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Winter Wind

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Posts posted by Winter Wind

  1. I hope the mod's can forgive me. I do not know where else to post this.

    The issue between Lora and Winter seems to have been resolved.

    I will not discuss it because the problem and resolution as it is between her and I.

    I wish to apologize to any member past or present of PGoH that I may have offended with my actions.

    I will not post on these forums any more as I do not wish to create any ill will.

    -Winter Wind.

  2. You spread your lies and rumors.

    I come here to defend myself and odd things happen to the post.

    You refuse to ICQ me and discuss the issues with me.

    Where is your honor now? You are nothing more than the common wench. The bounties on your head will continue to increase both for those in PGoH and those out of it until you decide to speak with me.

    Shall you continue your dishonoralbe actions, the price on your head will continue to rise.

  3. It's an event you want?

    Fine. Allow me to give you an idea for an event.

    The first member that can posts pics here of Lora being rez killed at a champ spawn gets a check for 20K.

    Bring me her apron and I'll throw in another 5K.

    There is no Honor in a guild run by the wicked.

  4. Too much CGI and not enough plot work for me. And I am a CGI nut.

    The ending was actually what I expected. Not a big shock for me.

    It's the ending of the 3rd one that has me worried. If you have seen the articles on The Matrix:Online then you understand what I am talking about.

    I think Morpheus could have come off as a little more " bad @$$" than he did in this one. But still, a decent to good job by all of the actors.

    I know just about everybody has seen the comercials of Neo flying. Boy, he really does have the Superman pose down pat.

    The big plot twist in number 3 willl be when Mr. "unplugged" reveals his true plans. Don't want to ruin anything for those that haven't seen it yet by saying more.

    To me, and I know this will sound bad, the best part was the previews. Finally! Freddie Vs. Jason.

    This should be entertaining. I might actually pay Matinee prices to see it.

  5. wiht GM magery, invising should be no problem

    resisting spells has been kinda nerfed

    Poisoning would make your poison based spells do more damage.

  6. This is why I am asking to be forgiven for weakening in my time of trouble, for I could not see the path. But now I see clearly, and I know that for this guild to clear the darkness someone must bear the torch, and I wish to continue to do so.

    Seems you have returned to the empire. I wish you the best of luck in your role.

    It is not an easy path you have chosen, and I admire the fact that you have chosen .

    May HONOR guide you.

    Even though I have moved on, I do wish the guild and those that have chosen to stay the best. I hope you are all able to recoup and move ever upwards.

  7. I tried to go out peacefully. Odd that after I announce my departure Akroma seems fit to indicate me as the person that was trying to destroy the guild.

    She said herself at the meeting last night that she didn't speak up when things were going wrong. Don't blame me for s h it going wrong when you refused to do anything to help solve the problems.

    I really was tyring to help the guild. I was trying to promote the guild.

    I have left the guild.

    Thiork wasn't "under our influence." He was abiding by the codex. Read his posts in this forum and you will see that.

    Get your facts straight, only 1 of the wind sisters have even been to a meeting in a month. Raistlin's work schedule hasn't allowed it. The only person to post less than her is Borg. And he has left UO. Look around the other boards, Borg has left UO.

    Akroma I don't care what you think about me or anybody else. Hell, I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for folks still in the guild pointing out to me your most "honorable" post. Go get ###### e d.

  8. Well, I have been thinking about this for quite some time to be honest with you. Tonight I made my decision. It seems that there is too much worry about politics, who is who's friend, and not enough fun.

    I have always said the number one rule of UO should be "Have Fun".

    I have enjoyed my time here and I have made some good friends. Should any of you wish to get together for a hunt, or just to BS. ICQ me.

    Thankyou for the time I had here in PGoH. Now I am riding off into the sunset.

    Safe Journeys.

  9. Could somebody explain how this is a good sign?

    Get AoS free

    Amazon sells AoS for 19.99, they are offering $10 discount so it is 9.99

    After that there is a mail in rebate of $10.00

    So technically, they are paying you 1 cent to take the game.


  10. I really hope there is no Ultima-X.

    I think the whole thing sounds like a bad writers joke.

    Let's be honest here folks, the couldn't even release AoS without a ton of bugs. Do you really think they can release anything based on a 3D engine that won't get the worst reviews ever?

    But hey, we can fantasize.

    Ultima - X:The Mutants Invade

    Use your valorite claws to slash through the hordes.

    Use your mental mutations to seek out your allies and enemies

    Use your power of the weather to destroy your enemy with a fierce storm.

    *small print* this release may not be available on Mugen or Siege for 1-2 years after inital release to the public shards.

  11. Lukkan, you said youself that you can be a "Hot head." I'm telling you this as your friend not your guildmate. I think you should have waited on your post.

    A little information for everybody. There are those of us in the guild, and I can only speak for myself, with a strong military background. We like to see orders given and carried out. We get rather upset when we have to deal with officers issuing orders or telling us what to do when they are not fully aware of the situation or our capabilities. Sometimes this gets carried over into the game.

    We may not choose the right methods in somebody elses eyes. They may not choose the right method in ours. That is the reason for "after action reports" and debriefings.

    Remember folks, this is just a game.

  12. The Purple Guardians of Honor PGoH

    We are a roleplaying guild based on the virtue of Honor.

    There is room within the empire (the guild) for all skills.

    We have active ongoing story lines and quests for our members.

    Our Guild Castle is located just South of the Trinsic Swamp. Near the Brit Mall.

    Our Guild City is located on the South West end of Gravewater Lake in Malas.

    Feel free to visit. http://www.thehonorempire.org/uo for more information on our guild and ways to contact us.

    ***edit*** just saw you said to forward it on to the council. ooops. forwarded.

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