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Posts posted by Xenojin

  1. Just wanted to give some quick tips for you guys, did this the other day.

    Killed the Shaman healer first (gotta purg/dispell earth sheild and obviously interupt his heals)

    Killed Paladin healer second (Probably already wasted the BoP on the shaman so just burn/interupts)

    Killed Druid healer third (tried countless attempts killing him first but his heals are enough of a ###### to burn through on top of the other 2 healers)

    Killed Shadow Priest fourth (keep a slow effect up on him all times and its a easy kill)

    Killed Rogue fifth (you can dis-arm the rogue as well as any other of the mobs, but you prob wanna keep it for rogue/warr/dk)

    Killed Warrior sixth (Dis-arm as much as possible, stay outta bladestorm obviously)

    And after that the rest was win, we only rolled with 6 healers, had 3 DK's in raid controlling most of the mobs, had a prot pally keeping the warrior under controll mostly till the bladestorm hits. Don't know if this helps out all but here ya go

  2. Don't worry, I have a new flask button!

    I knew it. You DO raid with a Whack-A-Mole stylus! :)

    Some little tips to remember for Yogg.


    - Adds spawn slowly, but increase in speed gradually as the phase drags out. According to Bosskillers, it's roughly 30 seconds between spawns, rapidly increasing to perhaps 10 seconds, until you transition to phase 2.

    - Use this Yogg Saron P1 Cloud Test prior to entering the room. Touching clouds = bad, as they can force a Guardian to spawn early.

    - Tanks must interrupt the 35-yard Shadowbolt Volley. MC can't be avoided, as it is instant (but can trinket/bubble/block/WotF out of it)

    - It takes 8 or 9 Guardians to blow up Sara. Melee must be careful, as the Guardians explode upon death, easily killing any non-tank for around 25k Shadow damage.


    - Players with Grid/Decursive (or any debuff management tools) should be ready to dispel debuffs on-the-go as they whittle down adds.

    - Concerning Crusher Tentacles: These spawn every minute. The stackable buff they get can be dispelled by doing no damage for one second. This does not include DoTs ticking.

    - For a list of spells which reduce Sanity, click here. Battle rezes do NOT work on Insane players, nor do Soulstones or pally bubbles. Zero Sanity is still zero, even if you somehow come back to life.


    - As soon as phase 3 begins, Yogg-Saron stops spawning any new tentacles. However, any remaining tentacles from phase 2 will persist into phase 3.

    - Thorim kills any Immortal Guardians reduced to 1% life. When they are low on health, Yogg will try to heal them if they are within 20 yards of the boss. Yogg can heal multiple Guardians at any time.

    For pictures of the general boss room as well as Cloud pathing, Bosskillers has some good imagery and strat ideas.

    Just a quick suggestion if you don't mind

    The group i been doing it with just split up the DPS in P1. They had most of the DPS just stand by the door, and some select DPS to be standing just outside circle in the middle of the room (on the opposite side of the room, this group is a ranged DPS group) and what they do is just have the tanks keep kiting the guardians to the door, let the DPS get him to 20-25%, then tanks kit him back to the middle and let that other ranged DPS group finish them off, and just keep repeating this process. Just thought i would throw this out there for you guys, it works really good for us, as long as people obviously stay away from clouds, this should work really good.

  3. Since we don't have an exceptional class balance to our raid, we need to find ways to win which may seem unconventional. Don't be discouraged-as soon as we find the right mix we will farm this guy.


    And hunters trap dammit! I don't want to overexert myself out there. :p

    PS: sorry everyone about last night and dying so much I hurt my back last year pretty bad and sometimes I get attacks just sitting up and it happened right before mimiron last night... =( (last year was pretty ######ty for me in general but I won't get into it)

    Im a DOUCHE



    J/k whats up man?!?!

