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For those who wish to be MIDGARD....shard chosen is GAWAINE and the guild has started.

Valhalla Vanguard

Please welcome the new members of our extended families as they come to our home website of the HONOR Empire.

Currently the Valhalla Vanguard members are:

Borg Stonewall, Torix, Halla Lulla, Urlf, Darg Aleslayer, Tork, Kylecardi, Bronwyn, Rastar and

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I'm coming to Midgard to join in the fun. What classes are everyone? Is there a class that is particularly needed? Is there a class that we have "enough" of?

I've spent 90% of my time in Hibernia as a Warden and 10% as a Guardian. I've very little experience with Midgard :0

I've thought about being a Skald, Shaman, Hunter or a Warrior.  I don't really want to be a pure caster or healer.

Do we have people in the tradeskills? Is there a "field" that is open?


Sorilla Sillyputty :smash:

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Once I get DAoC I plan on playing either a Troll Shaman or a Kobold Shaman.. Havn't decided yet. Trolls are kinda easy targets and slow, lots of hit points though. Kobolds are fast and quick, but low in hit points, but smarter than the trolls. At least this is what I have read about them so far.

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In reply to the question about tradesmen/women....currently we have no designated character....we are all still training like mad and growing comfortable in the team combat/training.

Perhaps we do have a member who has trained tradeskills but to date we have not addressed that and have only concentrated on teamwork and learning the game mechanics.

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