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Posts posted by Toldar

  1. Thanks Baracko, would love to have your help! Unfortunately I won't be around tonight, but I should be on the rest of the week if you're available some other night. I'm hoping Kaz and I can get this done this week.

  2. Kazragerg and myself have been tasked with slaying Zuluhed the Whacked in Shadowmoon Valley but we will need some assistance. So, if there is anyone else that has been given this task or is willing to help out please respond here or contact either of us in game. Thanks!

  3. It had been a week since Toldar had recieved the message that he was to meet Bula and Kazragerg in Orgrimmar and from there set out to join the rest of the clan. He had heard rumors that the great portal was once again open and that demon forces were pouring forth into Azeroth but he thought they were just that, rumors.

    Toldar strode into the Steel Fist Tavern. A dense cloud of smoke hung in the air and the place reeked of sweat, and stale beer. The tavern was almost empty, which Toldar suspected it often was. He never could understand why Bula loved this place so. Stepping over the barmaid, who was sprawled out in the middle of the floor, Toldar chuckled to himself. Obviously his friend had already been here. Bula didn't have much patience and this was clearly his handywork.

    Seating himself at a table in the back corner, Toldar ordered a flagon of mead from the small goblin that was presently waiting tables. The goblin fidgeted nervously as he took orders, clearly rattled by what had become of the last barmaid. Again Toldar chuckled to himself. Downing his mead he tossed a gold piece on the table, grabbed his pack and headed back out the door. There was only one place that Bula would be.

    The grunts and shouts of combat and the singing of steel upon steel filled the air as Toldar approached the Hall of the Brave. He knew that inside he would find his friend, and sure enough as he entered the great hall he could see Bula inside the training ring taking on two orc's in armed combat. Bula roared as he swung his axe and splintered the shield of the smaller orc. The orc gasped as the force of the blow sent him stumbling out of the ring. Bula now turned and faced the second orc, the orc charged but Bula easily side stepped the attack and as the orc passed him Bula swung one of his large fists catching the orc in the back of the head sending him to the groud with a loud thud and thus ending the match. "Gud work brudderz, you gib Bula gud wurkout" Bula said, as he helped the second orc to his feet.

    "Greetings Bula, it has been too long." Toldar said, as he approached the ring. "Toldar!" Bula exclaimed. "It ib bery gud to see you agin me frind." Bula looked very different than the last time they had met. Large patches of his fur had fallen out and bare skin was exposed. "He almost looks like one of those afflicted mongrol hounds from the back alleys" Toldar thought to himself. "Could this be the doing of the portal and the demonic taint?" Toldar quickly shook the idea from his head and asked "Have you seen Kazragerg yet?" "no me hab not seen Kaz yet, but me tink he be along soon." replied Bula. Thumbing his sword blade Toldar stepped into the ring, "well then, how about some real competion while we wait." A crooked grin cracked Bula's face, "ub course, brudder, ub course."

  4. Late replying to this post, but was just surfing the boards and came across it.

    I've played competitive sports for most of my life, primarily soccer for 26 years. I have caused my share of injuries; broken ankles, torn ligaments, stitches, etc.. and I don't think I would feel bad about causing an injury like that. Perhaps for a few minutes right when it happened but not after that. It wasn't intentional, injuries are a part of sports. I mean you never like to see an opponent or a teamate go down injured but I think everyone that participates in a competitive sport, especially a contact sport knows that there is a risk of them getting injured, perhaps seriously.

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