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Posts posted by Sleyvas

  1. Just wondering how all the lovely skullcrushers are doing. Hope all is well.

    Maube informed me of your progress in MC and I just wanted to congratulate you all and to keep up the good work.

    SHould you ever need anything in game just let me know. ( if im not busy :D *GRIN)

    Myself along with my small guild Fist Of Gamon( we are like 7 members :lostit:- we 4 manned ubrs !!! ) are always looking for new friends and such so if you see any of us just holla ! :)

  2. Volonazra and the Skullcrushers, Greetings.


    It has been a long time since I've sent love in the direction of my brethren. This ole bull is worried in these troubled times and I hope all is well. The Alliance seem at our doorsteps every waking moment and my heart screams for the few of the horde whom fall to the alliance's wrath. Well this pain will be short live, no less remember to remain standing tall and proud crushers.

    ( heh its late and i was browsing :) , i just wanted to say hi to my old leader and friends. I miss you all very much :) hope zg is well and mc even better. Much love to you all . )

    Warrior of The Horde, Defender of our ways.


  3. Between costs of repairs and other numerous amounts of spending - I have made 31 gold. I just hit level 39 tonight. I plan to hit 40 tomorrow. Is there anyway that you guys could help Khamballa reach his goal of obtaining his mount torrow?

    I wanted that mount so bad, and now that I'm back and more powerful than ever; I want it twice as bad.

    Hopefully my auctions will sell and i'll get some more.

    to use volonazras favorite quote that i use -

    not to sound like a ass but -

    i know im not in the guild but i still think i might help you

    but i did the whole warrior thing and i did blacksmithing and dropped it and picked up alchemy and then blacksmith again

    from 39-41 only run SM runs , and farm in STV ( trolls ), do NOT buy anything off the AH i dont care how much you need it , and by 41 you will have enough gold for you mount and you will have gotten it all by your lonesome , something that makes you feel good :D hehe .

  4. first off night elves are the devils.

    secondly undead now are allowed into the guild after much bickering and group voting :sorry: ..

    as for the rp the language is a strong suit but you should rp how youd like , ie if you make a undead warrior dont talk orc ( naturally :p )

    again for the alliance guild i know dark paragimn ( something like that ) is probably the best pvp/pve guild on both sides.

    but like i said night elves are the devil and you dont really want to be another piece of bubble gum on the floor at a amusement park ( ok bad example - do what ya want buddy :p )

    horde generally is more mature ( but we do have idiots )>:0

    hope my ramblings help

  5. oh yes you know it ;)

    i guess i should post what i can make ..

    Arcanite reaper ,

    Dawns Edge


    Phantom Blade

    the Shatterer


    Truesilver champion

    Mithril spurs

    inlaid Cylinder

    and all the other random crap other blacksmiths can do :yahoo:

  6. Having your flag on implies your intent to do "mischief" Therefore if you are flagged, you are a target.


    i cant count how many times sleyvas has brought justice upon " lowbies" foolish enough to tread on his home land .

    you are flagged either you will kill someone lower then you or die , i just choose which one it is for you .

  7. Wait - if you arent putting any into Toughness, where are you putting the extra 3 pts?

    probably stun/charm res , i have 6435 armor already from all the forums ive read 7000 is a good end game number to shoot for when prot specced after that returns are dimishing .. but i dont know .. ill probably do something ill like but no one else will lol .

  8. If you are a Warlock or a Warrior, you now have a huge pool of unspent Talent points as of tonights login. So! Whats your spec?

    I am changing mine to allow for the new Shield Slam power :

    5 Shield Block

    2 Imp Bloodrage

    3 Toughness

    1 Last Stand

    1 Imp Shield Block

    3 Imp Revenge

    3 Imp Sunder

    2 Imp Taunt

    1 Conc Blow

    2 Imp Shield Bash

    2 Imp Shield Wall

    1 Shield Slam

    31 Prot

    5 Cruelty

    5 Unbridaled Wrath

    1 Piercing Howl

    11 Fury

    5 Deflection

    4 Tactical Mastery

    9 Arms.

    How about you?  :yahoo:

    i will be about the same probably wont put any in toughness or imp sunder and only 3 in TM.


    will be hosting a UBRS raid at 8:30/9 pm est.

    this if done right , will take max 2 hours

    we will be skipping the eggs ( to speed it up ) so if you need father flame/tablet i guess we could do a vote in game .

