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Posts posted by Houli

  1. ORCALA! Perfect segue for my post! ( LOL absolutely perfect...wierd )

    I will be missing Thursdays raid (90% chance anyway) because im going the the sleeping BEAR sand dunes in michigan on wed/thurs.

    Should be fun, hoping for sunny warm days *crosses fingers*

    There is a slim chance i'll be home on thursday in time. maybe.


  2. Great diagram Kadi, thanks!

    My only suggestion - although may not be too viable not sure - would be to group up the ranged around each of the 4 de-cursers just a bit more (rather than purely even dispersal) - so that it might be easier to distinguish if the fire is headed for your group/neighbor.

    as Benea said:

    It will usually switch to someone close to that person, and if no one is near the last kiter/target, it will switch to some random person who might be on the other side of the field and the fire will loop around everywhere =P

    might be good if groups ran away from flame trails together if possible in order to keep the trails o' fire moving in safe directions.


    Also, we need every class with a reset to remember to use them if they end up in flames (iceblock, clos, etc) and i know i will be having my pvp trinket equipped incase im feared and about to run into a flame trail.

    We dont want anyone to die, this is the way of love! LOVE WILL LEAD US TO VICTORY!

  3. I'd love to see them waldy.

    Sadly, I've never played with focus targets and I think i should. Could you or anyone shed some light on that area for me? (no Jiris, not your nether regions)

    also, on your macro:

    * #showtooltip Shadow Bolt

    Displays the tooltip for the Shadow Bolt spell (max rank). I have an add-on to display modified info about my spells, so I like seeing the proper tooltip for the spell itself when I mouse over it.

    * /use Icon of the Silver Crescent

    Uses my trinket (Icon of the Silver Crescent). Type the name of your trinket here in place of that. For example, if I had the Hex Shrunken Head, the line would read "/use Hex Shrunken Head". There's another way to activate whatever trinket is in a specific slot regardless of name, but I prefer to specify since I do swap trinkets around in slots for certain fights.

    * /cast Shadow Bolt

    Casts max-rank shadow bolt.

    * /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear();

    Makes sure you don't see error info when the trinket's on cooldown.

    can you put the /cast part of the macro before the /use <trinket> part if the spell being cast is not instant? - much like equiping a healing weapon in pvp during a regrowth spell cast?


  4. Heya vol - the Clan is Crush'n and a Clompin!

    Good ta hear you are doing well!

    Miss ya, and if you talk to crikrunner tell him to stop by some time :p


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