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Posts posted by Sleyvas

  1. meh research is nice but my fury build on my warrior is what all the "warrior gurus " on the forums say not to do .. you give up to much .. i think i do just fine..

    what that ramble means :dancing_smile:?

    seal fate for the win.

    and im out !

    true story.

  2. well the speed of the claw is nice but for majority of rogue builds i think its a sub par weapon. With anything other then a dagger you are much more limited with offensive moves. This im sure you know but the hit you take off your sinister strikes seem to be too great. In fact the only low max dmg main handers id probably take as a rogue is thunderfury/ silithid claw .. and even then. So my advice .. or should i say my opinion on the matter is stick with slower/higher max dmg weapons.. the burst you will receive will help out and since your most likely a combat rogue.. slice and dice along with blade flurry acts as a dps normalizer making up for any lack of crit you might have or slower weapons. combat rogues are all about constant dmg.. your improve speed talents work wonders .. mix that in with a slow mh with high max dmg to abuse the effects of the increased speed can work wonders .. i think your also a troll .. if so you have beserkering .. which is now an extremely viable pve racial for rogues and puts them near the top of the "best rogue class list"

    if that helps any.


  3. I agree. Cwn is a helluva warrior without it, and I think she'd be fine in the raid without it as well. :devil:

    not beating her up , i dont question her skill.

    lets have her MT mag , and lets disable the hunters ctraid as well since that would make her attempt fairly easier as well. You could get away without it just it benefits the group way more if your a uber tank and your aware who has aggro and what spells are happening when they happen.

  4. Now im not gonna tell you HOW you should do something , just ive received many tells asking me for advice. Whether or not you agree with my advice some of this info can help generally when raiding.

    Raids are 80% mentality. I know what your thinking. Sleyvas !!!!! this is a ###### game !!!. True enough but the person playing the game is not. Stress can be a huge factor and disbelief an even bigger one. Do first, fail later.

    People bringing a positive attitude about their skills and that of the raids can really help out. THERE IS NO I IN TEAM. Youve heard this growing up throughout your life .. well guess what ? its the same here. Maube may be the best mage on the server and the best healer in the game at the same time but SHE will not win the raid successful encounters( used maube as a example :thumbsup: ). Sure core classes of great players can help .. i.e. a really great warrior is usually more benefical then a really great rogue since theres not much depth to the rogues cept .. top the dmg charts ( no offence old wolf *grins).

    10 % is gear/spec. Yes yes yes we all want to only dps but the cold truth of the matter is unfortunate. Take 2 druids. Druid a, and druid b. Same gear, and lets assume skill level is on par equally for argruments sake. Druid a = resto specced, druid b not resto. Druid b will heal just as well as druid a cept druid a will have certain advantages. aggro reducer , lower mana costs for heals, greater chance your heals wont be interrupted with dmg, more bang for your buck heal wise. Again , druid b would do just fine .. but druid a will have a slight step on druid b when it comes to healing. Trees are there for a reason. you spec a certain way you will be better at it then someone who doesnt. Expecting to have great dmg in while resto spec is just silly. ( again not saying you SHOULD spec a certain way , just it all helps).

    gear is key, the better gear you have the less dmg you take from mobs , the harder your spells hit , the less priests need to heal you cause your dying to easy .. the list goes on. Tier 2 sets for a warrior imo are garbage for my spec. I still take them for utility. Gear= win for the raid on all levels. * dont always pass on your sets in other words * you might not do as much dmg but wil help the raid. ill use the rogue bloodfang set.

    bloodfang is NOT the best for dps. But what it gives you makes up for that lack of dps.

    what does it give sley ? well its gives you a set bonus for a bonus to your feint. this means that theorhetically you can feint less and use the energy you use from the extra feints you would normally use on dps moves. This set also gives you some nice stam , a live rogue does way more dps then a dead rogue.

    Specs vary in importance from raid to raid but IF I HAD to say IDEALLY for a raid i would like to have.

