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Everything posted by Gorion

  1. Well, Im sure the new people have o clue who I am, but for the older guys, hey there =) Its been months since I played UO, and over a year since I left PGoH. Since I stoped playing Cats, I've begun playing a player run shard, set in True Britannia (as in the one from the Ultima 1-9 series, taking place between U7 and U9). Since my account is still active, I figured its time to cancel it, and move on. Since I have so much stuff on my two accounts though, Im gonna donate a -LOT- of stuff to various people and guilds I met in the two years I played UO. Since PGoH was the first guild I was in, and was in it for around a year, I'd like to give a lot of stuff to you guys. Mostly rares, and such. Id like for Borg to gimme an ICQ sometime, hopefully tonight or tommarow, so I can give you guys some of the stuff. Anyway, for those who know me, Ill probably look up PGoH in either Horizons or ShadowBane. =)
  2. Quote from Coldren, posted on Oct. 11 2001,11:32 Yep! Lets list what ive been. Miner Blacksmith Swordsman Fencer Archer Archer/Mage Healer/Mage (and stickin' with it! I think)
  3. Quote from Coldren, posted on Oct. 11 2001,11:24 I remember you! *thinks of one for him* Ah-hah! :alien:
  4. Hello all. Good to see so many of the old faces around. I ran into fing this evening and decided to drop by the ole' place. Seems Balandar has been hard at work, and done a good job at it. Well, just dropping by to say hello. Now, for something I really wanna do.... *plays with the smilie faces and know just who they are intended for* *gives Prom a bop on the head cause he deserves it* :withstupid: *sees Gafgarion and pulls out a sign* *sees BB and knows he cant win this battle, so he summons a deamon which is dispeled quickly by BB* *Waves at Greg* Anyway, that was fun! Ill make sure to drop by once in a while! -Gorion Yea, that guy from BG
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