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GM Response


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The other day I had need to call for assitance from the GM's... and I thought I would save everyone else the trouble, by posting thier intial, secondary and trititiary responses here. Yes you only see one photo, as the response was exactly the same 3 times.


Now not all GM's have a macro set up to respond with canned answers (Argain you reading this?) the issue I was having, a de-buff that would not fade (walking around with evil omen for hours on end really puts a crimp in the paladins style ya know...) Later that night I requested ingame help again ( yes I am a glutton for punishment) however, knowing that the GM's work in shifts I was holding out for the best. I got it! GM Talols suggested that have the spell re-cast upon me, and that will "reset" the timer on it. After having it recast, it went away as it should have.

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That is real sad for UO.

Maybe if you submit a few emails to EA (let's say... one for each shift >:L ) of your complaint (That Argain dismissed you where a simple answer would do the trick) then maybe someone will get his butt kicked!

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