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Tales from the General forum


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I just read one guy's idea for how the Cataclysm introductory cinematic should go, and it's surprisingly good. A few too many scene changes, and one section of speech drags on way too long, but still, excellent imagery and most of the monologue is great.

:cue fade in on Blue Wyrm, on ground in Northrend, wings fidgeting slightly as it sniffs the air::


::fade in on Mature Red Drake gliding between active volcanoes, issuing a roar::

Deathwing speaks: Empowered by the Old Gods, I grew to be feared by all.

::fade to Taerar in Twilight grove, who’s body seems to shudder, as he turns and starts walking, fading into nothingness::

Deathwing speaks:The lands I was once charged with protecting would see my shadow stretch far and wide across it, my brethren seeing an attempt at creating an object for protection.

::fade to Bronze Dragonkin in the Caverns of Time, who rises, looking off into the distance, camera zooming in on it’s eye, the pupil wide::

Deathwing speaks:The Demon Soul proved more than they could handle. I would spread my power, and reshape the world in my image.

::Bronze Dragonkin’s pupil suddenly contracts into a slit::

::flash to Trolls dancing wildly around a large bonfire::

::flash to Stormwind, showing Varian within Stormwind castle, surrounded by several knights, standing around a map marked with skirmishes::

::Varian lifts map as if to show one beneath it, to turn the scene to a camp of Orcs, a Hunter walking with a wolf who’s hackles raise as it starts to growl::

::hammer strikes down, changing scene to dwarves deep within Ironforge, smithing blades::

Deathwing speaks:The Demon Soul would be rend from my clutches, and I would be FORCED [said with disgust] to take a human guise, and bide my time.

::Sparks fly from anvil, and turn in to sparkling dust, flowing around a Tauren who shakes his head, stomping his foot nervously::

::dust from hoof starts glowing, and zooms out to show Golden hammer held by a Draenai, calling the Light to aide him in striking down a risen corpse in Northrend::

::corpse lets out a moan, it’s mouth stretching into blackness, which zooms out to show a masked and hooded forsaken, at an Alter, praying while surrounded by shadow energies as it enters shadowform::

Deathwing speaks:I remained withdrawn from the world, biding my time while forces beyond my control razed all creation.

::shadow energies seem to start flowing, and change colors to blue, and then green, showing a gnome surrounded by a circle, as it starts transforming into a demon via Metamorphosis::

::Gnome eyes glow green, and zoom out to show a Blood Elf calling fire within it’s hands, the flames seeming to leap and dance along it’s body::

::Blood Elf seems to pale, and the flames dancing around her body seem to turn green, as the landscape turns into a forest, showing the now Night Elf raise it’s hands, turning into a Tree of Life::

::Goblin Rogue shown fading into the shadows, a large caravan moving along a road suddenly being pelted with hundreds of daggers, as more Goblin Rogues seem to fade into existence, one collecting a large treasure chest from a wagon::

::chest is opened, revealing the Greymane gates bursting open, a man running out, transforming into a Worgen that proceeds to howl, camera zooming in on it’s bloodshot eye::

::eye seems to begin glowing, and zooms out to reveal Deathwing, who roars, his body seeming to glow intensely::

Deathwing speaks: But my time has come again.

::Blue Wyrm spreads wings, and rises from ground, as the winds pick up, swirling the snow into a miniature blizzard::

Deathwing speaks:What I started countless ages ago shall be resumed.

::volcanoes explode, the Red Dragon rising as smoke fills the air::

Deathwing speaks:Those who thought me dead shall see the error of their ways.

::Bronze Dragon seems to shrink away, as the Caverns of Time dim, the magical energies within flickering::

Deathwing speaks:Those who thought me broken shall see their ends brought swiftly.

::bonfire suddenly dies, the trolls slamming fists against the ground as they explode in wild outrage::

Deathwing speaks:Those who thought me powerless shall tremble before my might.

::halls of Stormwind begin shaking, a few stones dislodging from the wall, crashing to the ground as Varian shouts orders scrambling the Knights::

Deathwing speaks:Those who thought themselves free shall find a new master in my dominion.

::Orc runs forward, pulling a bow out, knocking an arrow as his wolf runs forward, and is suddenly knocked away by a chunk of earth that juts from the ground::

Deathwing speaks:Those who roam the lands I had been charged with shall find themselves no longer welcome.

::lava around dwarven forge begins bubbling, and exploding from pit, splashing against the walls, as the Dwarves draw arms::

Deathwing speaks:Those who wage war against others shall find themselves warred against in return.

::land around Tauren begins to shift and fissures dance around it, as it begins running along the plains::

::glow around Draenai diminishes, as he looks around wildly, all the servants of Arthas suddenly retreating::

::Forsaken suddenly leaves Shadowform, turning as the ceiling of the alter begins falling around him::

::Demonic Gnome lifts off from the ground, flapping wings as ground crumbles into a pit beneath it, a fiery red glow rising from deep within::

::Blood Elf throws the flames it conjured into the air, towards a Black Dragon the begins spewing lava at it::

::Tree of Life Night Elf seems extends a branch over a fallen Night Elf, shaking loose a few leaves that touch the fallen Elf, a light glowing as it rises, revived::

::Goblin drops a pouch of gold as the ground begins to quake, the horses of the caravan neighing wildy, pulling at their reins::

::Worgen begins running on all fours, leaping into the air, and jumping from rock to rock as they begin to jut out of the ground::

::scene circles a large volcano::

Deathwing speaks:I have gone by many names, and seen all that my lands have gone through.

::smoke rises from volcano, and the screen blacks out, and then shows the WoW emblem::

::fades in to Show Deathwing, his shadow extending over random parts of Azeroth::

Deathwing speaks:And I shall bring about a a new age, the likes of which none have ever known. And the ranks of man and beast alike shall see rise to my empire, and fall before it’s might.

::Cataclysm flashes beneath WoW Emblem::

::volcano erupts, shattering the WoW emblem, leaving Cataclysm to be seen::

Deathwing speaks: You have been through much, but you are not yet prepared for the Cataclysm that shall come to pass.

::shadow reverses back across the lands, showing the new Azeroth as it returns to Deathewing::

::fades, leaving only Deathwing's glowing eyes::

Deathwing speaks: THIS WORLD IS MINE!

::sudden glowing mouth appears, and spits fire, ending cinematic on Cataclysm emblem::

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More funny from the General Forum.

That Blast came from Icecrown Citadel

Most of them are predictable, but I think some are quite apt. I particularly liked

"This is some rescue. You came in here and you didn't have a plan for getting out?"

"...Our mage DC'd, sweetheart."

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