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Posts posted by Balandar

  1. I am using the comcast cable internet service. Last night around midnight I was getting a lot of lag, packet loss, in SWG. Then my internet went down... so I went to sleep. This morning I could access some of the internet websites. But I could not access slashdot.org, starwarsgalaxies.com, comcast.net, and even thehonorempire.org for awhile (just got in now...).

    Anyone else having this? Did some DNS router/server (or whatever they are called) go down and it can't resolve certain website IPs?

  2. Hey man! Wha't up? Are you still playing SB or have you moved on? We have a couple of people from SB with us in SWG now if you want to join. You can kill some rebels!!! :D

  3. I should be playing SWG... but whenever I start playing I think I should be studying.. then when I study I think I should be playing. BAH!! So I usually just sit around trying to decide what the %#$% to do and end up doing nothing. Or I usually end up looking around on the internet at stupid websites. Anyway, here are some interesting (???) finds.




  4. :stormtrooper:

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!

  5. From http://www.fortune.com/fortune/technology/...,466180,00.html

    Microsoft's Patent Problem

    In the biggest patent case ever, the tech giant is getting trounced.


    Tuesday, July 22, 2003

    By Roger Parloff

    Last month, when Microsoft announced its bellwether decision to award employees restricted stock instead of options, it also made news in a federal courtroom—the kind of news you keep quiet about.

    Microsoft suffered utter defeat at a crucial pretrial hearing in what appears to be the highest-stakes patent litigation ever—one in which a tiny company called InterTrust Technologies claims that 85% of Microsoft's entire product line infringes its digital security patents.

    InterTrust's engineers developed and patented what they say are key inventions in two areas: so-called digital-rights management and trusted systems. The technologies are essential to the digital distribution of copyrighted music and movies, and to maintaining the security of e-commerce in general. At its prebubble height, InterTrust (founded in 1990) employed 376 people and marketed its own software and hardware products; today it consists mainly of a patent portfolio, 30 employees, and this lawsuit. An investor group led by Sony Corp. of America and Royal Philips Electronics bought the company in January for $453 million, hoping to convince consumer electronics and tech companies—beginning with Microsoft—of the need to license its patents.

    Microsoft argued in court that crucial phrases in InterTrust's patents were too vague to be enforceable, and that others required such narrow interpretation that they would have been hard for Microsoft to infringe. But in her July 3 ruling, an Oakland judge resolved 33 of 33 disputed issues against Microsoft and rebuked the company's lawyers for wasting her time by promising proof that never materialized—legal vaporware, in essence.

    "This is simply another step in a long legal process," says a Microsoft spokesman, putting the best face on it. "Microsoft will continue to defend itself against what we believe are groundless and overbroad claims."

    As agreed before the hearing, the parties now enter a round of settlement talks. Though InterTrust declines to place a pricetag on the suit, it's hard to imagine the company settling now for any sum that does not have a "B" in it. InterTrust claims that its inventions cover technologies that Microsoft has been weaving into its Windows XP operating system, Office XP Suite, Windows Media Player, Xbox videogame console, and .NET networked computing platform, to name just a few. If settlement talks fail and InterTrust prevails in court, it would be entitled to a court order halting sales of all those products. InterTrust CEO Talal Shamoon asks rhetorically, "How much would that be worth to Microsoft?"

  6. Alrighty, it is pretty close to being completed. I have a lot of work to do on templates so it looks decent, but otherwise all of the admin and user functions have been completed. You can view the roster here.

    If the guild leaders of the other guilds would like to have the new roster script on their sections, let me know. It may be a week (need to have the SWG people beta test it).

  7. I am currently working on recreating the profile script in PHP (which I just started to learn yesterday). I just started programming the new script today. Some of you may know how slow the old one was (being Perl and around 6k lines long). Hopefully this one will be much faster.

    Anyway, I will be switching over to it in a few days here (will beta test it on the SWG website). I will not convert the old database to the new one (too much work). So either print out or copy and save any of your old information.

    The new script will require you to submit an application in order for an account to be created. The Admins of the script can then approve or reject the application, an email will be sent either with the acount information you supplied or a rejection letter.

    Anyway, that is what I am currently working on.

    Current length of code:

    1139 lines, end of day 1.

    2215 lines, end of day 2.

    3049 lines, end (almost) of day 3.

  8. I have installed a new FAQ script to make life easier on some folks, namely me. This will save time by allowing GMs to modify and update their own FAQ lists.

    Click here for the FAQ.

  9. Frequently Asked Questions

    4.07 If I choose a skill, then later realize I don't like it, will I be stuck with it for the rest of the game?

    You can always give up a skill in order to apply those points towards something that you find more interesting and useful, but you'll still need to earn the XP for those new skills. If you acquire the skill "Intermediate Scout", and later decide that you don't want to be a scout, you can drop that skill to free up space in your learning capacity. You could then pick up Intermediate Marksman, although you will still need to pay the appropriate XP costs.

  10. From everything I have read, I doubt it will cost $20 a month. More likely $13 - $15 a month. If they go for 20.. I am really going to hace to decide if I still want to play it or not. I will still get it for the first free month.

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