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Posts posted by Akroma

  1. Welcome to the family Nenia,

    I have been away for a few days but I'm back and anxious to go adventuring with you. I am on similar hours during the week so if you see my pidgeon roost up , feel free to drop me a letter. And if you need anything feel free to ask. If the person you ask doesn't have it, 9 times out of 10 they know someone who does. We try to keep things here on a family level here and after being here awhile I'm sure that it will be a family you can be proud to be a part of.

  2. Due to some events that have transpired this week I need to be away from the game for a few days. :( I will be checking my messages so if anyone has anything they need of me just leave me a message. I hope to be back as soon as I get some of the BS in my life straightend out.

    Hope to see everyone soon! ;);)

  3. Guardians it pains me to have my first announcement as Imperator be such horrifying news.

    It seems as if the monks and holy men of our fair land have become the targets of an evil crime.Please read the following.Greetings to who gets this. I thought I should inform you, and perhaps the people, of a disturbing scene I came upon recently. I had wanted to make my way down to the shrine of Justice to do some light prayer and offering. I have often gone to this shrine to do just that as I have chosen this path as my own. On most eves when I go there is a kind man there, somewhat old, a monk I think, who has served that shrine for some years. So when I decided to attend tonight to the virtue I was expecting him to be there, but what I beheld was a sight that will haunt my mind for nights to come. Upon my arrival, a cold wind blew in the area; not typically unusual since we are close to the ocean here, but never the less it sent a chill up my spine. I walked past the tall marble statues who always seemed to stand proud and yet I must confess, tonight that vision was lost. I would soon come to see the reasoning.

    As I entered the stone structure nothing could have prepared me for the sight I saw. Blood splattered the ground therein and across the symbol of the Scales of Justice, the trail led up the small steps and to the Ankh where to my horror I saw the source of the disgraceful blood shed; the elderly monk was outstretched, his arms bound by rope to the ends of the Ankh, kneeling, facing me, his head drooped down low. I raced over in hopes of saving him, but it was too late. The dishonorable and unholy act must have happened some time before as the wounds were not fresh. With welled up eyes and a low heart I untied the monk and carefully cleaned the wounds. Upon doing so I noticed that on his bare chest were carved words, depicted in blood they read "Justice Shall Be Served". I cleaned up the rest of the blood and, knowing that the order of monks for the virtues are strict in their brotherhood, I sent word to another of this act and immediately a monk with two guards arrived. After telling them my story I made my way out as they handled the rest.

    I wanted to inform the people of Britannia of this and to watch for any suspicious people around the shrines and to report them to the local guards if seen. This act will not go unpunished and I shall make sure the man who committed this crime is found and brought to Justice.

    -Davlamin Floshin


    Dear Citizens,

    I wished to inform you, the people, of the recent investigation of the murder of the monk of the shrine of Justice. After arriving at the scene with a fellow guardsman in arms and Brother Delroy, we promptly began to make notes of this heinous crime. What we found was the following: The Monk, who is known as Brother Horril, died hours before he was found. The primary reason for death was loss of blood due to a clean slit in the throat. Brother Horril was tied to the ankh prior to his death; this is known by the bruises the ropes created on his arms. The carvings on his chest were created by any fine sharpened blade, we suspect a dagger.

    Brother Delroy handled the burial process with the others in his brotherhood. We found no evidence at the scene that would lead to who or what committed this act, though some revelations may have been lost due to the tampering of the scene before arrival. It is my wish to inform the people that this, in no way, should alter the good people of these lands from making their vigils at the shrines. We are on a watch for any suspicious people at these shrines and its area about.


    Vincent Rosencroth, Royal Guard of Britannia.


    Citizens of Sosaria. There has been a second murder in our realm

    I ask that you all read the report of this second slaying and travel the realm with caution.

    Should you come upon anything you feel might be related. Please post it here.


    I am sending this in because I have read the reports of the slain monk found recently and found my story has some similar traits. I write this report with a tearful eye, however, because this time the one slain was a dear friend and brother-in-arms to me. His name was Kyle DeVoul, a great warrior with a kind heart. We had fought together for many years; he has taught me many things about being in battle. We have stayed in the guard outpost now east of the desert of compassion and we normally do routine checks around the area, making sure the creatures from the swamp and desert do not venture too far. I was on my check to the swamp and when I had returned I found Kyle dead. Like the reports on the monk, he had a slit across his throat however there was no blood smear or so much as a drop on the floor. What may even be stranger is that I was only gone for a mere 5 minutes.

    I know Kyle to be a great warrior and so to fall too quickly and easily is absurd. I searched the outpost all over and found nothing amiss. I do not know if this has anything to do with the slain monk. Kyle did not work for any specific virtue; rather he held them all within him, each on the same level as the next. No words were written on his body and his armor was in tact.

    That is all from my report, but I wished to inform you in case any other news arrives. The other guards here have been put on double duty and we are now on a constant watch at this post.


    Once again I come to you with sad news.

    Yet another murder has taken place. A monk has been killed.

    A member of the Royal Guard has come to me and requested that I not post details of what has happened. The Royal Guard is concerned that the killer or killers might learn of their plans.

    The feeling I recieved from the Guard member is that they are all worried. The killings seem almost unnatural. Not as if they were done by any animal or human.

    I fear for all of our safety. Especailly the safety of the monks that hold the virtue shrines sacred and will not avoid them, no matter what the risk.

    Perhaps a group could come together to offer the monks escorts to these shrines? It would provide protection for the monks and possibly help us all discover who is behind these terrible crimes.

    and finally

    I returned from the GoL Halloween Festival last night to find a monk waiting at my door.

