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Have you spent time with your "Family" today?

Steel DarKnight

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Have you spent time with your guildmates today? Have you assisted them, taught them, and showed them things they haven’t seen before? Are you there for them in their time of need?

In yesterdays meeting ( 9/8when wrote, last weeks semi-meeting) we discussed PGoH’s current status. Many thoughtful things were said most of which I agreed with.  I wanted to post here about a vision I have and what I see that is keeping this vision from reality. A thought for all of you to consider. This is only my vision although some of you may share it.

Remember these?

Sorry but I'm not sure I am joining

went on a hunt this eve...a couple of people couldn't give me the courtesy

of a hello

died three times, twice because I was out of mana from helping others

When I made my way back alone to help- it all seemed very indifferent

Lots of people seem cool though, you have a great guild

not befitting a patron of honour, whose aim should be to help the

less experienced, not "put them in their places")

Has anything truly changed to consider this corrected?

Let me share with you some other things that have been said to me in my time with PGoH.

“You are the only one who really cares if I live or die or lose my stuff.”

“Well I cant stay you see I never see or hear from any of the others in the guild. Seems they don’t really want to hunt with us”

The simple fact is that the greatest gift you have to building the guild, to what I hope we all want it to be, is your time. Do you only speak to your brethren during hunts or meetings? Do you ever simply go out to hunt but see who may be online and invite them? You see the greatest gift YOU have to give is not gold, resources, power scrolls, uber magic items. The greatest gift you have to give is to spend time with your “family”. By this I mean all of your family not just one or two. You see all that gold and items are just pixels. Pixels that cost roughly $10 a month. What is truly important is the individual who sits behind his or her computer enjoying his hobby, and doing so, with others of like mind. I am afraid we all sometimes forget this.

When I joined I joined with 10-12 other warriors of the Champions of Camelot. Sadly only 3 of us remain. (Steel, Kodoz, Schneider) Most of the posts you see above are from those ex members. They never truly felt welcome. They had become use to a different way.  A way in which the group hunted together almost all the time. Groups gathered and hunted for fun. Not just for RP events. The reason we left the Champions of Camelot? The senior members felt that they didn’t need to involve themselves with us.

Now this is not to condone anyone. It is simply a matter I wish all to reflect upon and for discussion. My time here in PGoH has been enjoyable. But I ask you. “Have you spent time with your guildmates today?”

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I look forward to any up and coming Warlocks approaching me for guidance or additional responsibilites.  I'm sure some folks who have participated with me can verify I always have tasks that need doing  =)

I've been doing powerscroll hunting a bit recently if anyone has interest in doing that send me a pigeon.  I have trouble doing the "organized" events but I'm usually up for some impromptu adventuring!

-LizShue, Warlock Centurion :)

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It is a two way street.  Of those that left I never recieved an icq from them.  I never once saw them at Safe Haven and I never saw them at Olympus.  Any who know me know that I answer all ICQ's even when I can not be in the game.  Which brings up another point.  If people join it is their responsibility to add guild members to ICQ and to see that they register for the PGoH roster on the guild page.  If they wish to do something with the family they first need to let the family know they are about.

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You bring up some great points, And I of late am the biggest offender of not giving my time..

but again as bb said some that left also never mention or icq me either..

While of late my rl duties with kids keep me active i shall try to make the events

Also if anyone wants join me on champs im there a lot, and if you need training in anything let me know i'll be happy to assist anyone.

If the new members that have joined do not have my pigeon

its 99630541 So feel free to contact me and ask what im doing

and if you may come along , What part of the fun is for me

helping others


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One of the quotes was mine but I must say when i first started i expected others to icq me so i would know their numbers. The number one want of a guild is activity. I know this because i used to be in want of a guild. I chose pgoh to follow my leader. Since then I have grown to love my new family and have begun to interact with them on a whole new level. Though few of you can read my emotions or understand all my jokes i believe we have all grown to know each other. but those inactive I dont know at all. I must say we need to take action against inactivity.

As always, this is

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*Takes a deep breathe and clears throat* Ahem...First of all i would like to say thank you to everyone for putting thier heads together..brainstorming...and coming up with some excellent ideas. For infact, WE make this guild what it is and what it shall become...WE. Between us, there is a great amount of knowledge of this game but, what good is it if we do not pass it on?

I left my last guild TK because of the fact that there were only 2 active members WAR-DOG and myself. You cannot imagine how tough this was, the leaders of this guild are our real life friends. I sought out PGoH because everywhere you went there was a gaurdian...I thought how great is that activeness. Now you hardly see anyone, anywhere...other than the few who welcomed me in and molded me into a gaurdian. I refuse to leave this guild and my new family for the simple fact that, based on the charactor of the people in this guild we shall triumph.

