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Free speech may be nice and all but...


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OK, IMO I think that between Makkuni's post and Beio's response the forums have been abused enough and that thread should be nixed. While it was kind of fun to read sheer bitterness and ######yness, its getting kind of tired now that other exguildies have started to post and complain. Maybe its my despotic mentality that appreciates harsh censorship and complete control of information outflow, but I just dont think that thread is really appropriate (and also doesn't reflect well on the guild itself). While Dylanni's response was good, its not going to stop continued rants I think. I think the quote is: "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" and at least in her own mind Makkuni is scorned (and Im not sure if Beio is a woman...but at least he/she [not to infer that he/she is a shemale or anything like that] feels scorned as well) and I dont think the posts will stop :0

Valetorix "Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." Lyonsbane

(thats the only Stalin quote I know...)

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I think we should take positive action by changing the passwords on the Members Forum and on the Officers Forum. This should be done any time there is a mass exit from the guild by either members or officers. This should be done ASAP.

Also, I believe that letters in the forums can be removed by Eldy and should be.

Eldoran we are with you and think that you did the right thing. Keep the Faith.


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I am a moderator for another board, although the topic of the board is a series of RPG games.

I run into a lot of stuff that doesnt belong, and many rants.

In general - I let people rant up and until the ranting crosses over a line; the topic is too much for younger players (and their parents), language issues, personal attacks, etc...). The board is owned by the software company and I have to keep their interests in mind.

So what are our interests here?

I think that if we cannot deal with some degree of ranting, even by players outside our guild, then we shouldn't even have the board. For a while, there were elements in what Makkuni said that I could agree with in a round-about way, but I knew there was something not right about it. I waited and thought about it before replying. Dylanii's reply, however, was well written, considerate, and yet addressed the issues brought up very well. I knew then I didn't need to reply.

Beios response - well, the guy we know well enough to know he is just the type to come back and put in his 2 cents, unneeded and undesired as it is. At that point, I would have posted and called Beio on his comments, or deleted his post, then locked the thread.

We will see stuff like this every so often. Don't let it get to you. Just try to reply like Dylanii did if you must.

PS - Yes - We NEED the passwords changed.

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I understand that this kind of stuff comes up, but in a guild that is trying to build itself up, its not exactly great for people that aren't members of SLoT that come to look at the message boards because theyre thinking of joining SLoT to see that kind of stuff. In theory at least, were not the only ones who read the boards and for stuff like that to pop up on the general section (not for members only) its degrading to the guild and a fast way to loose face so to speak.



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