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How to take a Battle Rez


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How to take a Battle Rez

Khainite drood success tips

The Battle Rez:

Of the million or so times I’ve cast that spell, I think one in three are actually successful in that the person is up and doing their job again. Over the years, I’ve managed to see countless times where perhaps a little instruction on how best to implement the druid OP spell could solve nearly a dozen types of wipes or wasted casts.

I’m wrote this as an answer to my guild’s questions and how we follow our raid leader’s BR call. Consider it a Fire Bad SOP or Standard Operating Procedure.

To the Battle rezzer:

When to battle rez?

You are the keymaster, the corpse is your gatekeeper. The cusp of greatness is swelling in you now when you hear, “________, battle rez _________.” The anticipation is growing, the palms are sweating. This is it. This is where you the druid, earn your OPness. For no other class can instill life from death while combating the forces of evil. This is your time to shine! Greet it warmly, greet it with a calling. “For #@*! sake ________, battle rez the damn healz!!”

Druid A casts Rebirth on Healslol.

“#@*!!! Why did you rez Healslol…he’s a huntard!!” Stupid druid!!

Raid wipes.

As a battle rezzer, you are required to be able to not only corpse find yourself but know where other’s corpses are as well. Hopefully they’re helpful in aiding you to find it, but don’t always count on it. (more on that later)

You must be alert and be ever mindful of the situation no matter what. Listening for the call out is best, but if the raid leader isn’t calling it out it’s best to ask first before just rezzing away. Take a triple take at who you have targeted for rezzing as well, just to make sure you’re rezzing the right person called for. The talk also allows the dead player a chance to return to his keyboard from watching “Everybody Loves Raymond” anyhow.

Where to battle rez?

Some fights are based on certain locations away from the tank or healers or being ranged from everyone (Kel’Thuzad). When you BR someone, they will appear where you were when you casted said BR. So it’s best not to cast it near a void zone or in front of the boss that’s known to cleave. Keep in mind that while they are rezzed with more HP and mana than a typical OOC rez, a cleave or AOE blast will just end their life again. Location is certainly a key!

When to cast BR?

This is of course assuming that you’ve been told to BR someone and you’re looking to cast it before the next Frozen bomb or spout or carrion swarm ect. Do it when you have the most time to be away from your job. So if there is a time when DPS has to watch what they’re doing or move out of the way, or as a healer you’ve got to make sure your tank is topped off with HOTs first. Do what you need to do first and foremost before worrying about the slow, sickly gazelle that got too close to the tiger.

Stacking BRs

Make sure you alert the raid leader if another druid is down and you can chain cast BR to rez two people instead of just focusing on one target. You as the druid should call this out in vent to help the raid leader know that you are down and that your rez is still available.

To the Battle Rezzed:

You’re Welcome

I think first and foremost a thank you is in order. Someone risked his spot on the healing or DPS meter to grant you another chance at life during a boss fight. Thank the WoW gods for empowering the druid with such grace. Oh…and your raid leader for granting you a second chance at proving yourself to not be that sickly gazelle I referred to you from before.

Some helpful hints follow which should aid you in making the most of your return to the living.

Corpse Finding 101

If you’ve died in a corner or at some undisclosed location that’s hidden away take the time to ping on the mini map your locale so the druid isn’t running around looking for your corpse for 5 minutes. If you want to get back to the fight, it’s a good bet the druid does too. Help a feral out! Ping the map!

Raising the dead

After the spell has been cast, it’s a good time to get ready to click the accept button. However, scan the room for a once over and make sure you know which kinds of spells can be cast and when so that you’re not killed instantly because of something the boss tends to do regularly. This helps on all fights and keeps you self aware of possible threats you’ll face when you accept the rez and return to the fight in a weakened state.

Things that annoy the piss out of me:

Your 3 seconds “Oopsies”

Three seconds into the fight you die and immediately call for a BR. What the hell makes me want to rez you right away? Don’t you think you’ve caused enough damage that early on with your inability to watch agro and/or staring at Sapphiron’s cleavage and you want rezzed immediately? You’ve likely set off a resonance cascade with your stupid death that might affect others in different roles i.e. DEEPz pulling agro and causing healers to get cleaved. Wait for your life to become meaningful again, agro to be restored, and the fight to last a little longer than 10 seconds before wanting to waste a BR after you had a brain fart.

The Tanking Rebirth

Patchwerk fight:

I’m one of three tanks. Rogue haphazardly rushes to began her leet dps before tank aggro is solid and dies. Rogue whispers me “BR plz” Are you serious? You want me to go from 46k hp 38k armor to 31k hp and 9k armor for 1.46 seconds to BR your dumb ass from getting too close to him with full HP in the first place? You are seriously asking me this question right now? You want me to justify a wipe to possibly rez you? I admit…it’s ballsy. It’s also arrogant and greedy. Refer “Your 3 Second “Oopsies”

AFK after death

Easiest way to never ever get a BR again is go AFK during an encounter after death. It’s a waste both of my time that I spent rezzing you and your lack of concern for being there to take it. Do it once and it’s a life threatening warning. Twice…*giggles*” Welcome to BR Blacklisted Anonymous, please fill out these 17 forms in triplicate to be restored in good favor.”

Two rezzers + One target /= Pornographic Happiness

One of the things I can’t stand is when BRs gets casted on the same target and starts the 20 minute CD on two spells for one actual Rez. Don’t worry, I put in a ticket for it to Blizz to make it a debuff on the target so that BRs don’t stack, however it’s your job as a druid to make sure you listen to who is supposed to rez whom. If you didn’t hear it, simply ask again for clarification.

Ending Thoughts:

I hope this little post helps you understand some of the mechanics and stresses of the rebirth spell. I think if you can read up and understand them, you’ll do vastly better than others who just haven’t had much thought put into making it easier and safer.

Good Luck and Happy Re-living,

~Khainite of Gorgonnash

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An excellent read, if you can make it through all the smug drood self-importance.

Hah! You should read the forums. We can heal DPS and tank all at once! Cmon nmow why wouldnt we we be smug? We are the best of all specs!

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