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Posts posted by Balandar

  1. Tram is better. Less chance to die. 8x8 doesn't matter where you are. Just so you have a long spot.. east of fire island is good since there is nothing to block your path other than other boats. Go north, once you gain .1 stop. Go forward 8 spots then stop and cast/do skill again. If you gain go forward another 8, else, just go forward or you could go back 16 spaces and see if it works there. And then go back 8 instead of forward 8.

  2. Borg sent me the following:


    the following pics of are from the cookie bouquet you guys all (or someone) sent me here in Ithaca.

    Thanks a bunch…..nice pick me up cheer.

    Been rough here lately and I needed something to make me smile.

    Post it on the boardy with my thanks.

    FYI….my boss has flown to Florida to be with his mother (dying) so my days off are now nixed (Sunday 03/30 is my only day off now till……maybe the following Sunday 4/06)

    My family is all settled down now …..heheh now I have to hold down the fort at work (puts on black cape pssshhhhh supa borg time)

    Thank you again guys…..




  3. No matter what you do you will be gimped in one area or another with that template. You cannot be a Necro/Mage/Warrior. Not enough skill points to go around. You have to have anatomy for swords, else you hit like a what? A girl. From what the devs have posted about spirit speak, you cannot live as a necro without it. I have never tried it without it, GMed spirit speak before AoS. You need med for magery since battle focus alone is twice as slow as Meditation (only diff is you can wear any armor with focus). If you kept both you would have A LOT of mana. Also, the healing skill is almost a must.. unless you have GM spirit speak (might be good enough). Disarming and then casting G-heal while be hit on without protection is not easy to do. And protection lowers magery by 30 points.

    Also, I do not know how dex works with the new combat system. Does it still affect your swing speed? If so, if you lower dex, you will swing slow. Unless you have a +25 stat scroll, I can't see a Necro/Mage/Warrior as a possibility. Maybe you could sweet talk a GM into 400 more skill points or so.

  4. We’re happy to announce the return of the Character Name Change service and the recovery of lost Hooded Shrouds of Shadows!

    Last month, in the wake of unbridled Age of Shadows enthusiasm, our support staff was compelled to temporarily suspend these services in order to focus on more pressing service-level issues. As these game-stopping and time-sensitive concerns have been addressed, players may once again purchase a Character Name Change (read about this service here) or page a Game Master about recovering a claimed Shroud which was lost due to a server revert “time warp.”

    Note: Sales of Advanced Character Templates remain temporarily suspended, but please stay tuned to FYI for updates on the return of this service.

  5. Well here is what I got so far...

    Orcs don't need toilets. They are orcs. They will most likely pee on some humans house instead. Also, stick with just the wooden orc fort walls with the pointy things on top. There also needs to be plenty of room inside so they can run around and clomp each other. ???

  6. I think I saw a pic someplace of an orc outpost.. Done by uo.com/aos. I would like to see the typical orc walls (kinda like the orc fort south of yew). Have a walkway around the sides of it (inside). Have a hut type place with stairs going up to it, or some kind of guard tower. Play around with it some and see what you can come up with, take some pics with uosu of your design before making it permanent.

  7. The reason for the orc outpost is we do have an orc division.. except I am the only orc at the moment... Also, if we want to RP any events, we could have Orcs vs PGoH (of course everyone would have to wear little to no armor!!). Have a lot of PGoH running around with orc helms and weapons fighting others (to prepare us if we ever go to war again with Shadowclan). As to the rune library, there already is one near yew with a ton of books. Everything from city smiths to 16 valorite minning spots.

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