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Posts posted by Orcala

  1. Hope things look up for you soon Tizaria!

    Maybe I am one making a lot of stupid mistakes but it's not intentional (90% of the time). I'm starting to see raiding as a "second job" and feel like i'm dragging myself on just to raid, never mind all the RL crap going on in the background like being sick, family probs etc.

    At the end of the day after work I have enough time to eat then it's raiding for a few hours, sleep then back to work. Oy vay.

    Also it seems like people are either dead quiet or bitter for some reason, I play to have fun, not for gear. (unless it looks cool haha)

  2. Hey guys-

    It looks like it is time for me to say goodbye to WoW for an indefinite period of time. I will absolutely not leave you guys immediately, unless you want me to that is :dancing_smile:, and can hang around and raid until the end of June. Hopefully by then you can find a suitable replacement-and I'd be happy to sit out any raid in between for the tryout period, if needed.


    I've been feeling the same way lately and RL stuff is catching up, good luck out there and see you in the expansion! (or not since i'll get sucked into playing a werewolf haha)

    The games been getting wicked boring lately!

  3. I got bad tendinitis in my arms and the only way to relieve it is to take a break from the computer. Since I work on a computer the only option is not to raid so I won't be online much the rest of the week. Sorry for the late notice but I was out yesterday because of it and it's not much better.


  4. So do I have enough DKP for 3 orbs tonight?? :tease:

    Orbs? Do you mean Saronite?

    The Saronite is only put up for bids on Thursdays. Considering Maalick was the ONLY person to bid for them last week, I'd think your chances are pretty good.

    Oh yeah saronite. Awesome now I can finally get boots made!

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