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Fury Warrior


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Ive been reading lately on Tankspot and the Blizz forum regarding what gear i should be looking for on my Fury Warrior.

I looked over some armories and some threads about gear.. I came up with this list.

Let me know if there is anything i should change out and if so.. to what item and why..

This list is primary from Naxx 25 man and a few emblem of Valor / Heroism.

Head: Fire-Scorched Greathelm (Hit 59 , Crit 72)

Neck: Fool's Trial (Hit 28 , Crit 43 , AP 112)

Shoulder: Valorous Dreadnaught Shoulderplates (Crit 58 , ArP 43)

Back: Drape of the Deadly Foe (Crit 49 , Haste 31 , AP 126)

Chest: Valorous Dreadnaught Battleplate (Hit 66 , Crit 92)

Wrist: Wristbands of the Sentinel Huntress (Crit 56 , Exp 32)

Hand: Crude Discolored Battlegrips (Hit 74 - Crit 43)

Waist: Girdle of Razuvious (Crit 74 , Exp 38)

Legs: Valorous Dreadnaught Legplates (Crit 84 , Exp 66)

Feet: Sabatons of Sudden Reprisal (Crit 66 , Haste 43)

Ring1: Strong-Handed Ring (Hit 28 , Haste 41 , AP 82)

Ring2: Ruthlessness (Crit 54 , Exp 32)

Trinket1: Mirror of Truth (Crit 84).

Trinket2: Grim Toll (Hit 83)

Range: Envoy of Mortality (Crit 26 , AP 72)

Main Hand: Betrayer of Humanity (Crit 87 , Haste 57 , AP 226)

Off Hand: Betrayer of Humanity (Crit 87 , Haste 57 , AP 226)

This set should bring me:

Hit: 338

Expertise: 168

Haste: 229

ArP: 43

My Expertise is not as high as most people but as a Fury i recall we had a talent Weapon Mastery or something.

Give me your 5c on this setup and lets have some fun on my behalf :)

I am working on a enchant list to use as well.. but that list is still incomplete and at home.. im at work and well.. i was just bored during my lunch and worked on this for 15 min.

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Looks like a good list. One thing to consider is making a wishlist of alternate weapons. BoH is Kel'Thuzad loot, and not always common enough for you to just get two of them quickly. Ret paladins and DPS DKs will want them, and they make great threat tanking weapons for DKs as well, so they're often hotly contested. Armageddon and The Jawbone would likely drop a few times prior to KT anyway and would make good upgrades overall. You're correct about weapon mastery helping in the expertise department, on a side note.

My typical strategy with wishlists is to make several stages of them, to ensure that I always have the stats that I need along the way. Always equipping best-in-slot gear when you first get it often leaves you short on hit or another important stat, and that would often drive down your performance. There were times in BT that I took upgrades, but couldn't actually equip them for over a month because I lost too much by doing so until I got stuff further in (seems odd, but it's actually pretty common). It's a little more difficult to do this in Naxx, due to the nature of the instance's wings, but doing some planning per wing or even as simple as "pre vs. post-Sapphiron" is a good idea. Granted, peak performance in Naxx isn't a big deal overall, so a big upgrade sometimes wins, but it never hurts to plan if you have the time to do so.

The big thing, though, is not to pass on stuff waiting for that "ideal" drop...which often never or very rarely comes. I've been running Naxx for awhile now and have never seen the best tanking weapon available to DKs drop at all. Random loot is random, I guess, but waiting didn't stop me from jumping all over the BoH in the meantime since it was a huge upgrade for me (and still in the top three for tanking weapons). We also haven't seen enough Betrayers in that raid to provide a pair to anyone (although most of us have one).

Oh, one other thing...be sure to note the changes that attempt to make strength more desirable than pure AP coming in 3.1. I don't know how it would apply to your list since I only took a brief glance, but it's something to consider.

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Thanks V and X for your thoughts.

I know that passing on things that is an upgrade is just plain and simple.. bonkers.. there is no reason for it. Especially since some items is more rare then others and just cause I see lots of people with em does not mean that they drop a lot.. Random is Random..

Also.. yeah.. the helm i went with.. was simply taken for its hit bonus..

If the "wish list" items was to look like this:

Head: Valorous Dreadnaught Helmet (Crit 92 , ArP 43)

Neck: Fool's Trial (Hit 28 , Crit 43 , AP 112)

Shoulder: Valorous Dreadnaught Shoulderplates (Crit 58 , ArP 43)

Back: Drape of the Deadly Foe (Crit 49 , Haste 31 , AP 126)

Chest: Valorous Dreadnaught Battleplate (Hit 66 , Crit 92)

Wrist: Wristbands of the Sentinel Huntress (Crit 56 , Exp 32)

Hand: Crude Discolored Battlegrips (Hit 74 - Crit 43)

Waist: Girdle of Razuvious (Crit 74 , Exp 38)

Legs: Valorous Dreadnaught Legplates (Crit 84 , Exp 66)

Feet: Sabatons of Sudden Reprisal (Crit 66 , Haste 43)

Ring1: Strong-Handed Ring (Hit 28 , Haste 41 , AP 82)

Ring2: Ruthlessness (Crit 54 , Exp 32)

Trinket1: Mirror of Truth (Crit 84). - Got already

Trinket2: Grim Toll (Hit 83)

Range: Envoy of Mortality (Crit 26 , AP 72)

Main Hand: Betrayer of Humanity (Crit 87 , Haste 57 , AP 226)

Off Hand: Betrayer of Humanity (Crit 87 , Haste 57 , AP 226)

That brings my :

Hit: 279

Exp: 168

Of course i did not take in to account the gem bonuses or enchant bonuses. With them.. they can bring me up some more..

