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Posts posted by Kamrune

  1. I hit 24 lastnight with my Sith Assassin and have been having a blast. I'm glad I remade my Sith Juggernaut into a Sith Assassin. I've been having a lot of fun tanking in heroic quests and flashpoints. I absolutely love tanking in this game because it has the old school approach to having to use CC and tactics instead of just zerg and aoe everything to hell like in WoW.

    Overall I'm enjoying everything in the game. The combat, crafting questing, and storylines are all fun. Only real gripe I have is the chat system, especially during quest cutscenes. I miss a lot of stuff in chat because the chat window doesn't pop up for me if someone is saying something in chat, general,guild,etc.while I'm in a cutscene. So i have to constantly mouse over the chat system to see if anything was said. I also ope they fix the guild window bug where you cant see who all is online unless you type the guild name into the Who section you use to find people. Other than that the game is fine.

  2. I'll have to find my overclocked TI-85 to compute that faster... oh wait, it blew up.

    I'm still not completely sure how the enhancement slots/extractions will play out in the long run, but from the sound of it we could dress up as level 10 apprentices and run raid operations... we'll just have a lower base AC. *shrug*

    Actually from what I understand from watching a stream by Pandroaa from Das Ubel, I believe the AC and Damage of the moddable armor and weapons goes up based on the item level of the mods. He tried to show us how it worked but the lower level flashpoints he ran to try and get a moddable piece of low level armor but no heavy armor would drop for him lol. So essentially you can make your moddable armor/weapon as good as some of the on level stuff you can get from quests, etc. it will just take a bit of work to keep that armor piece or weapon up to snuff.

  3. Lol looks like I'm going to go back to my original choice of Sith Assassin tank spec. After watching some vids and reading some guides and stuff my interest in the class has returned lol. For an alt I decided to go with an Imperial Agent Operative Medic spec. I curse Bioware for making all the classes appealing to play .

  4. No idea even what class name equates to what role!!!Lol!! But, as always, will devote much time to a healer.

    Sith Inquisitor with the sorcerer specialization has a healing tree and Imperial Agent with the Operative specialization can heal too. I'm not super fluent with the classes as most others here are, but I do know those two can heal. I'm really torn on what class to play at launch. I really liked both (not so much as heals, but as dps. when I was pvping on my Sorcerer I found myself doing about 50/50 dps heals even though I was specced into the dps tree.

    Don't forget a Bodyguard Mercenary Bounty Hunter can heal as well. The type of healing you want pretty much depends on your play style. Which is what pretty much equates to all classes which I think is the best part about SWTOR is that no matter what class and spec you decide to play it will be viable.

    Also here's a good link on the different types of healers : http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1026827-HEALING!-A-Comparison-of-the-Healers

  5. Yeah I've been keeping an eye out on the upcoming Sith Jugg/Jedi Guard changes. Unfortunately they weren't in today's new build. Seems like no matter what mmo I play I always seem to pick the class that have a bit of a balance/power problem lol. I'm gonna stick it out tho because I really like the class and story.

  6. Now that the big beta weekend is over, I am curious to see what everyone will be playing when the game finally goes live in a few weeks. Have you changed your class from your original choice or are you sticking with what you intended to play as your main? For myself I had the intention of rolling a Sith Assassin Darkness Tank but after spending some time playing a Sith Warrior Juggernaut Immortal Tank, I decided to go with that instead since I really enjoyed the play style and the SW story line.

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