    2 protection warriors, rest dps spec.

    2 resto shamans , rest whatever they want.

    at least 2/3 ice mages.(also any aggro reducing skills is nice)

    priests make it really easy if all holy.

    warlocks whatever spec

    rogues whatever spec( combat is nice dmg but other then that no big deal )

    druids can do whatever you want but resto makes the raid life easier( this is the same for priests, sure shadow priests can heal .. but would you want a raid full shadow priests im sure theres some of you that raid now know exactly what im talking about. Same rule applys for druids, resto= for raiding life. but IF YOU must be something else .. *shrug just make sure you pick up your sets b4 the feral gear ;).

    hunters any spec( max range and true shot help alot)

    again i would take any spec i dont make my choices for raids for spec just it can help a raid alot.

    Other 10 % about raids is preparation. We are a rp guild *agreed*, but if you want to do the big boy raids , treat them just like that. YOU MUST have ct raid, and ts. This is no way interferes with RP. Just makes raid like extremely easy , and if your one of the few that refuses to get it your just stubborn.. dont raid. Show up 30 mins early , EVERYTIME. Order is nice some times it acts as motivation at times. Bring bandages, Reagents are like candy .. if you dont have enough for all dont bring any. always have 5 mana and health potions when you enter bwl/mc/OL.

    Know your job. You would be amazed to as how many people ive met that months after theyve killed a certain boss 100s of times they still are abit lost. leave your pride at the door , ask questions. Ive raided for a long time and till this day i still ask questions. If anyone makes fun of me for it oh well its just a game :tease:;).

    Class channels. Pick a "class leader" and open up a channel JUST for your class. Helps alot. People can discuss, learn and have their own fun convo on the side.

    and at the end of this the number one thing to do is HAVE FUN. Yes i know this post makes it look like no fun but its simple. MC and bwl are a joke. All it takes is people willing to listen , ajust and have fun. You spec for pvp to do the most dmg .. the same thing follows suit for pve. You spec for it , gear for it . prepare for it .. you "roll" a boss like you would in pvp .. end result fun ! :bunny:.

    Feel free to message me in game should you ever have any questions or you just want to talk , theres no boss pre aq 40 i havent faced and i know many ways to kill each of them. IM here to help not dictate. I do have my own methods but im a fun and down to earth guy , dont be shy :).

  5. ::grins:: very true Sley, but until people learn their mana pool to spell casting ratio, flash heal is a big help.

    On my resto druid, I know EXACTLY how much % my regrowth will hit naturally (well as close to the % as you can get with the variables) so that is actually the spell I use the most while in a group setting (ie 20-40 man)

    in a 5-10 man you can bet I gauge the Healing Touch. When you are just learning the healing bigraids, it does help to start with Flash Heal and then learn what you mana can and cant do with spell timers.

    Just such a delicate process :thumbsup: which is why I cannot run the MC raid when I am playing the Tazz. Healing is my #1 priority and that is what I am focused on.

    I am Blonde. I am Polish. I cannot walk and chew gum at the same time.

    agreed , just was saying :tease:

    ps : stop using being blond and polish as a crutch!!!! *grins

  6. Actually Sleyvas, he's not 'one of those shadowpriests you've heard about.' He's a holy/dis. In instances, he heals. But the both of us find it offensive that people are insulted, mocked, or even shunned for playing a game the way they want to. For being called a 'support class.' Despite the fact that I'm a tank, I don't make the assumption that other players are only there to support me. They're not. They are there to enjoy themselves. If they enjoy melting faces or using mobs as a scratching post, or frost shocking, then they have every right to.

    It's simply attitude like yours, 'play how it benefits me or I don't want you with me', that we find selfish and unfriendly. We dislike seeing it, and when we do, we say so.

