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Posts posted by Muato

  1. I know it's late...but I have two entries, just for fun. This first one, I know Kalea will appreciate. There's a back-story, so ask her if you want a good laugh!

    There once was a cult that ate puppies.

    Those Druids partake were unlucky.

    For Kalea was stout,

    her mace hit like a house,

    So now they think puppies are yucky.

    This one is more for the Arena teams a bunch of us used to play on when were running arena:

    Male Tauren, Undead, and a woman,

    they played on the battlegroup 'Ruin'.

    Our 3-man could beat,

    any team NOT elite,

    'Tools with Staves'! They nay saw us coming!

    I might have another one in a bit...so don't lock the thread yet!


  2. Guys there is a bunch of people starting new accounts on this site sending Private Messages with links in them - they are NOT forum administrators - please do NOT click on the links

    Yeah, I just got one from jurdreda with a link to some Russian site. I banned them from my account. Maybe we should set the boards to 'approve' before an account can be made / PM's sent.


  3. Yeah, I was SUPER bummed last night...I was on from like 8:30 until 11:00 and no-one on the teams logged in at all :sorry: Was jonesing for some 2v2 action too...Doom logged at like 11:15 but by then, the GF was home and I was tired. Bright side, I went 5:2 in WSG, and the 2 losses were against a 10-man premade.

    ANyway, maybe 9pm start time on Tuesdays? And...Tuesdays will be only for 2v2 and 3v3 teams, we'll keep Mondays for 5v5. We'd love to get you involved in clompin' some trash Smed : )


  4. ***ATTENTION***

    Due to RL events, and lack of time to plan this thing properly, I have to push it back to October. I have changed the date in the original post, as well as the the Calendar event. It will be held the Wednesday before Halloween, so that should give me enough time to drum up support from a few other guilds as well. Sorry if anyone was looking forward to it, but save those stories because the new date will be kick ass!


  5. Ok, so after weeks and weeks of bashing our heads on the 1500 wall, Lithola and I figured we'd post something to discuss strategies. We can split this up into topics when we get the PVP forums, but until then we'll just keep it all here in a mega-thread.

    Being on 3 arena teams, I can tell you that 5v5 strategies are way different then 2v2 just with group dynamics alone, let alone class makeup. 'We Eat Puppies' (a 5v5) has been having trouble breaking through that 1500 wall, we'll go 8:2, then loose 6 straight. So...we have what would be considered a decent night, but we seem to be stuck in the 1400's. We have 7-8 people that play each week, 3 of which are druids and 2 hunters...so when we swap out the people, the class makeup stays more or less the same. The core is:



    Hunter (swap w/2nd Hunter)

    Druid (Feral)

    Druid (Feral/Balance)

    sometimes we'll swap a Shammy with the Mage, but not so much lately (DOOOM WHERE ARE YOU?!?!)

    I know I know...no warrior. I'd like to think that a warrior isn't necessary to breach 1600, but maybe it is. Anyway, our strategy is to put me on the target primary healer and CC for 12-15 seconds (which I do) while the other 4 burn down the main DPS target, then we switch to my target and burn the rest of the way. We generally crush melee teams, but we seem to be having trouble with teams that have 3 healers...any suggestions? Maybe take the 2nd feral and CC the 2nd healer? At that point, I don't know if mage/hunter can out-dps the 3rd healer...anyway, thoughts on this or any other idea?


  6. Was just gonna say that...for $500 I'll deal with looking at the plastic cat box. $200, maybe....


    OMG $400? I could make one of those for under 50 bucks including the hardware and stain.

    For Mother's Day Ferj had a Deacons bench built for me to hang coats and backpacks on and it has storage for shoes and junk in the bottom. It is just beautiful. One of his patients is into woodworking and does it as a hobby. To my knowledge it was done for well under $200 and it took two men to carry it in.

    I am so in the wrong business! I love my cat but NOT that much!

  7. <a parchment hangs from a nail on the message post in the center of the camp>


    It is with great honor that I invite you all to attend the "Campfire Legends Contest", to be held at the great fire circle at Thunder Bluff on Wednesday, October 29th, shortly after sunset (8pm server time).

    This event has become somewhat of a tradition for those that enjoy a good tale by the campfire, and by those that enjoy telling a good tale as well. In past years, we have heard many stories from our undead allies, our friends that practice the voo-doo, and of course our green-skinned brethren. I myself have honored the oral tradition of the Tauren by telling tales that many haven't heard for hundreds of years...and some that have never been heard. I hope this year we can hear a few tales of our new allies, the Blood Elves.