    It would seem his brotherhood has heard of the two offers of escort and they are grateful. A monk will be in Trinsic/Fel Monday evening the 3rd of November. He will wait at the Trinsic Gardens for any that wish to join him on his journey. He must leave Trinsic no later than 8PM Eastern.

    I asked which shrine he needed to visit and was told that "each brother travels to the shrine that calls to them." I do not know if that means the brotherhood has different monks for different shrines, or if the monks travel to the shrines in a more random order.

    Perhaps more information may be obtained on this journey that will help us uncover who is behind these murders.

    These are excerpts from the Traveller and I feel as Guardians we owe it to these Holy men to make sure their passage is safe to the best of our abilities . Lets attend this event tommorrow and show all of Sosaria what it means to be a Guardian of HONOR!!!!

    Imperator Akroma

  4. The war council has been held , tactics have been discussed, recon missions have been run.

    We know where our brethren are being held, We know the guards will be many, But we strike tonight.

    To long have we been with out our Brother Rico and Emperor Logan, Tonight we got to free them and enact vengeance for what was done to our dearly departed Steel.

    Who will join me, Akroma, in what should be our finest hour to rescue those who have been lost? Who will join me to spill the blood of those who poisoned our Senator of War? Who will join me in upholding what we were built on, Strength and HONOR?

    Tonight at 7pm by the eastern skies we go to do these things. Let us prepare for war and show the DeR what it means to be a Purple Guardian of HONOR.

    PS: We will be meeting at approx. 6:30 to discusss a battle plan.

  5. I think this is a great idea Kaatya and I will be attending.

    This will help us twofold, It will give us a chance to discuss tactics and also give us an idea on what size force we will have when we take on the Drow.

  6. I have been watching these posts all day and tried not to get involved for I feel there is no true winner in this situation. The right and wrong of this is a very grey area.

    Morganna yes this storyline has gripped evryones emotional strings, Steel was a very beloved character and all of us in PGoH feel like he is a family member. Thank You for your role in this. The storyline has been great.

    Kaatya , Thank you also for your terrific translations, without them I think that alot of us would have missed out on great sections of the storylines.

    I think the root of the problem lies in role-playing stylesand as far as I know everyone has a different style of Rp.

    But the one main thing to remember here is at the end of the day (storyline or what have you) we are all on the same team and all out for the same thing. To have FUN!!

    From what I've read for the most part, its all been one misunderstanding after another, lets all calm down and continue to work to make this a great storyline.

  7. The tears flowed freely from Akromas eyes, The loss was more than she could bear. Steel had been been like the father she never had. Taking her under his wing and helping her to complete her training.

    "WHY OH WHY MUST HE.... BE Tak..e..n"

    She dropped to her knees a this side and openly wept but then awash in emotions it hit her. Grief turned to Anger and as she stood she mentally prepared herslf for what she knew was coming.

    "They will pay and pay dearly for this . Many Drow shall drop at my feet for Vengeance and Honor "

    She spun and turned to the Senators and Magistrates assembled.

    "The time for subterfuge is over, This calls for open WAR!"

  8. The mood was somber at Olympus. Emperor Logan had been taken, Rico was to die in 6 days, and Senator Steel lay dieing in his bed.

    Akroma knew what she must do, she knew that she was ranking officer and yet she longed for days when there were so many who made these decisions.Logans last wish had been for the remaining Guardians to finish Steels cure but following an order that ignores the captivity of ones Emperor is indeed tough.

    With a heavy heart after hearing Bishops story of his Brother and Rico , Akroma made her decision ,She and her fellow Guardians would finish Steels potion. So preparations began immediatly and shortly they were off to their fist destination.

    Having found the scroll in Lord Logans office Akroma knew that the ingredients could not be carried by just anybody, Luckily Isabelle had joined us and she was the perfect candidate to collect and eventually brew the life-saving potion. So the group headed off for the ant hill, home of the Red Queen of the ants. Many had alliances with this queen but those alliances fell to the wayside with the life of a guardian in the balance

    The Zoogi fungus and fertile dirt were quickly collected and again the group looked to the scroll.The next item was Leaves from the Yew tree in Novitus Sanctum. The group made haste for they all knew this location well and the leaves were collected quickly. After a short prayer for our fallen brethren the group was offf again, this time our destination were the graveyards of Felucca. We needed undead bone and what better place to get it than the graveyards.

    With all the main ingredients collected the group returned to Olympus , to take a look at the scroll once more. The last few items on the list were mixing tools more than ingredients. While a small contingent went to Ilshenar to gather the water from the pixie pond, others went to collect the dragon scales and deamon bone for mixing. Soon all was gathered.

    The moment of truth was now upon us, Isabelle began mixing th ingredients while Oberon's dragon waited to heat the brew. Each guardian held their breath as the last few ingredients were added. After quite a while Isabelle looked up from her work and said with an exhausted voice"It is done".

    Steel's potion was finished now the question was had all this work been worth it. Would this potion cure Steel?

  9. Congrats Wolf on the new addition, Gee this must be a trend. I have seen so many Guardians posting that they have additions this year. Oh well Maybe its the year of the Guardian on the Chinese calender. Again Congrats Wolf.

  10. Me and mine are now about as prepared as we can get. There were thoughts earlier of evacuating when the storm was a CAT 5 but i have decided to stay and ride it out as the strength has gone down.

    I too shall be on as electricity permits, To all guardians in the path of this monster, I wish you Good Luck.To all of you who are not, Keep us in your prayers.

  11. Lukkan, You and your family will continue to be in my prayers. I am sure the family of PGoH will welcome you back when your tour is up. You have always been a friend to me and to our guild , You shall be sorely missed!

    I wish you the best for the next year and will be glad to chat with you on ICQ to make your travel quicker. If there is anything else I can do for you , all you have to do is ask.

    Your Friend and guildmate, Akroma

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