 How do we do this? Triumph? We follow the path that the codex has laid out for us. Knights...get out and recruit...the stone situation has been rectified. However in your recruiting remember what we are looking for in new brothers and sisters...take them out...watch thier playstyle...have them read and have a general knowledge of the codex before trying to stone them...dont forget the application and webpage has to be filled out as well.

 Knights and above...take an active role in the molding of our legionairres and squires. Help them...spar...take them hunting...teach them the tactics of war...tell them the best items to make a certain skill levels of crafting...all of these things will provide loyalty to our family. We show them we care, and they shall show us. Remember Borg's words THE NEEDS OF THE MANY!!!!

 Before going out check your pigeon list see who is on, send mass pigeon asking for company...PROMOTE ACTIVENESS...hold a guild event...it doesnt always have to be a hunt, it can be just a gathering, a fellowship meeting if you please. Dor of Sonoma shard has huge turnouts at story telling night..yes something so simple draws a crowd of 15-30 people and all who come enjoy themselves...you have a beautiful setting at Safe Haven that is just sitting there unused.

 Lastly...have fun. Thats why we play isnt it? FUN.

Sorry for ranting but, thats how i feel. Lets stick together, hold our heads high...because well...we are THE PURPLE GUARDIANS OF HONOR. Any questions?

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I also have come to see you all as my second 'family'. As most of you know I talk all the time (whether this is good or bad isnt clear) but I make idle chitchat and such. I also call on my brethren and sisters to assist me usually after I die. I know that if one of you cant help me, at least one more can. Trust is the number one aspect of guilds. We must all trust the others with our lives. If I die its no big deal i get my stuff back and i usually die paving the road to freedom for my brothers and sisters. Lora and Steel especially know that i require a lot of help. They also know I am a steadfast ally who is fiercely loyal. I never abandon my post. This is what I am focusing on teaching all my trainees. that is the utmost rule : sacrificing yourself for the greater good is the highest honor.

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In reply to Steel's original post....Just as BB said, it is a two way street.  You will not find a more generous or friendly group of people that are in this guild.  I have many LONG term freinds from this guild.  Many of whom I play other games with and have real life contact with now.

I know that many of our new members don't know me (and some other very great people from the guild) for I and a few others have been away the last few months.  

This guild has had a long and rich history of being quite generous.  Take BB for instance.....he has given much to this guild.....

To be honest and quite blunt....  Those that complain that the guild members are not friendly are just plain wrong.  Everyone I have ever associated with in this guild is simply a GREAT group of people...  The best of the best I would have to say.  Even new people I have met only a few times seem to be an upstanding bunch.  People that I am happy to associate with.  *Gives out warm fuzzies*

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Personally, when I first joined the guild, I was still pretty much a newbie, with only one real usable character (my very first one, as a matter of fact).  I joined up with PGoH under Shal after a bad night.  Here's my story.

I had been playing as Shal, working on her wrestling at the bone knights wall (this was way back in the day, before the days of the meanie-greenie, powerhour, Trammel, etc.) And of course, I died. At that point, I was ready to give up UO. I had lost a ton of valuable items on my body due to people at the wall refusing to resurrect me. So I ran out of deceit as a ghost, and ressurected at the shrine. I was stuck on Ice Isle (this was before runebooks) and I was so frustrated, I actually attempted to delete Shal right then. This would be the one time I was glad of the 7 minute logout timer.  So after that failed attempt, I calmed down, and gathered my thoughts.

I found a vendor selling "recovery packs" (recall scroll, bandages, and a rune to Britain) and made it off.  I worked my way back to Trinsic, and was standing by the West bank of Trinsic (yeah Trinsic has two banks!) and observed an arguement between a group of people.  Evangelion of PGoH and 2 others I can't remember. Now I had seen lots of PGoH around Trinsic, including Arthil and Eol the Dark, and thought "wow big guild" *grin* So needless to say, I listened to their debate (don't even remember what it was about) and gave a few of my own opinions. After the 2 others had went their seperate ways, Evanelion asked me if I was looking for a guild.  I was rather surprised at that, as me being a basic newbie, and flat out asked if she was joking. But she was serious.  

She helped me find a sponser, Argos, and told me about the Trinsic Royal Bank as being the primary hangout. So after doing the application and such, I started hanging out at the bank, meeting people such as Fing, Garbahd, and Ariakus (my 3 main friends at first ... sadly the later two are no longer with us).  So from those humble beginnings, I am here now today.

What's the point of my long winded story?  

First, I don't feel it should be up to the current members to have to go out of the way to meet the newer members. Myself, I was introduced to one, and given a general description of where to meet others, and it went from there.  Basically, new recruits should be given runes to places like Safe Haven and Olympus. How can we meet them if they don't make them selves locatable?

