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Pancho Villa

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Everything posted by Pancho Villa

  1. My apologies for last time, we postpoed the opening and I didn't have a chance to get over here to your boards. Guardian City Grand Opening! Attention all fellow Britannians! The Mayor of Guardian City welcomes you all to the Guardian City Grand Opening! This SHARDWIDE event will be come and go! Date: Sunday, October 14th Time: 4pm to 7pm est Place: Guardian City Located on the first peninsula Southeast of Britain Coordinates: 13 degrees, 11 min. N 46 degrees, 45 min. E 4pm: Town Hall (North Tower) A brief opening ceremony where keys to the city will be presented to our Guild Masters and our allied guild’s Guild Masters. 4:15pm to 7:00 pm Crafts Fair!! Roof of the Town Hall Craftpersons will make any item: Armor, leather goods, house add-ons, tinker items, bows and wood items FOR FREE WHILE YOU WAIT! Bring your raw materials or buy them at npc prices from our vendors. Every crafts person imaginable will be available to make anything you wish. Books with lists of items and materials needed will be on hand so you will know what materials are needed. 4:15pm to 7:00 pm Tavern of Chance (casino) near the bottom of the peninsula. Coordinates: 7 degrees 22 min N 45 degrees 25 min E Regatta (boat race). Will launch off the point near Jasos’ Landing (South tower) Bring your own boat. Prizes given to winners at the time winner is determined. ~Food and conversation will be available all afternoon at Jasos’ Landing tower near the point, on the roof. This is also the home of our Guild Library. ~Feel free to tour our squad bunk houses, our towers, our armory, and our Honor Guard Barracks, but beware of the Guardian City Spawn dwelling. 6:45 pm Ending Ceremony announcing the winners (winners do not have to attend the ceremony). We would be honored by thy attendance! *bows* Seven of Nine Mayor, Guardian City Guardians of Light
  2. Hail and Good Evening to you all! I wish to invite you all the the Grand Opening of Guardian City. There will be a brief opening ceremony at the Town Hall (North tower) where keys to the city will be presented to our GMs and our allied guild’s GMs. Then the fun begins as we hold an afternoon of festivities. These events will run simultaneously and include a Tavern of Chance (casino), and a Regatta (boat race). We will also have craftsmen set up on our tower roof for the duration of the afternoon and we will make any item, ie...armor, leather, addons, wooden items, etc for free if the person brings their own raw materials. If they do not have the materials, we will have vendors with raw materials on them at shop vendor prices for our guests to purchase and give to the craftsman for use. The whole set up will be very easy for the patron, as we will have books listing what materials are needed for each item. Date: September 16th Time: 4pm to 7pm est Place: Guardian City If any of you need a gate or a rune, please ICQ me at 41120124. Thank you. *bows respectfully* Pancho Villa Guild Diplomat, Guardians of Light
  3. Hail and Good Evening to you all! I wish to invite you all the the Grand Opening of Guardian City. There will be a brief opening ceremony at the Town Hall (North tower) where keys to the city will be presented to our GMs and our allied guild’s GMs. Then the fun begins as we hold an afternoon of festivities. These events will run simultaneously and include a Tavern of Chance (casino), and a Regatta (boat race). We will also have craftsmen set up on our tower roof for the duration of the afternoon and we will make any item, ie...armor, leather, addons, wooden items, etc for free if the person brings their own raw materials. If they do not have the materials, we will have vendors with raw materials on them at shop vendor prices for our guests to purchase and give to the craftsman for use. The whole set up will be very easy for the patron, as we will have books listing what materials are needed for each item. Date: September 16th Time: 4pm to 7pm est Place: Guardian City If any of you need a gate or a rune, please ICQ me at 41120124. Thank you. *bows respectfully* Pancho Villa Guild Diplomat, Guardians of Light
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