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Lord Logan

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Posts posted by Lord Logan

  1. I have but one request of the ancients and Borg. In the past you have named the ages of the empire, it would be very pleasing to see the 4th age to become known as the age of rebirth.

    It was roughly two yrs ago, a new realm was released and we were down to three active members. Through the efforts of those three we worked very hard for countless hours. Our focus based firmly on family values and the needs of the many concept Pater taught us. Much time has passed and the guild once again flourishes with excellent brothers and sisters who are active guardians.

    I ask my name not be put into the title, just simple known as the above. For it was not my doing, meerly the great folks who surrounded me. They can truely hold thier head aloft and look over THIER own accomplishments. It is THEY who should be HONORED.

    Thank you for considering this.


  2. I really dinna like it, basically cuts out a Heran from achieving any level of HONOR. Second for an experienced warrior 3rd level will come much to quickly. While i like the premise of the general workings....i HONOR you, not moving, no poison. It has alot of holes. :hello:

  3. Today at my mill, we had a tragic death. In respect to him and his family i wont go into details. I ask that each of you, take a moment a remember his family, and all of his friends at the mill and elsewhere, in your thoughts and prayers. He was far to young to pass, barely older than I. Many of us infact knew him since school.

    I thank you in advance.

  4. Well depending on what happens over the next day or so it could get very rough down south here. We have a very large very strong cat 4 (max sustained winds of 140 mph) Hurricaine headin for us. So keep us in your thoughts as we may be in for a very long weekend.

  5. Hows about this?

    Olympus set back abit, more focused on the front courtyard. Guardians about, say musicians strumming thier lutes, legionairrres in rank, decurion working them. You know just sort of a normal day as the citizens of the empire prepare themselves for whatever. Lastly in the horizon you see the ancients looking down from the astral plane watching over.

    *shrugs* >:L *this sign says good idea*

    Strength and HONOR!


  6. The young elf had sat amongst the rafters of the tavern lurking over the humans, blinded by thier lust for ale they continued on unaware of his presence. He chuckled to himself often on how he could have killed them all by now but, this was not his mission. So bored, he would challenge hisself to decend from his perch, achieve the food off thier plates and return aloft the shadows.

    He held tight his belief that this "informant" was nothing more than a gold hound. Observing as citizen after citizen lost their earnings to this lass.

    "N' rangwa otmena", Rhaddyn said quietly as he munched on the slice of ham he took from Hudson's dish.

    Then it happened, Hudson handed to her a large sack of gold, taking it quickly she scampered out the back door. Tearing a parchment from his tablet, he worked his way over to the eave where his pigeon lie in wait. Afixing it to its leg he sent it on its way..."To Olympus".

    The pigeon landed upon the shadowriders arm, they had held thier post just in the tree line north of the tavern. They would stay hot on Bly's trail, Rhaddyn would keep a watchful eye on his snoozing brother.

  7. Have to agree chivalry should stop at 80...you can cast any spell with it. As far as med vs. focus...I say focus just because of the armour restrictions with med. Chivalry and archery rock together so its a good combo. Tass said drop fletching for healing *nods*...Always good to have to forms of healing on a char. Plus yoiu dont want to spend all your mana casting close wounds.

    As far as stats 60 mana works great for me, cast everything i need in succesion. Then just go from there with the other two (depending on what stat scroll or lack thereof you have eaten).

  8. I voted for doom...

    No. 1...It has a challenge for any party.

    No.2...Has rooms were you can solo, if noone else is on

    No.3...Alot of diff chars can particpate there (eg..warrior, mage, thief)


    And all of this is without crossing the ferry, party gets big enough take a few and shoot across....

  9. *Thud*

    The praetorians look across at each other, as they stood outside the door of the emperor's room.


    The door shook, rubble from around its hinges came free.


    The noise echo'ed through the halls of Olympus.


    More guardians came around, each ones eyes afixed upon the door.




  10. Everyone, please excuse my absensce over the last few days, and for a couple more weekdays to come. New job, new hrs, i need alittle adjustment time. Then ill be back in full force.

    Strength and HONOR!


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