Second, I dislike the phrase "recruitment."  I guess to me, I would want to recruit people the way I was recruited: meet someone who really needs a good group, and basically make their day by inviting them.  To me, going on "recruitment drives" like some have suggested feels to much like drafting.

Third, I think the issue of squires needing sponsors was brushed aside.  Having a sponsor (especially a good one like Argos) made a world of difference for me, and in the end, I paid him back for all his generosity.  I see too many "Squire of Honor" titles among the guild.  The current Knights and higher should go about finding someone to sponsor.  This should also promote the "family" feel.  Basically, this is the concept of taking someone under your wing, and making it "official."

That is all I can think of at the moment, as my train of thought is being derailed by hunger!

:cheeburga:   :cry:   :cheeburga:   :eatchicken:

So in closing, I think both sides (the recruits and the veteran members) both need to take action.  *leaves to grab some late night grub*

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Logan said:

"Dor of Sonoma shard has huge turnouts at story telling night..yes something so simple draws a crowd of 15-30 people and all who come enjoy themselves...you have a beautiful setting at Safe Haven that is just sitting there unused."

We DO have Safe Haven. A beautiful place indeed. I'd love to have story nights every so often, with prizes for best story and such. Heck I'd donate the prize money myself. (I'd suggest Logan donate it.. but sadly, he doesn't/can't make money as fast as I)

Another good item brought up is the trade day events. Things like this are wonderful ideas that are simply waiting to be put in motion. Any other event ideas that could bring people from all around and "us" together?

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Ok, here's an idea.

What we need to do is have a lil get together this coming week ... not a hunt, not a meeting ... just a get together at Safe Haven for socializing. Let new recruits meet the old.  Have a drink, play some chess, just have fun and socialize!  

Many of you have probably never been to Kinship, the tavern near Skara Brae in Felucca. It used to be the center for much of the roleplaying on Catskills.  You could go there any time of day and there'd always be SOMEONE there to chat with.

That's what Safe Haven should be.  Just as its name implies, a safe place for not just PGoH to gather, but for anyone!  And lets not make it a designated event. We should be able to do this at any time.  But, as a jumping point, lets say this Saturday night, anyone who is around and can make it, just stop by Safe Haven and chat a while ... have a drink or two.  And I haven't played chess in so long, I'd be looking for any worthy opponents  :cry:

*note* I do have to close at work that night, so I wouldn't be around till after 9 ... but I WILL be there!

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It is good to see so many input their opinions on this issue. As I mentioned my original post was intended for a matter of reflection. My intention to unite not to separate.  The ranks below knighthood are currently empty (very low). Soon I hope that they will be again teeming with ones whom seek to learn the path that many have walked before.  We all prepare the way of those whom shall follow.

I agree with everything mentioned above. Do not think otherwise. PGoH is one of the longest lasting guilds on the shard for a reason. The reason being the people involved in it. I have seen first hand the time, effort, and true devotion given towards the promotion of this guild and those within.

Regarding those whom departed before. In all honesty most as was mentioned did not do what was required of them. And I feel if you do not make an effort than you get what you give. Case in point =

XXXX (09:49 PM) :

I spoke with XXXXX in haven earlier and he said he was thinking of leaving because he never 'benefited' from the guild. He has yet to actually decide to leave so I thought id let you know. Perhaps if we involve him in more hunts he shall stay

Steel (09:50 PM) :

XXXX? I sympathize with is quandary but activities have recently started. He doesn’t attend meetings and has not tried to play an active part in anything. Has he even checked the boards?

Steel (09:50 PM): Wish him well and tell him he must do what he must.

I spoke for a few who did infact make the effort and for whatever reason THEY felt they weren’t involved. For whatever reason real or imagined justified or not.   Another whom felt it worth note also mentioned this.

this member who left......always followed them to the letter....*Borg email*

Why did I bring this up? Potentially bringing flames upon myself…

When I ask someone to join, or when I spend time working with and individual and spend my time teaching them not only how to play (if needed) the game but influence how they interact with others around them. I take it personally. Why waste your time if not? Life is in itself to short.

I have asked them to join because as an individual I see in them the qualities that will further promote the guilds charter. Someone whom I would enjoy playing with in the future.  I also understand that by them agreeing to join and to be willing to spend their time with us they look to the one whom sponsored them (invited) to assist them on their way. Your (sponsor) name in the eyes of that person is judged, your character in question.  I value my name. As I mentioned “We all prepare the way of those whom shall follow.”   I am preparing…

This was a matter for reflection upon and is to each to decide.  That is done.

Let’s go play the game.

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Safehaven is in the perfect spot.  We used safe haven in the past for fun little drunken roleplaying events.  My goodness, that must be well over a year ago now.  I agree with ya'll, we need to get back to using Safe Haven!

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