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Posts posted by Virtugon

  1. I read in the FAQ that Turkey is considered part of Europe and can participate, but nowhere does it say people from N. America CAN'T get in the beta.

    Is it Europe only?  Here's the link: Blizzard UK

    Everyone in Europe is invited to apply, regardless of country, as long as the applicant is English, French or German speaking.

    Read the text carefully and notice this: Everyone in Europe :lostit:

  2. I never played a MMORPG before, but imho these ideas sound very good to me.

    Diplomat (I trust this sort of activity won't be a major part of this clan  Still, two axes rend better than one)

    I presume diplomats can be used to negotiate with other Orcish clans, or is the foreign policy very very strict about that? :)

  3. I've seen the video, and you exaggerate a bit, his head wasn't chopped off with an axe.

    Of course it's bad what happened, I don't deny that.

    I was very shocked to see a man's head being cut off with a blunt knife.


    The Islam I a f***t up religion!

    Has it got anything to do with the Islam? I think not, the Ji-had isn't described in the Islam either.

  4. It was a nice and quiet day at the SoC outpost in the Ashenvale forest, the sun was shining and the some guards enjoyed the nice breath.

    All of a sudden they hear a scream coming from the forest, and the guards see a heavily wounded scout trying to get back to the outpost.

    “Big elvzie armie!!!!”

    The war horn is sounded, and all orcs rush to get their battle gear and assume battle positions on the walls of the outpost.

    Two orcs are send out to get the wounded scout inside, and a third orc is send out to Orgrimmar to get help.

    All warriors are waiting impatiently for the night elves to show up.

    Then all of a sudden they hear a trumpet and elven voices!

    The orcish captain orders to get ready, and wait for his signal.

    The horses and elven foot soldiers are getting closer and closer, you can smell their stench, but you cannot see them yet.

    Then the captain shouts “Clomp thu pushdug elvies!!!!”

    During the waiting for the elves to attack, the third orc has arrived in Orgrimmar, and warned the rest of SoC.

    ................ >??

  5. Here's a little bit more info about my character, I hope you like it :D


    Vroal is known for his hunting skills and his special bond with wolfs.

    He's a silent orc that hates humans and other pink skinned creatures.

    His parents were both killed in a battle against Blackmoore's soldiers, fighting to free the imprisoned orcs under Thrall’s command

    That is why Vroal choose to join the SoC and did not stay with Thrall’s clan, because he wants to revenge his parents.


  6. Ug!

    Me name are Vroal, me are Orc trak’rs.

    I am still learning this interesting language, so I hope you'll excuse me for speaking common language.

    I hate humans and other pink skinned creatures, but I have a special bond with nature and especially with wolfs.

    Me pok'r clomp many humies!

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