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Posts posted by Elrikk

  1. I understand killing the waves takes priority, but still I would feel better with a little more time between waves. :(

    I know I lost a priestly pattern last night, and Im truly sorry about that. I couldnt even get to switch the master looter at the end.

    The only problem with your statement is that we have no way of controlling how fast the waves come. We can slow down bosses arrival, but not totally.

    This is yet again another example of why you should research loot. Don't come unprepared... you WILL NOT have time to check if its good for you or not.

    - Bar



  2. Awesome time last night even with the lag issues.

    I like the fact that the leadership is adaptive and knows when and when not to make attempts on bosses. Easing into Hyjal is a great idea and will ultimately help with downing Kael’thas.


  3. Fights like Vashj wear a good team down. We can’t let frustration set in; it will delay our inevitable success.

    Each of us needs to look at ourselves and plan strategies that will help us do our jobs with the precision needed to accomplish this goal.

    One way of helping you understand the fight would be to read guides that our specific to your class, there is a ton of information on the net to help you play your role better. Cal suggested that he was going to analyze the fight and give a critique on each specific person; I think this is a great idea. I need to know if I am doing what I need to do.

    Here are some other ideas that I think might help:

    It seems to me, with my limited point of view (I’m usually staring up some Naga’s bunghole) that the reason we are wiping is that people are dying way too early. This was happening to me when I first started raiding with Cal during the Gruul fight, I compensated for this by wearing my PvP gear and buffing my stamina to give me a little health edge.

    I’ve been using “Drums of Battle” as much as possible during the fight, they are extremely cheap to make now, and give our group a pretty good buff. There are a bunch of different drums available but you need to be a leatherworker to use them. I’m not sure how many leather workers we have, but I’m willing to help with the skins and hides for anyone.

    One of my “Out of the box” ideas would be to enlist the help of our respective guilds in this mission. If we can put an “Tower Team” to take and hold the twin spire towers at the time we are making our attempt on Vashj it might make the difference. 5% damage increase is HUGE. We just need to come up with a reward system for them if it works.

    If we keep morale up I think we can progress quickly through SSC and TK very soon.

  4. Not too much left in SSC/TK for me.

    However, I am a little trinket poor, so I'm looking for the Tsunami Talisman off of Leo and the Warp Spring Coil off of Void Reaver. The only T5 piece I'm looking for is the gloves, also off the blind dude.

    I would love Vashj’s belt, but I will pass on her Fang since I got Heartrazor from Solarian and I’m not really big on daggers. (Swords FTW!!).

    Kael has some very minor upgrades for me (I would LOVE to walk around a bonk people on the head with the Rod of the Sun King), but I don’t really have my heart set on anything from him.

    Badge wise I need approximately 280 for upgrades minus the 67 I have now.

    I think taking the HS/BT attunements off was kind of cheap on Blizzards part, but we will always have challenges to face.

  5. I'll be back in action for Tues. night. I've been stuck in bed for a week trying to breathe. Didn't even log on from my laptop. I had no desire to do ANYTHING, even eat (I lost 10lbs. on the pneumonia diet!)

    All I could manage is watch daytime television, no wonder the rest of the world hates and fears America... :dancing_smile:

    I was going to try coming Thurs., but I pulled EXTREME wife aggro (she's a 91 elite with +1000 to wither soul).

    See you all Tues.


    p.s. WTB [Wife poison]

  6. What I thought was a bad case of the flu last thursday turned out to be pneumonia. The antibiotics are kicking my ass. I'm too beat up to be on my A-Game tomorrow night. I've asked "Xenojin" (fury warrior) to sub for me, take a look and see if he can join you.

    Sorry guys...and good luck

  7. I found this to be interesting in the wowwiki article:

    "Keeping the Adds

    Alternatively, you can "save" the phase 1 adds for phase two (when the enrage timer becomes important). Have melee bring each add to 10% and have a warrior spam Demoralising Shout and Thunderclap. The tank will have about 10 adds on him by the end. The damage is difficult to heal through, but not dangerous if the healers pay attention. Once Al'ar has respawned at the start of phase 2, use AoE to kill all the adds simultaneously, and it will lose about 20%~ of her hp instantly. The add tank will usually be knocked away by the first explosion and should not take damage from any of the others; however it is possible to be hit by several and killed. Therefore, it is sensible to Soulstone him. The add tank could also use a Major Fire Protection Potion before the first add explodes, to avoid high peak damage."

    Just for consideration...

  8. :(

    The amount of preparation that Calendar and Baracko put into this raid really paid off. We should be grateful for all of their hard work.

    And we need to do our part too, get the resistance gear ready for Hydross (DKP points or not), make sure we're on time, have our gear checked and ready, and have last minute replacements on notice.

    It's a pleasure to run in a raid with players of this quality.

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