    The rules of the contest are simple: you may spin any tale you like, but color the tale in WoW lore, and do not involve any specific player-character unless you get approval beforehand. The more WoW lore references, the better. The stories will be judged based on a number of criteria, including originality, incorporation of lore, and presentation. You may use props, spells and other effects, and up to 2 other player-characters to tell it. Your story can take no more than 10 minutes to tell, so please rehearse it first. Macros will make it easier...or typing it up beforehand and pasting it in works as well. There will be a panel of 3 judges that will score the tales as the night goes on, and at the end of the competition prizes will be awarded. 1000 gold for best story, 500 gold for best story in race, for a total of 3500 in prizes. So ask old grand-ma about her old tales and bring them to the campfire to share with friends...who knows, you may be the next Campfire Legend! Sign-up sheet will be posted soon, as there are only 15 slots available (2 are reserved for each race). Refreshments will be served.


  8. Woot! Have fun in sunny Florida :( I'll be in Williamsburg, VA from Friday until next Friday, but I'm going to try to be online for a few hours Monday night for Arena. If I'm not on by 10pm, go ahead without me.


  9. Yeah, what he said!

    It's just a matter of time and patience. But, it helps to decide what you want to do. Generally, raid gear is NOT PvP gear, and the reverse is somewhat true because of stacked stats, so you'll need to decide what you want to focus on before you gear up. For instance, a PvP mage wants to stack burst dmg and hit points because the name of the game is out-damage and out-last.

    To give you an idea of grinding honor points, on average, if you do the BG daily and then stop PVP'ing for the night, it'll take one week per piece of gear. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Generally, it'll take 20-60 minutes to get a win. I generally try to get *at least* 1K a night, and sometimes I push for more if it's a good night and a good BG, or if people rotate in and out of the group. Once you're done the daily, you don't have to keep doing it either...you could, say, join a AB group, or a WSG group and turn in sets of tokens for more points.

    Lately, I've been doing Arena, and it's NOT as bad as they say. You can loose all 10 games and still get arena points...you won't get as many, but for an hour invested time, you can't go wrong with that. And with friends, you can all ###### and complain to each other about how that lock was ALMOST dead :tease: If you decide to get in on a team, make sure they know you're new at this, and don't expect to win right away. It takes time, patience, learning a new play-style, and getting used to working with the team. One thing though, I would keep doing the BG dailies as well b/c you can gear up even quicker. Arena is perhaps the best way to go for people with limited play time, since you can get points every week with only about an hour time invested.

    Raids and instances are an interesting choice as well. You can get your T4 gear fairly easy with all the guild raids and alliances we have going. And if you can't find one, then make one up :) If it's dungeons you're looking for, I do agree...we might want to look into a 'guild night' where there are no raids going on and people can do dailies, dungeons, quests, etc. I liked Pinecone's idea of setting up a 'dungeon raid' and allowing people to sign up for it, then randomly assigning people to dungeons just for the fun of it!

    As far as the professions go, I just collect stuff as I do instances. I don't farm specific things just to level, I just hang out and eventually I'll get enough mats to make a level. No rush really, there are plenty of things to do. Don't get discouraged though, and just remember it's your $15, so if someone is making your play experience crappy, ignore them :)


  10. Pinecone,

    I like your idea, but I don't think making it mandatory is a good idea. If you want to get the 'veterans' mixed up with the 'n00bs', and get some heroics going, there are other avenues to pursue. For instance, maybe we can create a sign-up sheet just like the raids, but have no limit on players. Then on the night the event is planned, randomly choose groups of 5 from the 'raid list' and assign them an instance. That way, you can know how many people to expect and you can still get some guildies mixing it up. Maybe even plan this as a one-time thing, and then see how it goes. My bet is that if you say it's one-time, you'll get more attendance, and then just take it from there if you want to make it a weekly / bi-weekly thing.

    Speaking from experience, planning things can be frustrating, especially when so many people have their own agendas. Add to that, working around other event schedules and such, and it becomes a difficult proposition. And there is nothing more disheartening than having 2 or 3 people show up for your event. But...I find if you advertise in the right channels, you'll have people attending your event that you never would have thought interested, and you might be pleasantly surprised :yahoo: In the PvP groups I run, sometimes we have 3 people...sometimes we have 10 or more, it just really depends on planning, advertising, and a little bit of scheduling luck :p


  11. I suppose it's a respect thing. Everyone knows why there would be an item listed for 1 copper that would normally be listed for mucho goldo. You're not getting a deal, you're ripping someone off. It's easy to justify that as 'being legal' under the TOS, but I'd like to think we take a higher road than that. Plus, as an officer, I certainly don't want to deal with this issue if someone whispers me complaining that someone in my guild ripped him/her off.


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