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Posts posted by muru

  1. Dang, Smed!!!

    Good luck to you,you will be missed. You have always had a winning attitude in my book; I know you will be blessed.

    Stop in once in a while and let us know how you are doing. We will always be here for you.

    All my best,


  2. Umm. . . . That's sounds too well thought out!!! What is the adverse effect of this? DEATH!?!

    I heard that extended use lowers our Masculinity rating. OK by me, as my 6 year old daughter already uses me as her hair style model. My rating is at rock bottom, anyways!:sorry:

  3. Dang!!No love for me?

    I thought the PTR had already instituted -

    New Priest Debuff- Wife's Agro Aversion - 2 Hour Duration - Character has random chance on impact of spouse receiving distracting Mother's phone call - chance will be scaled to match said spouse's Anger meter rating-at 100% anger, 100% Agro mitigation will be established with visit from Sister bearing latest Oprah's favorite novel. Not to proc more than every 30 minutes, unless character purchased new cable sports package without said wife's consent, which will initiate shortened proc cooldown.

    Due to earlier Wednesday Crusher PVP times,I was counting on that in this patch:(:lostit:

  4. :rolleyes: Good info, Var!! As all I do now is PVP, your post is spot on! Seperating the FC from heals,CC,focus fire-all crucial.

    Most important(as you are want to say), is the indvidual recognition of being one part of the overall system we need to run to win. In other words, learn your role, know your role, EXECUTE your role!! Heehhheh- my two cents!


  5. Even though I haven't raided since MC days, I do appreciate those in our guild that step up and take on the responsibility of herding the monkeys pretending to be cats:)

    Thanks for being a leader in that regard. *salute*


  6. Even though I haven't raided since MC days, I do appreciate those in our guild that step up and take on the responsibility of herding the cats:)

    Thanks for being a leader in that regard. *salute*

  7. Hey all!!

    All through my late teens and twenties, I was an avid runner. This kept me in good shape, and also gave me a great outlook on life. (Something all you runners out there can attest to.) Twenties gave way to the thirties and my job and family took my time over. Now, in my late 40's, I have found that gaming has really crept in to my late evenings to fill time. After taking a long look in the mirror, I have not been happy with the loss. Daily exercise was crucial to my self happiness- it has taken me a great while to figure this out. I very recently started back to my old 25 year habit of late evening exercise. I am only walking briskly now, but I can tell it wiil be REAL soon and the running will start again. I am VERY excited.

    The long and short- most peeps know I really only play WOW late at night. My new schedule will cut into this even more. I am sill keeping my account, because I do like playing. And, of course, I love all you guys, so hopefully you will keep the old man around :) I just have seen that the addiction for me was not all that healthy.

    This is not a goodbye;I will be around. Wish me luck- I am starting at 2.6 miles night!! Oh, and Morgh, I am gonna be grabbing you for some of this exercise-I know where ya live!!

  8. Speaking as a Crusher that has not been able to raid ever since the old MC days, I certainly appreciate your predicament. Even though I want to commit, RL issues like family and business should always be first priority. Yer case sounds similar to mine. I found myself rushing all my family commitments to be able to make raid time. I had a blast playing, but always felt guilty about it.

    Step back and you will feel better when you do fire up the old PC!! (or, *shudder *, Mac)

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