    Druids are not a support class ?

    you know i thought it was clear but obviously not. MANY RAIDS i have lead i tend to let feral druids dps , shadow priests dps , along with shamans not worrying one bit about healing ... BUt if we need them to HEAL or them to tank or them to decurse for a FIGHT thats what they will be doing . If winning or losing means 3 spots on the dps meter FOR A FEW FIGHTS then oh well.

    Play wow how it benefits me ? you dont know me . dont assume you know me .. please ever dont make that mistake again. I said one thing that some people took offence to and blew it out of proportion. I apologized ( see above ). Yet you come to me like this. Support class comment is you support the raid. totems support the raid , heals support the raid , buffs support the raid .. im the least selfish guy in here, ive given endless amounts .. but that aside, not that me saying so would make a difference since you are so passionate. Do me a favor from now on when you have a problem with me do not talk to me, unless you want to actually discuss. all you did was just cause more pointing ... speak to one of my elders. Spare me this drama. AGAIN I WAS WRONG IN MY TONE. I will not sit by as you keep this post alive .. wolf , maube , grulg whomever can you lock this post and please address me in game.

  7. i feel the exact same way wald. Just i like to be prepared maybe i need to adjust my thinking abit , but i expect the same reciprocated. Just because its fun dont mean there dont have to be some type of order. Meh sry if i upset anyone.

  8. . I was under the impression that all members of this guild were "quality", what exactly are you refering to?

    I personally think that anyone who feels the need to tell people how to play their class has an issue or two as well as lacking in flexibility and the ability to think "outside the box". Let's pretend for a second that we are a RP guild and that we are creative people...oh wait, we are! Virtually any spec combo can work if the players are smart and can think beyond the cookie cutter standard.

    lol talk to me in game . I acknowledge my need to tell people how to handle an encounter. PLay how you must. I assume your one of the shadow priest ive heard about *shrug * if not oh well. THink outside the box ? my warrior build is so far away from cookie cutter its sick ... so dont come to me with this idea. Yeah my tone probably wasnt the best .. but then again i lack savvy to sugar coat everything but no reason for you to come back with the same tone .. i mean why should 2 of us be wrong ?

    nice to think that virtually any spec combo can work but this isnt pvp and this isnt a scholo run. nor is it mc.. but ill concede .. im shallow , stupid and cant think out the box. I would appreciate it if we could continue this in game or on ts.


  9. . I was under the impression that all members of this guild were "quality", what exactly are you refering to?

    I personally think that anyone who feels the need to tell people how to play their class has an issue or two as well as lacking in flexibility and the ability to think "outside the box". Let's pretend for a second that we are a RP guild and that we are creative people...oh wait, we are! Virtually any spec combo can work if the players are smart and can think beyond the cookie cutter standard.

    lol talk to me in game . I acknowledge my need to tell people how to handle an encounter. PLay how you must. I assume your one of the shadow priest ive heard about *shrug * if not oh well. THink outside the box ? my warrior build is so far away from cookie cutter its sick ... so dont come to me with this idea. Yeah my tone probably wasnt the best .. but then again i lack savvy to sugar coat everything but no reason for you to come back with the same tone .. i mean why should 2 of us be wrong ?

    nice to think that virtually any spec combo can work but this isnt pvp and this isnt a scholo run. nor is it mc.. but ill concede .. im shallow , stupid and cant think out the box. I would appreciate it if we could continue this in game or on ts.


  10. smacks mindlessly elitest ? lol.

    how ever you want to interpret me fine. No Sweat off my back if the whole realm thinks im some elitest jerk.THeres but 3 healing classes on horde side... if you can heal and we need you to heal thats what you are doing. Would you rather think out the box and not win the fight ? perhaps so.

    Great you roll a feral druid.. again i will try to let you dps as much as you can but your a heal support class. sometimes play the roll.

    I dont like to tank very often ... majority of the time im MT for all the bwl bosses.... Just because i pay to play and out dps anyone that steps up to the plate dont automatically mean that i get to dps all the time. Make all your elitism jokes and what not but i dont have the time for this ... take this convo to in game or on ts -i dont feel the need to have my words further confuse anyone.

