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Posts posted by Chrysalia

  1. Im jumpin on bloodhoof tonight to find you! Hell I'll even come lookin for you on your EQ server, my account still works (for some unknown reason, i havent paid on it in almost 2 years)!

    Resistance is futile, you WILL be a crusher!

    (Plus membership comes with tons of perks, like free stuff, money, and an group of T.H.E. members)

    Did I mention free stuff?

  2. Dude we kicked ass last night. Almost took Venox with 13 people. if we had wrangled the snakes faster we would have done it. I was refreshing to hear Halamesh say those things about the Crushers. And I quote "Any raid with 10 crushers is no PuG", we showed em how crushers do it man, with finesse. That flawless second attempt at the spider boss was awesome. Killer leading Sab, excellent execution everyone! Sorry I had to leave before tony, but Wife rep > WoW. Lets start earlier next time!

  3. Hehe if you just started, drop the pally and join us on Argent Dawn! We can always use another priest, you can make a horde pally when the expansion comes out if youre hell bent on one. =)

  4. Again, I make a request for an OOC guild channel, no more ooc in guild, period, which alleviates the need for (()) in the /gu, makes for less chatter in my main window which houses the /gu, I can easily add another chat channel to one of my other chat windows.

  5. Yeah it looks pretty lame if you asked me, I was hoping for more of a new contested area that you could 'take' cities. Which would open up say, speical quests, special tradeskill recipe vendors, a flight path, an inn, etc. in an area where the losing faction does not have a base. Sprinkled throughout the zone could be a few defensive tower positions, and taking the city would spawn a raidboss and lots of elite guards, like the general and his minions in AV, that would have to be defeated with a sizeable raid force. Oh well high hopes i guess.

  6. She stood on the brink of the precipe, looking down at the funnel of molten earth below. By the titans, the dwarves did know how to create things both beautiful and eerie didnt they.

    She reminisced fondly of the first days she and the clan had come here and had been beaten fiercly many times, going home with nothing but their singed armor and broken weapons.

    To think, how far they had come since those days, to the point where they would face and defeat the mighty Ragnaros himself. But that ship had sailed, and she had missed it.

    She sighed in quiet contemplation, turned, and left the mountain behind her, seeking death and destruction to soothe her broken spirit.

  7. Well, since I'm still queued and dont know if I will even get in tonight, I'm going out after work to hang with friends. I may be home in time for the raid, and I may not, we'll just have to see I suppose. Just lettin ya know chief.

  8. That's a real bummer bro. Forgive me but I have to say it, I dont see how disbanding from the family would assist you in your endeavor to play less.

    I took a small Hiatus, remained a member, and no one hates me for it.

    But to each his own, if you feel that this is the means to the end you desire, I am not judging, for it is not my place. Simply stating how I see it from my end of the pool.

  9. Lol thats a sore subject for me since my work, family obligations and my surgery bruxed my attendance so now I get plebian status. Thats ok becuse MC#2 is in the works. But cool he can at least get on the list for Jero's MC#2 as well (hes a warlock BTW). Thanks!

  10. Im sure we could get Schaden, Nevus, maybe even BoTB to come along. I know Jorit is just itching to send Goth and his cronies a message. IE 'Leave our cities alone'

    Grim: Theres no reason that we cant combine our efforts to achieve the same goal.

  11. For this plan even less trusted guilds could be used, you wouldn't have to tell them about the main force, just have them attack the gate as if they were the main force, and if they leak it, no big deal, it just means more people will be AWAY from where we are.

    Exactly what I meant. Let the diversionary raid pickups think they are the main raid but keep the main forces with people we know we can trust not to leak the master plan.

  12. I know it sounds lame but we need to be cognisent of alliance 'spies', ie hordies that are actually alts of alliance that are still loyal to that bunch. If we want to pull this off, surprise is of the essence. Plan in secret, know who you are letting in on the 'secret', ie the simultaneous targets. Each raid leader should not speak of the other targets to their respective raid.

  13. loot lust

    This monster is worse than any mob in Azeroth. It ruins friendships, guilds, and morale. There will be other raids, other drops, everyone gets a turn in this system. Loot is good, but loot comes and goes, the important thing is that the guild/raid as a whole advances when any member gets an upgrade.

    You have to be able to see the broader scope of things. I hate to see people leave, but if they leave in a huff over a single drop, then perhaps their true intentions are now known.

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