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Everything posted by Therazul

  1. ((Because Therazul would be very close mouthed about his dealings and background, I feel that revealing too much OOC info would spoil the very idea of the character. However, I know that some information must be given so I will try to find some happy medium to satisfy the powers that be.)) Background Therazul is a mysterious, ominous figure with a calm demeanor and suprisingly articulate speech. Rumors surround him, but whether they be fact or fiction only Therazul himself knows. What is known is that until now, Therazul had been one of the Clanless; a group of rogues that broke away from the Horde after they were scattered by the first incarnation of Alliance. It is not known what clan he belonged to at that time, if he did at all, but it is surmised that he must have been either a grunt or peon at that time, for there is no record of his name in the oral history of the Horde. If this assumption of Therazul is true, then there are twenty or so years not accounted for prior to his return to the Horde, and further speculation infers that he must have learned the Dark Arts from someone or possibly something. For now, his presence is tolerated because of his deep knowledge of the Burning Legion and his skill with demonology; he uses his powers to combat the infernal forces that threaten to return to Azeroth, and thus far has shown an almost religious devotion to Thrall's new Horde. Image A hulking figure with greenish-grey skin, draped in furs and a low hood. Malevolent-seeming red eyes burn from twin tunnels of his gaunt, creased face. He has long black hair and a beard, devoid of the filth which usually plagues his kind. Roleplaying and Personality ((OOC)) Like stated above, Therazul is an articulate and well spoken character. I know this is not the norm for the Clan Skullcrusher's idea of an Orc, but Therazul can be an exception. He was educated with his studies of the Dark Arts, and that comes off in his demeanor and the way he speaks. When I RP the character, I want to convey a sense of contained evil, malevolence, and creepiness. He has a sort of oily, insidious nature (you know that something is going on with him, but you dont know what and you probably can't prove it). Therazul has a deep, oddly accented voice that sounds alot like Apocolypse from the 90's Xmen Cartoon. For other Warlocks((OOC)) For warlocks interested in learning more about Therazul, PM me and I will mail you some info that we could probably use some good story arcs. Warlocks of 50 or more levels only, as their studies of daemons and other arcane lore would reveal something about Therazul...
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