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Posts posted by Amahli

  1. Actually, we did Ony fairly easy (two deaths I think, but both were BRed) a couple days ago. Gnarled was the highest at level 68, and we were about 5 or so players short of the 40 man.

    She was dropped like a hot tamale. :-D

    And I know a couple of our folks went to BWL with Mirky and beat Razorgore down.

  2. I know a lot of us aren't passed the level for both Hellfire Citadel, and the Furnace. There's a lot of good gear and experience and items that can be found in both places.

    I was curious to know who would be interested if I started running one or the other (or both) a couple times during the week?

    It would be nice to still get together with fellow Crushers and work together. I know I've been victim to wanting to jump out to the side and level solo. I spose I was just used to it, levelling near solo for most of my levels up to 60.

    Anyhow, check around to see if there's any interest in getting together at set times during the week to run these instances. :)

  3. I had to tell him to STFU or I was going to wipe my ass with his hat and make him eat it.

    You are so awesome. :)

    And yeah, my husband went out to get his copy and said the line was loooong. Doesn't help that we're on a college campus and there are hundreds of students alone who play the game. Poor, tiny, little EB games store. So.. I think I win out the fact that I had them just overnight mail it to me >_>

    Yeah, and if anyone comes up to me preachin Alliance babble, I just point to the Horde pin on my hat and wave bye bye ;D

  4. OMG. I LOVED it. Very clever, IMO :)

    I love this part (this is closest to what it sounds like anyway, you get the idea):

    "Tank one in line, gotta aggro manage,

    A healer for every class, there's no bandage.

    Tank one, (something) max out (something) low damage,

    Okay everyone stop..

    ...Rogues Vanish.

    Hunters feign, lemme see the priests fade."


  5. I did ZG at about.. uh.. 5am or so? With Caro Arcana. We did everything in the joint but that one summonable event with the scurry name.

    Nothing bugged out at all.. but right before we did Jindo, some folks were gettin DCed, so we were about 4 short and couldn't pull it off. :angry: Though I got to tank >:L

    But no bugs throughout the rest of it.

  6. I wouldn't like it..

    If they had a realm split, undoubtedly there would be friends lost. They do say that you can choose which realm you want to go to.. but I have friends in other guilds too that might be following their guilds.. and that might mean being on different servers.

  7. Me and my twin sister played Varsity fastpitch softball for our high school. I was centerfield and she was shortstop.

    Weeeell, there was a high fly ball, and from my position I could tell it cleared the dirt, so I was running forward, calling the ball "mine! mine!". Unfortunately, my twin sister was also calling the ball and running backwards.

    Needless to say, we didn't hear each other, and although it should technically have been MY ball, heh, we collided and fell to the ground. Once we could breathe again (we were two of the fastest on the team), the trainer came out to check to see if we were hurt. When we hit each other we were both bruised, but the angle that my sister hit the ground at caused her collarbone to SNAP.

    Aaaand I felt absolutely AWFUL about it. she was out for about half the season. X_x

  8. Aaargh, I still don't -quite- know what my plan is. I'm going to try and finish all the newer patch/etc stuff downloading on my poor little laptop.

    However, I know for sure that I can't make anything this Saturday. The one on the 19th I have more chance of making, but only like a 10% chance. So don't really take me into account.

    Aaaaanyway, I still do want to participate in the gift exchange. So I can just throw mine in the mail, or give it sometime before Thursday :devil:

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