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Ange Sans Ailes

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Posts posted by Ange Sans Ailes

  1. DDR SDRAM and regular SDRAM are two differen't things. He has DDR no worries =P

    Anything you can do on a Mac.. you can do on a PC.. and the parts will be cheaper. And I've seen the inside of many a MAC.. and I don't like it. (used to work at the Apple manufacturing company.. I know.. I know.. working for the enemy =P)

    I don't like their gaming support. I don't like UNIX. I don't like the fact that the same comparable system to a new MAC can be build PC-wise for MUCH cheaper. (if you go with AMD of course w00t!)

    Macs are overpriced for no reason.

  2. Going to get much tougher to avoid using a Pentium with AMD killing their processor line  :cheeburga:

    AMD Clawhammer due out soon. Easily going to get AMD back in it. I've been and AMD fan for sooo long. I've got nothing but faith in them.

    Still a friend pointed out.. that while I do love the AMD's and am semi anti-Intel (as in.. if a Pentium 3ghz were free.. I'd very much enjoy it. hehe) In the end.. as long as we're all not using cursed Macs.. then it doesn't matter if yer using AMD or Intel chip =P

    UBER off topic.. I'm sorry =)

  3. You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait.

    Neat.. she's almost as cute as me too =P

  4. Just a little piece of information for those that are killing one million savage and getting only one berry..


    Kill the females. Males carry bolas.. Females carry berries.. even female shamans.. though not as often as the spear carriers.. That's all

  5. The Champion Baracoon (Baraccoon?) might turn you into a rat while you are fighting him. In which case.. your screwed


    My uh mother.. Good ol Mom is a GM cook.. So if ya ever need her services.. she can make paint.. and delicious cake as well =)

  6. Yeah.. plundering a village full of virgin maidens IS a blast.. I always have fun doing it!

    Also, you're very welcome.. Both of ya. I didn't know Ballyn was homeless as well. As soon (or as later) as this last phase of housing comes out, I'll make sure everyone has a home! That's all I did for 4 months when camping IDOCs was barely popular.. *Sigh* those were the days.. Man I was rich! Hehe.. but yeah.. soon as they release that last phase.. I am dubbing myself..  Guild House Finder Person Happy Penguin Cow.. or whatever

  7. Bah.. you all are too kind.. But I can not take your posessions.. (though the thought is VERY appreciated) Your support in this matter is all I need. As in.. if you see me attempting to jump off of a bridge.. stop me =)

    *hugs for everyone* =P

    You guys are all awesome because you make me smile when I want to throw up.  :)

  8. Okay.. I was moving stuff from my old house to new via beetle.. and well.. I THOUGHT I took everything out. Then I go to Brit Bank and see someone wanting a beetle.. Of course I'm the nicest person in the world.. and give it to him, forgetting to take my stuff out. I don't realize this till hours later. =\

    And of course.. it was the container with all my "rares"

    OUCH!!! :)

    Black/Furny tub, glacials, skulls, a "light" *sigh* that was neat as ####..

    Anywho.. my favorite of them all were the candles. My favorite thing in the game. So if anyone knows of anyone selling them cheap.. I'd like to build up my collection again. Cheap = under 20k each. Please let them know that I'd like to purchase them. Thanks a lot..

  9. I have a small house.. nothing fancy.. that I no longer require. It's a nice one though. It's located in Felucca Occlo. It's like.. if yer at the bank.. run straight up.. not north.. but up.. but yeah.. if anyone is in need of a house, pigeon me and let me know. 153288349


  10. I found out today that not many knew this.. and I just assumed they did.. cuz I assume a lot.. cuz I'm the queen of assumption.. Also.. I think penguins are cute


    Whenever someone gets added to yer party.. the health bars stupidly stack on each other. To pull them apart (if they wont come by themselves) just hold ALT.. then drag the name.. I usually have to do it twice. But there ya go. Helpful tip for us all! Wheee!!!

  11. Hmm.. as I recall..

    "There are no rules"

    Did something go wrong? I bet I screwed up again, right?

    *sigh* Oh well. Sorry. =Þ

    I believe you might have been the only one to run up and hit me last night. No one else did. No one likes me it seems. *cries, whines, plays the violing, eats cookies*

    Ok enuff joking. That event was fun as funk. I guess I accidentally had my pet attack Bishop.. who was on my team! So silly is me. But I had fun, and I hear others did too. So maybe there should be many next times? Just a thought. =)

  12. Bah.. didn't jinx us.. Just going off of experience =Þ

    Sorry either way though =\

    I've been patiently waiting for Phase III.. I have literally hundreds of BODs in too many different places.. Have been waiting forever to get them in one nice house.. but looks like more waiting is in order.

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