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Posts posted by Ghules

  1. Oh and just squeezed into the 2.2 patch currently on the PTR

    Haste: Haste has been rebalanced. It has returned to the ratios from the launch of Burning Crusade. Melee attacks and spell casts will now benefit at identical rates from haste. This change results in a reduction in the benefit of haste for melee attacks and an increase in the benefit for spellcasters.


    *hugs scarab of the infinite cycle*

  2. (repost of a repost from our forums)

    Interview with Tigole regarding the Wrath of the Lich King expansion


    Overview (some info from additional sources all subject to intepretation and change):

    DeathKnights playable immediately after launch of the expansion (for players with existing "high level" characters on their account)

    DeathKnights will start around level 55-60

    Two level 70 dungeons available <both with a level 80 wing and heroic settings> as soon as you hit Northrend. One is centered heavily around the blue dragon flight

    Two level 70 starting zones for both horde and alliance (think Hellfire Peninsula x2)

    Malygos <leader of the Blue Flight> quick 25 man raid similiar to Onyxia, Gruul, Magtheridon (WTF Lore? Why are we killing off aspects again?)

    Along with Zul'aman in patch 2.3 (prior to the expansion) new more powerful items being added to the current heroic badge vendors (might not be a bad idea to stock up after 2.2 but before 2.3)

    New Zone in Northrend completely dedicated to PvP with Siege Weapons and destructable buildings of some type (possibly instanced version for BattleGroup PvP)

    New Profession: Inscription which will allow players to make changes to their current spells/melee abilities, Longer range, higher damage, possible secondary effects, etc (Expect *HUGE* nerfs once people figure out how to min-max some abilities to uberness, still has a lot of promise though)

    Finally (sortakindamaybe) retooling the Paladin Retributiion tree to make it more raid viable again (just in time for everyone to dump it in favor of DeathKnights)

    GuildBank with a fully customizable permission list for donations and withdrawals of items, reagents/materials, *and* gold (About F'in time). There will also be a built in logging system for transactions viewable (don't know if it's open view or guild only) through the WoW website somehow


    They will be reducing the amount of xp required per level between 20-60, boosting XP from quests, *and* dungeon/mob xp for those levels to help get those alts on par with your mains faster (Sweet Raptor Jeebus)

    ALT LOVE: Part Deux:

    Dustwallow Marsh is getting new quest hubs/quests to freshen up the grind from 35-45 (No more STV required)

    Reduction in the number of old world Elite quests specifically 35-45ish zones (nerfing them to Non-Elite quests) to help with soloability

    BONUS: This change is coming in patch 2.3 prior to the expansion

    Dev's are discussing lack of hunter viability in 5v5 arena and have mentioned giving Hunters a Mortal Strike-esque Shot (That'll make things interesting to say the least...Still in the discussion stage so don't get your panties in a bunch just yet)

  3. On a somewhat related note....sometimes the comedy just writes itself.

    Take this recent bit of Engrish junkmail I came across:

    Special Power leveling Service- Dungeon Run. This Service is designed to help those players whose levels are between 15-45 wanna run in Dungeons, more easily and quickly, kill all the Monsters and Bosses there, obtain the Gold, Items, and Equipments they drop.

    During the whole process of service, the Dungeon Run helper, most of who are Level 70 Mages, will Follow you everywhere you go, wipe out the threats to your characters. Such a wonderful service only cost $5 Per Dungeon.

    After seeing the above introduction, do you have any interest to create a new character?

    Play it now! Gain the special Dungeon feeling.

  4. I Did Not Die.

    Do not stand at my grave and weep,

    I am not there, I do not sleep.

    I am a thousand winds that blow;

    I am the diamond glints on snow.

    I am the sunlight on ripened grain;

    I am the gentle Autumn's rain.

    When you awaken in the Morning's hush,

    I am the swift uplifting rush

    Of quiet birds in circled flight.

    I am the soft star that shines at night.

    Do not stand at my grave and cry.

    I am not there;

    I did not die.


    /salute Sammie

    Safe travels little buddy.

    /hugs *iris and *ainish family

  5. Bruce Campbell: Classy!



    Gloating over another's misfortune: Not Classy!



    Now a brief story behind this post.

    A priest friend hit 70 over the weekend and completed their Karazhan key quests.

    They had asked me if I knew of any raids of the non "lolzwtfbbq" kiddie type that were looking for healers so I directed them to the CS raid signup page thinking there were still two raids going.

    When I asked them about it a bit later, that said that they didn't see any new postings for one raid and from the "snide comments" in the other raid signups it appeared it was just the one raid that was taking new signups.

    Well the "snide comments" remark piqued my curiousity.

    I checked the raid signups and ran across the above remarks directed at people I consider class acts.

    Let me also be clear first and foremost that this isn't directed at Arinelle.

    I doubt she would have left something like that intact if she'd checked the signups.

    Could I have sent a PM to Arinelle regarding the apparent lack of character of Sleyvas. Sure.

    However that would have been counter to my policy of making the public aware of who the A##hats are. :devil:

    Just because I'm no longer Clan doesn't mean I tolerate any venom aimed at the Clan or its members either.

  6. *puts the drama llama into a sleeper hold before it starts*

    I'm sure no ill intent was meant by moving raid schedules around. *Everyone* was having a problem with signups and attendence.

    We are a Clan of varied schedules and this can lead to some confusion and challenges with making any sort of raid/group much less a weekly one.

    That being said there will *never* be any schedule that's 100% perfect for everyone.

    For example, I work overnight. On the nights I work I have to leave for work during what would be peak time for a raid. My off days are during the later part of the week, not the weekend. This seriously limits the number of raids I can attend, as most are incompatible with my schedule.

    Do I like to raid/heroics? Yes

    Do I want to raid/heroics more? Yes

    Does my schedule fit with the rest of the waking world? No, and I accept that.

    I love the Crushers, and I don't like the thought of transferring to an Oceanic server to raid with an Aussie guild, so I work with the options I have, even it it means just attending one run a week, or even giving my spot up to someone that can make it all the scheduled times instead of just one day.

    I'm just one person and just *one* example of the sheer bedlam that organizing these these things can be.

    Leading even the best raid is herding cats.

    The best you can do is try to mitigate as many scheduling factors as possible and hope for the best. Which I think is what all the raid leaders have been trying to do.

    If there are still hurt feelings or toes stepped on then the only way to resolve that is for all the raid leaders to just sit down and talk it over all at once.

  7. I've got alts of many flavors scattered around the lower levels. I'm sure many of the others do as well.

    Not to mention the small personal armies of Verissi and the *iris sisters.

  8. *looks sheepish and raises a hand*

    Onyxia deck raids just about every Saturday and they're releasing the Molten Core raid deck either this week or next week.

    I'm not addicted or anything...... I swear!

    *rocks in the corner*

  9. I feel ya.

    I had a ton of fun with prot.

    I'm stealing this quote from the paladin forums, and I think the general gist of it applies.


    If I wanted to just tank, I'd be a Warrior.

    If I wanted to just DPS, I'd be a Rogue.

    If I wanted to just heal, I'd be a Priest.

    I rolled a hybrid.

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