Im gonna add them to a list of mine as soon as i can get my "wish list" fixed so to speak.

Edited by Perthes
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Yup, and also once you start getting the naxx gear, you will find just the gear alone will put you way over the hit cap (take me for example) without geming/enchanting for hit. So basically, i wouldn't worry about hit much at all, especially if your at the stage when your in naxx.

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Reading about the late and much hated TG nerf.. a lot of Fury warriors are specing to Arms..

What are your thoughts about the TG nerf??

I personally think Fury warriors with starter gear from 5 man heroics etc will be rare. More gimped then anything..

But when / if you have managed to get good gear from Naxx 10/25 man Naxx... Fury warriors will be back..

As I see it, most of the Fury Warriors who are switching to Arms is just unhappy they wont be the top 5 dps anymore and switching to Arms in the hopes that Blizz will change their minds.. (hehe how often does this happen?)

Sure the 10% damage nerf is big.. but I dont think it will be much difference in the end. It will just bring a more diversity to the class. Blizz will prolly see that the 10% nerf was too big in a few weeks or months.. and perhaps just make it 5% damage decrease instead. This will prolly make some of the Arms warriors go back again to Fury but not everybody.

As it was before a few weeks ago... we had prolly around 10% being Prot speced, 5% Arms speced and 85% Fury speced.

Now after the patch it will prolly be closer to 10% prot, 50% Arms and 40% Fury warriors out here..

My numbers is just pure guessing then anything.. but i have rarely seen an Arms warrior in the game. But with this "nerf" so to speak.. should bring more Arms warriors out of the woodwork..

Im happy with the change.. it gives me a chance to go back to the spec i started with and liked the most.. Sure it did not do a whole lot of damage. But it is tons of fun.

So this means.. no more fury for me.. back to the good old Spinning Ballet Warrior for me..

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I may stick it out for a week or two to see how things pan out. People should play the specs that they enjoy, but it seems like a good chunk of the population has shifted into the "spec this way or GTFO" mindset. For me, I enjoy fury as much as I enjoyed arms before Wrath, so I'm happy either way and will just adapt and figure out what I want to do as I go along. To me, this type of change gives me more options instead of less :( I've never played Romala because I wanted to "top the meters" anyway.

I think you'll see a few warriors start going back to prot/tanking, believe it or not (not many, but some), especially at lower gear levels. Distribution-wise, you're probably right in that many at "middle" levels of gearing will swing to arms quickly, though.

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Arms warriors are even worse in PvE then a nerfed fury warrior

Arms should be pretty viable now with weapon mastery on the Arms side. Should help out a lil bit.

But then again.. all depends on the play style of people..

Arms, Fury or Protection.. They are all fun.. :(


After going over my spec, gear wish list to work towards and what my enchants with what gems to work on..

This is what should be my final gear goal should be like:

Head: Valorous Dreadnaught Helmet (Crit 92 , ArP 43)

Neck: Fool's Trial (Hit 28 , Crit 43 , AP 112)

Shoulder: Valorous Dreadnaught Shoulderplates (Crit 58 , ArP 43)

Back: Drape of the Deadly Foe (Crit 49 , Haste 31 , AP 126)

Chest: Undiminished Battleplate (Hit 100 , Exp 51) - Got already

Wrist: Wristbands of the Sentinel Huntress (Crit 56 , Exp 32)

Hand: Valorous Dreadnaught Gauntlets ( Hit 42 , Exp 50)

Waist: Girdle of Razuvious (Crit 74 , Exp 38)

Legs: Valorous Dreadnaught Legplates (Crit 84 , Exp 66)

Feet: Sabatons of Sudden Reprisal (Crit 66 , Haste 43) - Got already

Ring1: Strong-Handed Ring (Hit 28 , Haste 41 , AP 82)

Ring2: Ruthlessness (Crit 54 , Exp 32)

Trinket1: Mirror of Truth (Crit 84). - Got already

Trinket2: Grim Toll (Hit 83)

Range: Envoy of Mortality (Crit 26 , AP 72)

Main Hand: Betrayer of Humanity (Crit 87 , Haste 57 , AP 226)

If going Fury: Off Hand: Betrayer of Humanity (Crit 87 , Haste 57 , AP 226)

That brings my :

Hit: 281

Exp: 269

Edited by Perthes
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