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Posts posted by Balandar

  1. Some were in the PGoH members group for this forum. I have removed this group since it is too much work to keep track of everyone who is a member in PGoH. Also, the board was rarely used. There will only be leader groups for the different games from now on. (A lot less leaders than members to keep track of).

  2. Since Trinsic is under siege it is not wise to use that as our bank normally, especially for out trades people. Minoc and Yew are also under siege. Britain is too crowded.  And the other cities are blah. I think Magincia would be a good place. Not crowded at all (hardly anyone ever there) and it also looks similar to Trinsic with the sandstone buildings.

  3. I think that would be a great idea. Create a poll for different times to find out when people will be on the most.


    Staurday Night

    Sunday Night

    Monday Night


    Also include Every Night or Most Nights.

  4. I love this game. Very addictive. I play the full version at home and the demo at college (less time to install). I play Balandar as always. Tues and Thur at noon - 1:00 or so... CST.. or one hour behind NY time. Whatever that may be.

    You can find me on AIM (Balandar) or Yahoo messenger (volocrs).

  5. I had to change the forums since I added 4 more categories and 9 more forums. The index page would have been a few miles long by the time all of the games come out. It should also load faster now (it does for me at least).

  6. I will be getting this. No doubt. I was just wishing that I could get into a D&D group again like the old days. I just don't have the time though. But one that I can run from my computer and I don't have to drive 20 mins to might well damn be worth playing and taking time out from college!!

  7. Dungeon Siege will be out on the 4th. That looks to be a pretty cool game. www.dungeonsiege.com. It also includes an editor so you can make your own worlds. Only up to 8 players, but hey... I can live with that.

  8. I posted the below a while back. I am not sure if this is the route I will take or not. I won't know till I have the game running on my computer.

    My main will be Balandar of course. Human Wizard Animator/Summoner/Traveller.

    My second will be an Elven Ranger Blade Weaver/Huntsman/Archer

    My third will be a Dwarven Warrior Forge Master/Giant-Killer



  9. If you like WWII type games then you would love Return to Castle Wolfenstein. I have been playing the demo almost daily now (at lunch during college).

    You can download it here.

    Once I get the $$ I will be buying it.

    its actually enjoyable, even for someone like me who isn't that great at FPS's

    I am the same way. I can never seem to beat any of the others in UT. I usually get half the amount of frags the top guy gets.

  10. The Honor Empire mailing list is for general chit chat

    about anything you wish to talk about as long as it is

    within the general guidelines.


    General Guidelines:

    Please respect fellow members..

    --No personal attacks. This includes, but is not limited to,

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    --No explicit content of sexual or violent nature.

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