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Lord Logan

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Posts posted by Lord Logan

  1. Does anyone know a site that hosts pictures, homestead used to but my account there was cancelled. I have some great screen shots of safe spots in side the ancient wyrm liar i would like to share with everyone.{Great for those hunts} Any help would be greatly appriciated
  2. I would be more than happy to lead the expidition. Mayhaps we can do it after the meeting on sunday, when there will surely be alot of our bretheren present. So if anyone wants to come we will meet at Olympus directly after the meeting. We will need many warriors with a few mages just to cast heals on the warriors so bring plenty of heal reagents :laugh:.
  3. After hearing the rumors that magic will explode the heart of the Ancient wyrm; Elleroth, Majin,Tristan and myself went to try and melee the beast. It took us qiute a while but, the beast did fall. So we know it can be done. The mages [majin and I] only casted heal as the warriors beat it to a pulp. Now what we need is a large party so that we can slay them more effiencently to increase our chances of getting a heart. As it seems our bretheren are becoming more and more lost each minute that passes, time is definately of the essence. Could someone please set up a large party to venture forth and retrive this item we so desperately need?

    Also Elleroth drew a sketch, hopefully he will post it here to show the non-believers.

  4. With one final check of his pack, Logan made sure he was stocked with regeants and bandaids. Was terrible news he had heard, the mass killings of young warriors and weary travelors. As the new lands of Ilshenar were being explored, many new found perils were being discovered. It seemed a horde of Ophidians had been found in the woods west of Shrine of Valor. A short walk from Empath Abbey to the stables of Yew, Logan unstabled his most trusted friend. Abadon, a mighty beast, the color of freshly driven snow. As he feed his camrade, he spoke calming words to him. "We shall fight for honor today old friend", Logan whispered silently. A slight growl was his only reply. The two made thier way north towards the moongate, once there they stepped through and arrived at Valor. As they began west the sky darkened and the rain began to pour. Finally they reached a bridge, it was exceptionally crafted out of fine white stone, torches burned at the top of towering coloumns. Having reached the other side the terrain became thick, tearing away the underbrush as they made thier way forward. Suddenly Logan's steed rared back on its hind legs and the montrous beast behind him let out a sound that would curdle a dead mans blood. "Be easy" Logan exclaimed. Now he was aware why the pets were acting strange. As he looked Eastward, Snake type creatures moved towards thier location. Lighting up the sky with magic they attacked bloodthirstily. Getting close to Abadon, Logan began to treat his pets wounds, as he retaliated on the slithering deamons. Flesh flew, the ground soon became covered with reptilian corpses. Beating back the first wave and taking time to cure all their wounds, Logan began to feel confident that these evils would be destroyed, but it was not to be so. Silver serpents, Knight Errants, Avengers and alas...the Matriarch reared her head, all making thier way towards them. The wounds soon became to much for Logan to treat, Abadon bowed over, wracked with extreme pain. Frantically Logan tried to cure him, all for not, with a sickening thud the wonderous beast hit the ground. "Nooooo..." Logan shrieked. Having to move swiflty he had no time to remorse, shoving his boots into the thick side of his mount he made his way back to the shrine. He dismounted there, dropped to his knees and wept, vowing that the loss of his friend shall not go unpunished.

  5. Though i do agree with you more possesed people would be fun and indeed much more fair for all parties involved. I believe however, that the truely difficult part of this senerio is coming when we begin to seek out the ancients. Having played inside the Ancient Wyrm lair on several occasions, I can tell you its very tight. Extremely small room with several other baddies in the room as well. Then trying to make the Ancient Lich spawn in Kaldun should definately be interesting :lostit:.

  6. I have fought in the champion spawns on numerous occasions, and have read many writings of input from other players and moderators. The trick to getting the champoin to spawn is not just going in and killing off all the spawn. You must go in, take the spawn down to a certain level, then let the spawn increase back up and finally going in and working the spawn down again. Still after all of this there is only a small percent of chance to make this champion spawn. The idea of a large group going in is definately a good plan, as not only do you have to worry about the creatures but lets face it, the terrain sucks :p. I am always up for a champion hunt, as i currently am at the second teir of the cold blood spawn besides, its no fun to die alone.

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