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Posts posted by Aviana

  1. Har!  My Greek/Irish family is half the reason I have been away for so long!

    Heh...gosh Triston I know my irish family is all nuts...don't think i could handle a greek/irish family  :p  :smash:  :laugh:  :)

  2. For those who were unable to attend last Sunday's meeting 01-12-02...There have been a few issues over Uniform, so I have asked everyone who will be attending the next two PGoH Sunday meetings to be fully dressed in their uniform...So there is no confusion Sunday, January 19th & January 26th...I want to see everyone wearing the proper attire...If I so much as see a Heran without a sash I will be handing out punishment.  This also means the correct color purple, No Aruguments Please.  I feel I have given everyone fair warning.  Please don't make me ask twice  :p

  3. I just wanted to take some time to apoligize for my absence over the past few weeks.  I am afraid I got tied up with real life issues...my crazy irish family came into town and things did get crazy....A true irish Christmas it was, in only nine days we went thru 120lbs of potatoes and $500 in beer, that's not including bar tabs :D I am really sorry I haven't had time to get on UO, especially since I was running Secret Santa...However I am glad to announce that my crazy irish family has all gone home and I will have lots more time to play UO  :p  :smash:

    I haven't recieved some Secret Santa gifts back, so if you see me on please send me a pigeon and I will get with you.  :biggrinSmurf:

  4. Thorik your tree is wonderful Honestly...You did an awesome job.

    I don't care what anyone says, but you will never make every single person happy in game or in real life and that is how it is. There is always gonna be atleast one person who likes a different shade of purple...I mean it's a preferance or opinion....and an opinion is like an #######...everybody's got one...But the bottom line is you go with what will make the majority happy. and just so everyone knows there was a poll about changing the color purple not to long ago and it was changed to what the majority wanted.

    I think that the leadership will expand as the guild does...it will take time though..

  5. the undead in fell yew..or even possibly the orcs of shadowclan would be willing to try thier mettle against us!

    The one who takes the seat of espionage will need to enlighten themselves as much as they can about other guilds!


  6. Sorry to all Aviana's brothers came into town unexpected and shes been showing em around.  Was like 15 people for xmas dinner:)  She has her list for secret santa as promises to get them all exchanged as soon as she can.  Prob this weekend.

  7. I have come to find that Paint is very expensive and I hate having to spend 5-9k per jar ....so I propose that everyone start collecting Tribal Berries...then we can make our own paint to go to the champ spawns....I know a great cook who would be happy to make it for us  :smilewinkgrin:

  8. Hail Everyone...

    As I am sure yer all aware December 22nd is approaching quickly...So ye better be good for I'm sure Santas' will be checking their list twice....If at all possible I would like to have all the bags back before December 22nd...So when yer all done with yer shopping send me a pigeon and I will be happy to get that from ye...Just incase anyone has forgotten the limit, the rules are in the back of the book....Happy Christmas   :alcoholic:  :D

  9. OMG....Ange I can't believe I have been cursing those bars for so long...and for so long its been so easy...thank you for the info that will definately make my life much easier.... :D

    I definately need to see that commerical.... :alcoholic:

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