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Posts posted by Mali

  1. Smed,

    Some of us aren't racing to get to 80 -- so, I'll definitely be around for hanging out doing silly stuff. Mali is 72, but that happened just because I did all of Howling Fjord. There is so much I haven't seen yet and I'm not in any hurry to get to all of it. Surely, you've guessed that is mine and Zurg's modus operandi considering all the Burning Crusade (and even classic!) content he and I hadn't seen until we joined the Crushers.

    Oh, and I have a Death Knight that has hit 64, but that came from doing nothing but Hellfire! They really ramped up the experience there, so it's not like it take a race to level up lower toons quickly anymore. In that time, I also performed a grind getting mining and smithing up. I think that may have been the most painful experience in game, ever!

    Well, I'm rambling for no good reason. Whenever you come back, I'll be happy. And then, we can do stuff. :tease:

  2. Smed,

    I've been asking around for you this week. Haven't seen you on much. Hope all is well, but want you to know your absence is noticed and that you are missed. You REALLY don't want me knowing more than you about areas and instances in Northrend. I'm not nearly as good at describing what to do, what comes next, and what treats lie at the end of the encounter as you are. :tease:

    Hurry back!

    Your pal,


  3. While it was fine and dandy for the servers to be offline yesterday since I had no time to play, it is NOT ok for them to be down today. Not fine at all!

    Poor Zurg is beside himself. He's so crabby without his WoW. He has to go back to work tonight, so the days that he had time to play, he got screwed. It's funny for him to be screwed out of one day. Two days ends up hurting ME. His barbs and his hostility are set on 11 right now and I have to suffer. This is really not ok.

  4. It all started out so promising this morning. I have the day off. Nothing that really needs doing. Nowhere to be. Figure the servers will be up by 2pm EST and I can settle in for a nice long day of gaming goodness. Mali has a meeting at 6pm so I make arrangements to visit mom and have dinner with her before coming home and having the house to myself as I continue to feed the addiction. The gaming Gods even sent me a sign, delivering the WolK expansion bright and early this morning! Mali's panties were in a bunch because she wasn't going to be able to grind (giving me a secret satisfaction!). Then things turned to crap...extended maintenance...no ETA...8pm and still all servers off line...don't they know I go back to work tomorrow night?? This is her doing. I know it. She's an evil vindictive troll... :dancing_smile:

    Wow. Hostile.

    However, you are correct, sir! I called Blizz, told them I wouldn't have the chance to grind today, so they could take the servers down today with my blessing. It seemed like the perfect time to get things in tip top condition so that I can grind to my heart's content beginning tomorrow.

    Suck it, Zurg!

  5. zOMG! It's heeeeeeerrrrrreeeee!

    I walked in to my *cough* office *cough* (read: computer gaming room) and found Zurg had a surprise waiting for me. Our preordered Wrath of the Lich King boxes arrived today!!!!! That bad boy is installed and ready to go.

    Flip the switch, Blizz! Flip it! Flip it!

    I can't wait. Please, please, please. Dear 8lb 7oz Baby Jesus, get Blizzard to flip the switch early so I don't pee my pants with excitement. Thank you, Lord Baby Jesus, laying there in your manger, so unaware of your awesome Jesus powers.


  6. We are laid back, unselfish types who are about having fun in game.

    I'm sorry, we only accept uptight, greedy loot ninjars who alternate between being raid nazis and crybabies.

    I don't know what Zurg was talking about. I can totally be an uptight, greedy loot ninja who alternates between being a raid nazi and crybaby. If that is what you want.

    I also roxxor at the Arpee. Watch this: "Doest thou knowest the suckery of Zurg?"


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