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Surek Tharor

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Everything posted by Surek Tharor

  1. If you read our site completely you have read this to: The skullcrushers are comprised mainly of orcs. There are, however, many tauren and trolls among the clan. This is one of the few orc clans that refuse to allow the undead among them. They fear the undead most among all of the races of the world, for they are “bad vudu”. Shakha prohibits the clan to have friendships and alliances with the “dedies” for they are traitorous in nature and their bond of word means nothing. Your clan alowes the Undead. Now im only a Recruit so i cant speek for our clan, but just that you know this.
  2. Yep you make point... but if the game is releasd its a plan.
  3. Why dont we meet in da game? It make`s more sence... + we can give the members who have raised in rank a present (may be a jewel with SoC on it or something) and it wil alow us to do some trading...
  4. Me thunk he say: Orc lungage suxz Ut no sux ut rullss
  5. Yup mu tu... PS: this Orc language looks like how the police men talk in `allo allo`
  6. Hey Vradish jij spreek toch ook NL? PS: srry for the Dutch...
  7. So when are you all going on vacation? Im going 27th till the 6th to Austria Snow boarding
  8. I dont know maybe they missed it, I think it`s very strange to, but the russian site is olso a `oficialy` Blizzard site, so I dont think they are not telling the truth :S
  9. Hey I was wondering is there a limit of players for SOC? Cus if there are going to be like 60 players it is realy hard to know every one and the alliance will eventualy colapse, ive seen it hapen and I REALY like SOC so I dont want it to hapen here, now back to my question.... should there be a limit for the number of players? (We now have 29 members)
  10. These are all the spells the shamans can do (for the people who didint know)Shaman spells PS: they are in russian but you can translate it here--->Translator
  11. Ug Me am nuw Bullz mumbur in da clan, hail SOC.
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