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Everything posted by Hadrian

  1. This is from www.blizzard.com/wow- just had more updates today Player-vs.-player combat areas - Players thirsty for a bit of friendly competition can try out their swords and spells on each other in the combat arenas located in the cities. What better way to hone one's skills than against a fellow player?
  2. Hadrian

    Shaman Info

    That would be hilarious.. riding a shaman around... too much fun- would never get old
  3. Hadrian

    Shaman Info

    I'd be happy with my nightmare pet as a warlock!!!! >:L >:L ps.. Wolf.. pretty sure they mean the animal and not a scraggly old guy with a gray beard..
  4. Going more towards my UO name Hadrian.. Haggard kinda stems away from that
  5. yes.. I probally will too- Fable is going to be good.. I cant wait until Halo comes out- Morrowind is an outstanding game...
  6. When I have time to play any game.. its Socom II online on PS2.. if you have PS2 and an adaptor.. I definitely recommend this game >:L >:L
  7. As most have noticed, I havent been on UO for the past few weeks now. Basically, this was my third and final attempt at coming back to UO, the game I once dearly loved. Pretty much when you accomplish everything there is to accomplish in a game, its really hard to enjoy it. But all wasn't failure as I did meet a great group of friends who I do intend to stay in touch with.. and hopefully play along with some in WoW.. which (more than likely) I will be playing. Thanks to everyone who took their time to help me adjust to the changes.. sorry if I let anyone down. STRENGTH AND HONOR!!!!
  8. Copied this from the wolrdofwar site Mythica Canned Story by: Paul Younger - 12th, February, 2004 Well I didn't see this one coming, and is this an indication of an over saturated MMORPG market? Microsoft Game Studios have pulled the plug on their rather promising looking title Mythica which is a real shame. The following has appeared on the Mythica site. Based on a careful evaluation of the competitive MMORPG landscape, Microsoft Game Studios has decided to cancel the Windows-based game “Mythica.” As a result of this effort, job eliminations within Microsoft Game Studios will take place, and up to 40 employees may be impacted. Adam Waalkes, studio manager at Microsoft Game Studios, stated: Our goal with ‘Mythica’ was to create a truly innovative massively multiplayer online role playing game. While the game looked ready to deliver advancements to the genre, after careful evaluation of the MMORPG landscape, MGS has decided to stream-line its portfolio, making fewer investments in this genre. After a rigorous review of current and future projects, the decision was made that Mythica would not be one of the projects we would continue to invest in. We truly appreciate all the support ‘Mythica’ has received from its fans and the games community. MGS are no mugs and we're pretty sure they've done their homework on this. What the long-term future for the genre as whole is anyone's guess really, there's been too many mediocre MMORPGs in recent times and there doesn't seem to be a great deal of innovation being applied to new titles. The one positive thing that's come from this is Mythic Entertainment, creators of Dark Age of Camelot, can now also drop their recent case against Microsoft for using the name Mythica.
  9. I hear that.. about the taking out frustration.. always feel better after playing Socom.. another thing- you wouldnt be able to play socom II on your 19' monitor.. its a ps2 game
  10. Hadrian


    Har Har! Grulg mayke me laff
  11. How is counter strike, any good? I remember reading about it awhile back.. sounds like a hot game. Like I posted in the past.. I play Socom 2 online.. another terrorism shooting game, I love it. Got pretty damn good in that game.. people running around with machine guns and I can cap them with a pistol.. ah I love
  12. I agree completely.. even in Ultima.. I played since it came out.. I could never get into tradeskills.. I had a miner I never used because I got bored quick... but with WoW, this will be my first real attemp at Roleplaying and to be honest.. I probally wouldnt have even considered this game if it wasnt for all the talk you guys did.. You all hyped it up, talked about roleplaying as Orcs.. I got all gitty and ran to their website, now I cant wait for it to come out
  13. Ah.. good point.. that didnt even cross my mind.. hopefully they account for us Orcs and allow that
  14. Thanks for the help guys... now you got me on the ropes.. dont know which sounds better.. Hadrish or Had'ruk/Had'ruuk.. All good ideas... The ' Helps the orcish look though - Now Im leaning towards Had'ruk
  15. I cannot take credit for it.. just happen to see it on a website.. I started laughing thinking of what Balandar said of Hadruck
  16. HADRUCK- The Human Duck Goose Warrior!!!!
  17. The guild tag rings a bell for me for some reason, but as far as any concrete info or in what capacity they had dealings with PGoH I couldn't say. Couldn't have been overly large interaction I also agree.. I do remember PGoH from way back but I do not recall much of an allieship.. its actually hard to picture because PaL was a very hardcore PvP guild.. nothing RP about us.. had the greatest PvPrs in our guild at one time or another.. maybe PGoH and PaL worked together on something.. but I think he stretched it by saying allies.. I could have also read too much into it.. ah well
  18. Just heard some interesting news... while talking to my old GM (also RL friend) it seems the guild I was in PaL (Punishers At Large) was a one time allie with PGoH. Had to be a long time ago (2-3 years ago) and his chara name was either gandar or Undertaker (Undertaker was banned a LONG TIME ago). PaL was a guild I started and passed onto him because he was a mage.. I was a theif... easier for mages to recruit (nobody wants to be in a warring guild with a theif as the GM). Supposably, one of PGoH members lived by him... if anyone remembers this, let me know! Strangely.. I do not remember this but then again, alot has happened since then
  19. Oh.. we arent being the human duck goose race? Hadrish wouldnt be bad anyway.. only changing two letters Happy Birthday!
  20. Bah.. wanted to try it out.. cant get shockwave to download on my work PC.. I just have to resort to batting penguins
  21. Yeah.. Ill probally take the same route.. when I played DAoC.. I couldnt really get into tradeskills.. always wanted to hunt
  22. Ah, very good concept.. now should we enter this game working together with the secondary skills.. or is that not important
  23. So far I think I agree with Vradish- Hadruck is what Im leaning towards Happy Birthday!
  24. No.. I havent decided yet
  25. That, obviously, I do know.. just looking for opinions.. thanks
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