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Lord Ser Brightblade

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Everything posted by Lord Ser Brightblade

  1. *takes note of the grinning Paladin* Welcome friend. Barkeep bring this man an ale. *looks around for a bard* Seems we are lacking a bard within the tavern so let me get a song started off. *grins* Ohhhhhhhhhh. There once was a many from Britannia, whos gas was so strong it could strangle ya. He got on a horse and did begin to plot a course when....... (Perhaps someone would care to continue the song)
  2. Wow.....looking at the pictures looks like we have two lovely ladies within the tavern
  3. Hopefully the recruits will find and use the boards as well icq. If you are feeling overwhelmed or lost contact your sponsor, the Dercurion, or any full member. I'm sure any will be willing to help you!
  4. Thats a whole lotta little heads there
  5. Quote from Coldren, posted on Oh yeah baby! Now this looks like it couldbe the real deal! -BB
  6. Quote from Coldren, posted on Hmmm thats odd. I was on and available but recieved no invite to this event. *shrugs* Next time I guess. -BB
  7. Just curious where all the recruits have been lately. I know I've gotten ICQ's from a few looking for the others so there is interest on the part of some of the new people to go out and do something....... Remember the best way to find out if something is going on is to add everyones icq that is listed on the PGoH roster page so you're on the contact lists of others, as well as to just give a shout out and see who's on and up for doing something. -BB
  8. Coldren I believe the game you are speaking of is called Conspiracy or something like that. I personally wont touch the damn thing. I am on th ephone, pager and e-mail too much as it is why the hell would I want a "game" contacting me this way. EA bite me.
  9. Anyone else care to note how striking a man Balandar is in his picture off to the left there? You clean up pretty nice there bud. *laughs heartily* Seriously though very nice story. -BB
  10. Well......I'm really gonna clean and consolidate soon. That means there will be lots of force items and probably some power for sale. Also hardening and fortification. Sorry I still have some room left for vanq. and invul items
  11. Well they gave us new berries that you can loot of feamale savages that happen to be carring them. However you need to wrestle them away from the little sh!ts that lie in wait for such things. Oh yeah happy 4th all
  12. Probably will not need to use it as often but it would be nice.
  13. Perhaps making and selling them might be lucrative. Also I would suspect Praetorians will find them very useful.
  14. Quote from Balandar, posted on Nay! Your belly has grown much since our last meeting. Balandar is one to speak of feeding people. HIs cousin the tradesman goes months without food nor water. *grins* *Lord Brightblade plops down and orders up an ale and a mutton leg*
  15. Seems they do. This will be neat. *grins*
  16. Some pretty net wax seals there.
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