  11. i dont really want to interfere with odenns zg run so if mondays at 9 are better for you sign up for his >:L.

    I know our guild is more then 20 people large and times can be pressing.

    That being said , zg at 3 pm saturday.. invites start at 2:30 , your spot is gone at 2:45.. i plan to start AT 3.

    Group loot most things ,ill master loot bosses.Anyone sign up if you want to. Ignore the class count ( ie only 2 mages ).

    spread word amonst friends to sign up :dancing_smile: quality people only please.. i dont want a shaman who thinks he can win the fight with his frost shock on a boss or a warrior who refuses to tank or a priest wanting to go shadow or a feral druid who wont heal ... need i go on ? I will try my very best to allow all those dps classes do just that .. but the raids needs come first and whatever we need to kill a boss will be based upon that.


  12. The most important thing to keep in mind is something most healers often forget. Everyone recognizes the need to keep the tanks healed and the corrollary that the healers need to be healed as well. What most healers often forget, though, is that the rogues are their tertiary priority. Forget the mages, hunters, and melee DPS that's not tanking. Concentrate on the rogues.

    This message was produced and paid for by the Azerothian Society for the Advancement of Sneaky Peoples

    meh , im normally a tank whos dpsing and i top the meters. I beat people with better gear by 100 K + + , to not be healing me would make me mad and hurt the raid . Remember while your right there are certain classes that take priority over me dps and healing have a direct correlation. who ever is doing most dps will most likely take aggro and the more dps you do the faster the mob dies the less healing you need.

    and i disagree with maube about flash heal. Its a key spell but alot of times its unfortunately process of eliminatation for this learning curve. Mc it might be one way but i know for bwl the talent for a faster greater heal is nessecity.

    theres one fight where 2 priests just constantly cast greater heal ... whether i need it or not cause spike dmg is too much to gauge. So while you might not have to deal with it just yet ( that type of spikey dmg ) ,dont get in the habit of spamming just 1 skill ... test it out .. if your not a great priest / or druid at first THATS ok .. your one person and that shouldnt make or break the raid. Once through the process of elimination you understand healing more then its a cake walk ... not to mention casting lower rank greater heals with flash heal can be less boring >:L heh.

  13. If you look, carefully, you can see that he has Recklessness and tons of buffs on, which is how he acheives such high numbers.

    If you notice as well, the fights don't last too long, and a few times he doesnt have Recklessness on, he simply crits 1 in 5 or somewhat. 350 a swing no crit is still very nice, and his gear is well respected.

    with recklessness i doubt you can hit his numbers with a two hander..

    well i know i cant.

    which makes this video still something to stand out.

  14. situational players = skilled players.

    Theres many times ive joined a wsg and i only have 3 hks but i returned 5 flags and capped one.

    Patience is key.

    I know what your thinking the warrior is a hack and slash guy that charges in. Oh but hes so much more.

    Patience on knowing when to fear. Fear is nice to have but i dont burn it everytime its up. Sometimes ill fear to get a rogue open, sometimes ill fear on a mage right b4 he blinks ( this will sometimes let him blink and leave him standing around so i can close again ). Other times ill fear if they are casting a heal and pummel isnt up and finally if 5 people are on me .. well i fear.

    One thing everyone said is key is hamstring. Hamstring is uber >:L . Piercing howl is key for druids, and helps with mages imo. ranged daze ! ... keeps that sneaky druid that decides to not stop to fight you and makes him give you a hk :).

    back to patience .. pummel, fear, HS, intercept. Now fear we spoke about, Intercept should be timed and saved ( but dont wait to long - no use intercepting at 40 % health. ( well you can still kill someone but you know what i mean .. i think ;) ), pummel for interrupting any spells. Most would think this is 100 % a heal spell but sometimes i find it good to pummel a warlock casting a shadowbolt. saves me alot of dmg and he cant fear me for 4 seconds ... on top of being able to break fear ( side note FIX DEATH GRIP , or whatever the hell that spell is called ). Reason i mentioned HS-heroic strike- is because a warrior is all about rage.

