
  10. HA! Thats something to consider Coldren...
  11. heh forgot about battlefield earth... that movie suxxored
  12. You should work John Travolta in there someplace too.. he rocks in all his movies... cept grease... heh:p
  13. hehehe How about Elizebeth Hurley? *growls *
  14. Clint Eastwood could play BB.. heh
  15. LMAO!!! Meatloaf?!?! :ohplease:
  16. heh ya.. as far as acting goes he best reflects my personality.. plus he's bald and wouldnt have trouble wearing a red wig.. hehe
  17. I guess that would leave me with Van Desiel.. heh I was thinking Sean Connery as Greg too.. heh and peewee herman as Coldren...hehehehehe *kicks* :roll:
  18. Its a damn shame after 2 3/4 years I finally get into a good guild that renewed my interest in uo half the people in it are talking about leaving... If anyone needs me I'll be at the orc fort fighting the war... alone I suppose :ashamed:
  19. Id have to have my ID with me.. heh.. although im 22 I look like im 17 A curse when buyin beer, but ill be thankin my lucky stars when im 30 and look 24 As a matter of fact I have an empty keg in the garage.. only 65$ to fill it up! hehe And as far as the gold diggin chicken head skeezaz go, you can see them commin a mile away.. The trick is beating them at their own game before they have a chance to do it.. Finding the "right girl/guy" shouldnt be high on anyones priority list in their lower or mid 20's anyway.. because wether or not most want to admit it, they arent ready for that kind of commitment... I know im sure as h-e double hocky sticks not.. life is too short to have to worry about providing for a wife and kids when your just becomming an adult.... I'll stick to parties and bars, beer and multiple girls.. as apposed to one.. You might find that offending ladies of PGoH, but im sure you have more morals and self respect about you than the sugar daddy hunting, clothes are my life, go out with a guy untill i find something better, "OH MY GOD! LOOK AT HIS RIDE!!" girls im referring too... ok im done... :roll:
  20. Common sense eh? *thinks of way to retalliate* :idea: Mwahaha!
  21. Distributed back up? does that mean the server will back up more than once per 24 hours?
  22. Its ok for a bard wanting loot.. but its bad news for those that went there for their power hour in provoke.. plus the spawn is rather light. tamer/bard better off stickin to wind.. heh
  23. I was heading to the hedge maze this morning to work on my provocation skill with my bard, and instead of finding a pen full of harmless farm animals I find the farm from hell! hehe Daemons and imps now spawn in the center of the hedge maze.. The spawn isnt too bad.. actually it would be much better than going to the devils dance floor when we're short on warlocks and with all the walls of hedges and the animal pen, its a great place to work on taming when yer at that taming imps level..
  24. I cant decide whether thats extreamly funny or depressing.....
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