    PLEASE if you are interested post here , or send a ingame mail to Sleyvas.

    spaces are limited , yes while theres 15 spot im not taking 8 hunters , this is for many reasons , 1 dont need that many of ANY class , 2 dont want everyone fighting ( wanting ) the same items :mage: .


    master looter-

    1 blue per run , ( chromatic scales dont count as a blue ) , class sets dont count as blue - UNLESS - say you are a rogue boom shadowcraft drops, you win your happy - then the best purple dagger drops and someone else that hasnt got a blue gets without question )

    ( if no one wants a set wont be greeded or DE IF its a UPGRADE for someone , even if they have a blue - i dont feel like wasting a blue ( except boe blues those will be saved till the end for those that are empty handed)

    loot will be given out at end of raid , if we wipe in org .

    set items will be given as they drop .

    ( these rules i think are most fair , and i run with them often - if you dont like it ( dont mean to sound like a ass ) but the instance door .. umm come to think of it there is no door so your free to go whenever :devil:.)

    hope to see you all there ! .

  10. Sounds damn cool Inar! When are you doing this? If I am around I would like to offer my aid.

    Right now I'm working on the "when". Plan is going to be:

    1. find time Inar is certain to be available

    2. invite Wolfriders and find response

    3. invite Allies and find response

    4. announce intention to select enemy forces (e.g. they have a spy in Thrall's court somewhere)

    5. have at it.

    Point #1 is going to be a bit tough to gauge at this point as the 4th of July weekend is creating a bit of craziness. Best guess is "very very late" on Friday July 15th or "very very early" on Saturday July 16th depending on your perspective -- 1 AM server time (EST) very very early Saturday July 16th in my perspective. Event likely for two hours, including meeting with Thrall ahead of time, flying to Bloodvenom Post, riding... er... well I may have already given too much away for now. I don't want to advertise too widely in a publicly readable place as if "way way too many Alliance show up" it will not be pretty or very fun, and as they outnumber us by a wide margin...

    The ending will either be returning to Thrall (which I usually like) or having a Warsong Gulch battle first, then returning to Thrall. I just don't know how really to wrap roleplay around capture the flag yet.

    I'm aware this time isn't the best for everyone, and I apologize for that. We try to move the times of our events and meetings to involve different sets of people.


    the 14th - 18 ill be partying up with some naked montreal women.. so sorry i wont be able to make it , *grins

  11. well myself personally i run instances all the time , i think from thursday till friday i did about 7 instances at like minimum 4 hours each ..

    so when im on since i work now i prefere to run the higher ones , but if help is needed you all should know never to be shy to ask me .

  12. This is very interesting to hear, being a 38 warrior, the BG "leader"  :)  often called "all warriors on defense." So, I have only ever played defense in 5 matches. It's still a blast though.


    lol .. ive done it about 16 times already , won 15 lost 1 ... depends on your group .. not only classes but this mini zerg takes planning and skill , when to fear , when not to . when to hit this when to hit that .

    ive been on offence each time , and majority of the time its sleyvas you lead the pack or some other war . usually i end up top 5 for both horde and alliance in both hks and killing blows,

    hunters traps are a ###### , well placed traps can mean a win

    alliance are ######es lol , 90 % of their groups are priests/pallys , shields shields shields

    well played sap/stun rogues are a force ,

    warriors with a healer can take out groups ( myself and a priest killed about 7 once cause they were all stupid and just focused on me cause i was killing )

    things to do ,

    hit healers first !

    keep only 3 or 4 MAX on defence ( shaman/mage prefered )

    flare on hunters ! ,

    fear is your friend , locks priests spam it , wars when you want to get that flag carrier alone fear bomb is amazing

    but all this you know :yub::)

    my vote , best thing blizz has done in a long ###### time .

  13. Ug latz!!

    Muru ned help! Hiz yunginz want to help klomp!! (Hehe- my oldest son is showing interest in online gaming. As he is only 8, I have no intention of letting him play, yet. Question to all of you- how old would a child have to be afor' ya let 'em play WOW?)

    Plez help Muru dezide orklin fate!!!! ???

    any online game i say about 12 + i have baby brothers and i know the ###### people say online , sex etc .. 12+ is the minimum imo

  14. Click on the roster upon the home page.  http://www.thehonorempire.net/roster/wow.php?act=roster

    If you are, good job.  Now add your alts!

      If not you are WRONG.  Here is what to do to add yourself and your alts.  Go to http://clanskullcrusher.com then click on log in over to the right in the members area.  Enter the username and password you choose on your application (not these forums unless they are the same.)

    You will find several controls to set up a profile once logged in.  Click on characters, click add character, enter the info you want, and click submit.  I missed my goal of one month to square this site away.  This angers the warchief.  So if i have to ill get out the **evil eye** :obiwan:

    i didnt vote because on 1 list of everyone i am . but on the actually roster page im not .

    when the hell am i gonna get access to these forums and the page ?

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