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T.H.E. lacks solidarity in CoH


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Ok, so help me out here.

Good Stuff:

1. We are all regularly on at 7 or 7:30ish PST. (See the Core Hours thread.)

2. We all communicate via this board as well as in game.


1. We are not all in the same guild.

2. We are not even all on the same server.

3. We dont seem to group very much. (Or are you guys just avoiding me??) :D

4. Friends lists max at 20 or so. Grrrrrr. :yub:

5. In game email isn't a usefu communication tooll. No notification when you get mail. It sure isn't cross-server.

High Hopes:

1. World Peace

2. The letter 'Q' removed from the alphabet

3. All the T.H.E. gang coming together once a week around 7 PST to fight crime as a team.

One of the reasons I liked this board and decided to start posting was that it seemed that T.H.E. acted as a group when they entered a MMORPG. I have played in different MMOGs and generally when you leave one, you leave all the friends you made there behind. I am tired of losing all my online friends and kind of hoped that this gang would allow me to have a group to hang out with that spanned games. T.H.E. seems to be a great way for people to extend their gaming community to something outside any single game.

Other games on this site seem to have a pretty solid set up. A single server to call home. A single guild on that server that all members join. City of Heroes doesn't seem to have that nice clean set up. Judging from the CoH threads, Vexica bought the game to try it out and participation has grown somewhat organically since then. Most people are on Virtue. A lot of toons on Virtue are in the Super Group named 'Dark Virtue'.

Thoughts on this? Is CoH inherently different? Does the 8 toons per server make normal guild activity hard? Do the level differences between people restrict us from teaming up?

Why do the UO, EQ, SWG and WoW sections all seem unified around a designated server and guild? Should we adjust CoH now to have a similar set up?

Is it just that no one has looked to organize CoH? How did the other sections grow from single posts to the juggernauts they are? Are key T.H.E. people not playing CoH?

Do we even WANT some meeting of all the T.H.E. board members on some kind of regular event? We could do something like all start new characters on "Server X" and only play them when Super Grouping with other T.H.E. folks.

I had fun last night teamed up with Cyber Sushi, and I only got him killed once! :D It was fun and I would enjoy more interaction with all of you in Paragon City. Thoughts?

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Unfortunately, you're right. We went into the CoH without any real plan of sorts, it was unexpected that we'd manage to have more than 5 people from the guild. Some are using it as a bridge to other games Like WoW, while others had a preexisting guild from the beta.

I would like to see a few more get togethers with guild members, though many of us have contradicting schedules. In the case of City of Heroes, I believe that many of us entered the game with a bit looser guild in mind. There isn't any in game guild fees, or housing as of yet. So many of us make jokes, and have a good time with whomever. I have grouped with various guild members, mostly Zemach, Jas, Vexica, and Dashzero.

Yeah, last night Cyber Sushi had a good time...death and all.

Any suggestions everyone?


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I am always happy to group with people, and do so regularly.

Just say you are looking for group members in Supergroup chat and Jas and I will usually join in the fun (obviously this only works if you are in Dark Virtue).

Here are a few random thoughts about grouping and Supergroups in CoH.

1. Many T.H.E. members have still not really settled on a primary character, so there often seems to be a large level spread between members who are online. Jas and I haven't been playing Dark Kestrel and Dark Osprey as often lately so that we don't pass people up too much.

2. Supergroups in CoH are really not quite the same as guilds in most other MMORPG's. They seem to be designed to handle fewer members and most people want to join a supergroup that makes RP sense for their character.

3. Even if we aren't grouped, Supergroup chat can be great fun!

4. I would be happy to have a regular weekly get together. Does anyone have a time to suggest? Jas and I can usually play starting around 8pm PST.

5. I am having a great time in City of Heroes. If you don't see Dark Kestrel or Dark Osprey online ch eck for Dr. Watts and Wattsson (Dr. Watts' robot creation). Please be aware that Wattsson's communication program still needs some work.

-Dark Kestrel

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HI gang, Sorry to hear there is trouble in paradise.

My little supergroup is ranging between lvl 31 and 28.

We meet almost nitely and use teamspeak to co-ordinate attacks.(teamspeak Rocks Hard) We Even pitched in to rent a team speak server which is nice.

Like I mentioned before. even thou we have different supergroup, we can still have fun together.

Paragons Of Light

be safe friends.

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I'd say that "trouble in paradise" is not really on the mark. More of a "what do we want to do to make CoH more fun" thread than a whine about anything bad. :devil:

My problem is usually having too much to do. I have a 22nd level buddy I have been sidekicking with.

(Quick aside on that - Vex was saying last night that she wondered if she would ever get a character past 14th level. My suggestion: Take your 14 and SK with someone around 21st level. There is new content, new villians, new zones and new mission maps. You WILL get fired up to level past 14th, and probably gain a level or 2 while sidekicked to help motivate you!)

I also have a friend that just started and is jumping on with new 2nd - 5th level characters. He wants to team up. Then there is Dark Virtue which has folks in the 9th to 25th sort of range.

So, with all that and pick-up grouping and even *gasp* some soloing, I am just trying to see what amount of commitment we want to have to each other.

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