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Posts posted by Xenojin

  1. Yeah i don't have a problem with the DKP decision either way. I know the group of people that i generally share loot with (Except 2 People) are really good about whispering eachother and finding out who is gonna have the biggest upgrade/use out of that item. Maybe this should be encouraged more? Not saying to make it a "rule" or anything, but maybe its time we start acting like a group, and look out for everyone in the raid, regardless of DKP standings. If its a best in slot item for you, but you already have a purple on, and someone else wanting that loot is in a blue, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that not only is that item gonna be better for that person, but its gonna HELP THE WHOLE RAID because you will obviously get a better performance out of that person now.

    But thats my opinion on the whole thing, i just hope that some people can come to realize that even though you have the best gear, and are doing the best performance wise in your group, that all of that is completely meaningless if we are not going to look out for eachother.

    Would appreciate feedback, thanks.

  2. Harnes Love soup:

    (1) marinated /love

    (2) diced /loves

    (3) medium /loves (but any size will do really)

    (2-3) diced /loves (I personally like 4 diced /loves but that is too much for most people)


    (1) 5 gallon drum of Harne's special /lovesauce (the most important ingredient!)

    Dump it all in your favorite big 'ol pot and stir often! Heat to boil, allow to cool for 5 minutes (sauce will thicken).

    Then, gather your favorite mom, serve, and enjoy!

    this is the dumbest post i have ever put my eyes on.

  3. Title says it all. Gonna stop playing for awhile. All the politic crap that comes with this game now just doesn't make it fun anymore for me. It sucks that other people gotta ruin my playing time, but it is what it is. Only time ill be online is the occasional family heroics/bgs.Just wanted to wish everyone luck in whatever they are doing and i will see everyone in the near future.

  4. I confess, I am deliberately racing a bit. I hate being part of the Great Wave because the competition drives me absolutely bonkers. So I have to be either ahead of it or behind it, and I frankly don't derive much satisfaction from being behind it.


    Fighting over mobs makes me want to just turn the pc off or punch it LOL

    It will be much slower for me now...back to work so not as much time.

    But this past weekend was a lot of fun, me and Xeno and Bee put our pc's in the same room and have been questing together...seeing all the new content and the fun quests and just enjoying each others company and laughing endlessly has been a ton of fun.

    I still have an alt to level and reps to grind (must get all of them) :tease: and all the achievements to explore so I dont see me getting bored anytime soon......

    This is Remm BTW...Xeno must have logged in on my PC and I didnt notice haha

  5. I've just been a'quest'n fastish ;)

    Plus! the fiance' is outa town till today :) so that gave me much more free time :devil:

    Xeno is gonna win easy ;)

    Go Xeno!


    Haha thanks! Ya got 5 bars to go till 80, woulda got it but server down =(

    So ill be back to ding this afternoon.

  6. Meh, to each their own. We all play with different motivations, whether it be lore, pvp, RP, raiding.

    In a few weeks, this whole damn conversation will be moot.

    Ya exaclly. I just wanna get 80 quick so i can come back and get my professions up and come back and grind rep. Cause around the end of december i wont get to play much at all so now would be the time to do it.

  7. Hey Holy thanks for leading this! I will be there as much as possible. Also, i have the right side of the Thundefury sword, so would love to run MC to get a shot at the other half. I know i would probably never use it by time expansion came out, but it would still be cool to have obviously. (also need a rag kill). Look forward to blowing up the old stuff with everyone!

  8. Ok this is off raid topic and on to a little mom bragging smile.gif

    Wanted to wish Xenojin good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    For the next 10 days he will be competing in the Junior Olympics and World Championships in Philadelphia for roller hockey

    He was selected to Team USA to compete in the Junior World championships and will face teams from around the world, his first 3 games are against Canada, Great Britian and Scottland.

    After the world's complete he will compete in the Junior Olympics with his home team the Tour Stealth

    GO XENO bring home some medals!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Do it for our raiding moms, Xeno! :D *cheers*

    If we showed up in full cosplay or with Horde T-shirts and posters that spelled out "Xenojin" would he pretend not to know us?

    Haha, no way! i love you guys!

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