  4. Hey guys! Just to add to this post really quick, MLG has recently added WoW to there list of games in competition. Every 2 months or so (something like that) they hold the tournaments, and its 3v3 arena gametype. I thought it was really cool to watch last time they had it up. I didn't know if anyone would be interested in watching it, but if you are, you can go to mlgpro.com. It is completely free to watch, you can watch the previous broadcasts of the last tournament, plus you can check the up coming broadcasts of the live streams. Just thought i would throw it out there to anyone interested. Take care!

  5. Was gonna make a new post, might as well add to this one. The reason why i started playing the game was because of my family, first and for most. My sister, is now on a different sever, and has been on a different server for awhile now, as well as my mom's fiance. My mom recently told me she was gonna switch to there server to once again play with them, so i am gonna follow. Just wanna thank anyone in CS who ever had a kind word to say about me, and that has helped me in anything. You guys are really fun people to play with, and it has been good to know all of you.

  6. They are coming from the same IP address. 5 different accounts were created. All have been disabled.

    IP address:

    Problem should be fixed short term. I have asked Balandar for some more input/help

    Looks like karrocks ip to me...

  7. Yup, and also once you start getting the naxx gear, you will find just the gear alone will put you way over the hit cap (take me for example) without geming/enchanting for hit. So basically, i wouldn't worry about hit much at all, especially if your at the stage when your in naxx.

  8. Am I the only one who thinks Holy secretly wants to upgrade his girlfriend to Zu or Kail?


    I was sad yesterday, even though I didn't show it. Didn't get to experience all the fail with my Orcala beside me :)

    And while I'm talking about last night, despite all the catastrophes, I don't think I ever laughed so hard since the Decurse in cheetah-form/falling cow era. But...

    Alts + Achievement progression = no no. I know not EVERYONE wants to aim for the missing links in the list, but sticking to your mains while we work on this stuff in an attempt to keep some life in Naxx is common courtesy for those that DO want to keep trying. This doesn't apply to those people filling in for missing folks/roles.

    Yes, it puts some of the constantly DE'd fodder to use, and as Uggy mentioned, it feeds the DKP Monster. But with all the new crap coming out in Ulduar, perhaps roasting the epics isn't such a bad idea. According to Blizz, there's supposeably more loot than TK + SSC combined. That's a lot of stuff to constantly keep upgraded for 25 hate-starved Hordies.

    I get the impression that people complained like mad because alts aren't QUITE up to the gear threshold that the rest of the mains are at (though I could be wrong), so beating Enrage timers, surviving splash damage, etc becomes more difficult. Especially if we lose key DPS like oh say, our ret pally.

    The rest of the raid also has to adjust to class mixes. In my case, I have to juggle between JoL to keep our melee healthy, and JoW to keep the hunters' mana pools happy. Not sure if other people had to adjust much, but it felt weird to have to constantly drink during trash.

    I know Naxx may get dull after all these weeks folks, and by bringing in alts it tries to keep things fresh. But hang in there. Ulduar's a comin'!

    lets worry about mains before some peoples alts imo

  9. I don't know if im the only one thats alone on this, so ill say something.

    The last couple posts were very informative and will help. But at the same time, its going WAYYYY off of the point.

    We spent that whole night dieng on 3 drakes, because people were constantly dieng to blue crap/lava waves, end of story. And anyone who trys to deny that, is just making everyone beat there heads against the wall. I don't wanna hear this "oh well i was only the 3rd or 4th person to die this try." the whole point is not to die at all. I mean seriously, isnt it enough that we have people calling out when blue ###### is up haha???

    But again if im the only person that feels this way just let me know.

  10. Hey Smed!

    Well i glanced at your spec really quick and i noticed a few things. I would honestly consider putting points in Improved Heroic Strike, Cruelty, Armored to the Teeth, and Deflection. Those 4 things alone are gonna increase your aggro generation SIGNIFICANTLY. You will obviously loose some defensive base stats (you will get all that back plus more as you upgrade gear).

    But all in all, just stick to it man. Warrior tanks are always strongly needed especially in raids. I wouldn't let a couple heroic runs phase you at all. And these are just my opinions, take them or leave them.

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