    As a MS WARRIOR you want majority of your attacks to be your instant mortal strike. Why ? well 1 ms hits really hard. 2 " on your next attacks" dont generate rage. Ms the higher you crit.. the more rage you get back for another MS.

    So knowing when to use your skills while managing enough rage to make sure MS gets off and gets off is key. I wish i could give you more "tricks of the trade" but its really process of elimination.

    Now as far as specs go


    ARMS = BURST build.

    ive been both specs and ive spent over 2000 g in respecs since release. Fury with a good two hander can be really bursty and does amazing dmg.


    Mortal strike is burst. Meaning its more realiable. Your Dmg with big two handers will be spikey and often. Also the debuff alone makes MS a pvp skill hands down

    dual wield fury... requires amazing gear , it can work but in my honest opinion you wont be able to compete as well 1 on 1 with top alliance as a dual wielder. Ms is more "bang for your buck " you can do a hold lot more with MS with less.

    2 Handed fury is sexy, but makes you a rogue really. You have the same type of dmg.. when i was two handed fury with spinal reaper i was doing crazy dmg and topping raid dmg charts. But again you lack burst since ms is made for high max dmg weapons .. bloodthrist is not.

    in the end the biggest wow factor build i had was MS with spinal reaper. The regular attacks would push 1k , i would cleave and ww for 1300 + and while majority of the time MS wasnt always my MAX CRIT , it had the highest crit AVERAGE.

    i did some testing out of 400 crits ( this was about 2 sessions of playing )

    my min crit was 870 max 2468 with a average of 1298... that is just .. umm yeah well.good. ( not showing off just comparing.)

    fury again can work in pvp but you need really good gear.

    until then fury will always be the king in pve ( unless you have a quel serrar fury warrior and a high warlord MS warrior ( hwl would win )

    but theres a video .. ill look for it somewhere.Anyways its 2 hwl warriors in 1 guild. They compete in bwl for * king* dps.. the fury warrior ( with extra pve fury gear ) beat the other hwl ms by like 400 k total.

    yes wow .

    in the end

    pvp and overall spec imo is MS.

    i hope that helps.

    * im currently fury and even with spinal reaper i wont go back, im not as good as i was with the reaper but for me if comes down to what i have the most fun with , and i suggest you do the same but to repeat imo a big two hander and mortal strike = win *

    ps: a side note.. a mortal strike warriors goal is about 25-28crit in battle stance. Atp = god and the more atp the harder you hit and with 25 % crit you will still crit all the time. HIGH atp warrior with about 25 % crit = 2 shot hunters ... yes ive done it *Grins. ( ok maube that time i was showing off ;) *grins)

    ( ive hit 36 % crit in battle stance and unless you dont have to give up atp for it i wouldnt do it again , i had better results with 27 % crit and higher atp.)

  15. hey, i figured id post just to get this out the way.

    While im new to the guild my interest in leading a zg or co leading is strong. I realize that the guild has alot going on with onyxia and mc attempts and i really dont want to get in the way of that. RUnning zg will benefit the clan considering alot of people im told already run with AC . So alot of people whom dont have the luxary of running that zg run maybe we can help gear up in zg which ultimately would make mc/ onyxia attempts that much easier !.

    So what i need from you guys are times.I realize not everyone will be pleased but ya.

    these are the times im free for zg

    3-9 pm thursday

    3-9 pm friday ( yes i understand we have mc and onyxia so we would stop once invites started )

    saturday 4-9pm,

    thats about it for me , im stuck on overnight night shift so ya :).

    or thurs/friday from 2 am - 6 am free *grins.

    anyways just lend me some feed back and i will go from there.

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