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The Honor Empire moving forward...


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About the future of the Ultima Online gaming experience and how The Honor Empire experience will proceed....

I will reassume the role of Emperor and Ancients will be assisting during the transition time to the new Council and selection process of a new Emperor (Guild Leader).

It is declared here and now that

The Legion is hearby reconstituted into 3 base Cohorts.....Infantry, Dragoon, Heran which will have 1 Centurion leading each Cohort of 20 units. (3 Centurions total)

The Imperator (Warlord) will command all military forces under the guidance of the Senator of War.

Legionnaires from this moment forward will continue to be required to learn the CODEX and Ancient Guild History but now will be trained as Gladiators under Marcos the Black, who will resume the Decurion (Emissary) role.

Senator Steel is retained as Senator of WAR. (Warlord)

Senator Rusty is retained as Senator of TRADES. (Emissary)

Governess Kaatya is retained as HEAD of STATE. (Emissary) and maintains Governess of Umbra (Novitus Sanctum Land)

Magistrate Kodoz is retained as Magistrate Quaestor Palati (Emissary)

Decurion Hudson is promoted to Guild HERALD. (Emissary)

Governess Brianna is retained as Governess of Dalmatia

Senator of Arcane (Emissary), Espionage (Emissary), Genesis (Emissary) all are available and applications will be accepted for those roles along with an existing Coucilmember's or Ancient's recommendation.

(New guild rank level in upcoming system)

Current Hierarchy

Emperor Borg

Magistrates and Ancients

Praetorian Prefect

Senator of War Steel

Head of State Kaatya

Senator of Trades Rusty

Senator of Arcane OPEN

Senator of Genesis OPEN

Senator of Espionage OPEN



Legion Units



Note...Herald Hudson is assistant to ALL of these levels and will join Colin Mor as guild spokesmen...

also Hudson will fill the Magistrate Praipositus Sacri (Morale and Entertainment)

and Colin Mor will fill the Magister Officiarum (Communications) seats until further notice.

The Province of Nicomedia is hearby merged into Illyceum and a new Province of Tokuno is defined as the Islands of the Samuraii.

The realm and roles we accept change us and our "playing" all in different ways and let me be perfectly clear.......leadership of an online game engine guild is beyond difficult and nearly impossible to do 24/7.....it is why our structure exists and why it also endures. The quote of "too many chiefs and not enough indians" is the proven truth of online gaming....the hardest part though is that only after being a chief for even a short time, one learns its best to be just an indian....chiefs do not get to "play" anymore.

If you are one looking to be a leader......realize how difficult such a role is....only after speaking with past leaders I would suggest should you consider applying or seeking one of our roles.

Praetorian Prefect and/or Senator of War will declare the new Centurions.....if you are interested....contact them for review.

Citizenry should not be concerned or worried.....the Legion can and will protect housing, Olympus Castle, Novitus Sanctum and is able to support the Trinsic defenses at this time....Hephestos the Quartermaster and Senator Rusty assure us all provisions are in great supply.

I am looking into some advertising expenditures to help us find some strong roleplayers, likeminded team players who are old or new to the Ultima Online game experience. Recruitment used to be our strongest ability....our members were always online and well known as a good group to adventure with at anytime of the day or night....we need to bolster that old family feeling again.....I have first hand seen and enjoyed such activity as recently as today....Titan Towers where SerBrightblade and myself found after a short interaction and solid teamwork a good band of adventurers from several guilds into our party with no issues of ill will or worry.......greed and fear can be overcome with solid teamwork and upfront gameplay.

You all are in the field of adventures.....build those bridges of kinship and begin to rebuild the lines of HONOR and the walls that will be needed to defend Trinsic in the days soon to come.

Honorable enemies will march straight for the center of Honor in an adversary.....Trinsic is the Heart of our homelands HONOR.....we will be the front line soon.

Recruit Legionnaires.....recruit your new best friends....your life will be in thier hands soon enough......let us strengthen ourselves and brace ourselves together for the coming Tidal Wave Invasion.

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