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Posts posted by Ug'zyx/Max

  1. On top of the approaching holidays, this past weekend I celebrated my birthday and got some cool new PS2 games. I will try to have Ug (&crew) pop in and say hi at least. In case your wondering the list goes:

    Tony Hawk Project 8 - The jury is still out but early poles don't look good for this one. Character creation sucks, I have allready fallen inside a couple of objects. (Gift from Wife)

    Destroy All Humans 2 - Perssonnaly I loved the first one and this one is almost as good, so missions are a little confusing and lack guidance. Two player option is alot of fun since it is either Co-op or PvP and it takes place during the story mode. (Gift from Sister)

    Mortal Kombat: Armageddon - This is the one I have played the most, recently. Kreate-a-Kombatant is cool, alot of combinations to work with including some face morphing. The Konquest (story)mode is good but not as good as the one in Deception. This one is very linear to the point when a door closes behind you thats it. I preferred the free-roaming Konquest that Deception had in it. The boss is a pain in the butt as usual. All in All it looks like it will mean more MKAA meetings for me. (bought with money from various people)

    WWE: Smackdown vs. Raw 2007 - It's okay, go ahead and laugh, but yes I am a professional wrestling fan. Even if you weren't this game is a lot of fun. I actually got this up in Michigan while visiting Wolf SilverOak's parents, but she said it was an early birthday gift. (Early Gift from Wife)

  2. I have a thief that has just been sitting in a corner collecting dust. I would like to shake that dust off of him and play him a little bit. My request is simple and easy. I would like members to carry a red bag in thier backpacks. The purpose of the red bag is anything put in it is free game for a thief. He is a bit of a klepto so it doesn't even have to ba anything valueable and is in a "warred" guild so he will be orange and free game if he is caught stealing. He is also set-up(mostly) to collect rares from places like doom and the like.

  3. It was better if I knew safe from what! :hello:

    Feel free to satisfy my prying

    1. Safe from a jack@$$ West Virginia driver then attempted to run us off the road and into the concrete barricade on purpose. So if you are every in West Virginia watch out for a white Toyota Tacoma.

    2. Safe from the twisting and blind corners of the lovely Virginia mountian area backroads in the dark of night. The interstate had a bad wreck which had traffic backed up for 13 miles. This of course caused a few fender benders which slowed the traffic down even more. So after going 3 miles in an hour and a half we decided to take the back way home.

    3. But most importantly I am finally safe from her crazy parents.

  4. I know the feeling Eisaac. I have been going part time for three years now. The 1st 6 months I had one job and went full time, then spent a year and a half working two jobs and going to school full time (which is 12 credits here or three night classes), now I have one job and am subject to when they decide to have the class I need. I had planned on just working straight through to my bachelors, but think I will take a year off.

  5. On the 18th(Saturday) the wife and I are headed to Michigan for the week of Thanksgiving. We will be spending the week with her parents and I probably won't have any kind of internet connection. I am taking my laptop so I may get lucky. Also, my play times will be changing a bit for the next few weeks. I am also a college student and I have classes on alternating tuesday nights. So every other tuesday night I wont be on at all until maybe 10-10:30pm (EST) and probably not until 8pm the other weeknights. I am almost done with school though I have only 1 class to take after this semester and I will have my Associates in Information Systems Technology.

  6. Oh Mareak I could use that 110 necro for an alt character if none has a use for it on their main character.

    I will post a list of what I have. I'm pretty sure I have a 120 smithing and a 120 tailoring, as well as a few 115 and 110 tailors. Hopefully my computer and the forums will play nice tonight, otherwise it will be monday.

  7. part 2

    understand gruk / yubhosh

    speak / talk blah

    murderer (red) mudhar

    tribute tribuut

    eat et

    die det

    death deth

    ugly ugy

    hot hut

    cold kuld

    warm wum

    ice iez

    fire / flame fwam

    torch fwamstyx

    thing thingie

    steal bahwo

    Monster baddie

    animal krita

    Lizard lizzahd

    Dragon Beg Lizzahd

    Ettin Tuhed

    Earth Elem Dirtie

    Air Elem Wendzie

    Fire Elem Fwamie

    Water Elem Watrzie

    Wolf / Cu Side Warg

    Hell Hound Bane

    Dire Wolf Dire

    Ogre Beg Ugy

    Troll Beg Stenky

    Harpy Burdie

    Stone Harpy Ruk Burdie

    mother mutta

    father fatta

    (Laughter) Har

    (Exclamation of Joy) Hoowah!!!

    (Profanity) Skah!!

    (Surprise/Alarm) Ack!

    a battle cry Grrraaahhh!!!

    "Prepare for battle" Ogtuuk Klerg!!

    "be quiet" Ru'eeg'a

    "SHUT UP!!" Ru'eeg'a jat

    a fine orcish ale Krenbluk'a cha

    Orcish Devil Belok

    Orc God of blood Krenbluk

    Orc God of Magic Krull'nuk

    Master/Lord Goth

    Guild/Clan Leader Warbozz

  8. I thought it would be helpful if I provided a list of words in the common tongue and their translation to Orcish. This list is a combination of words found on ShadowClan of Angel Island, StormReavers of Atlantic, Bloodrock Clan of Great Lakes, and a few I have made. This is an ongoing project and I will be adding to this list over the next few days.

    Common Orcish

    Hi/Hello Ug / Ugh

    good bye gug'ye

    rude dismissal for non-orcs Grubek chak

    log off/sleep sleeb

    Yes yub

    No nub

    okay oki

    Thank you Rulg lat / Danke lat

    Thanks rulgz / dankye

    give gib

    this dis

    that dat

    those doz

    who wu

    what wut

    where wur

    when wun

    big beg

    huge badda

    Them dem

    I/Me/My/Mine me

    you lat

    good gug

    bad bahd

    food grub

    bread brot

    milk cha

    meat fless

    hungry h'gralp

    arm arhm

    blood blud

    foot/feet du'ub

    head hed

    skull hedk'nah

    neck nek

    bones bonz

    loot bludgelt

    attack klump

    ring wung

    armor ahmah

    sleeves sleebs

    leather lebbah

    chain chen

    plate tin

    gloves glubs

    leggings lebbinz

    Studded Leather stub lebbah

    gorget nek thingie

    sword Zult

    swoardsman Zult-r

    axe Lusk

    Axe Warrior lusk-r

    kryss kult

    fencer kult-r

    dagger igg

    Mace whomp

    mace fighter whomp-r

    Bow olig

    arrow lig

    crossbow xolig

    bolt xlig

    archer olig-r / xolig-r

    bandage rag

    gold shineez

    gems/jewelry sparkliez

    reagent erbz

    magic mojo

    necromancy Nekru mojo

    Mage/SpellWeaver Mojoka

    necromancer Nekru mojoka

    potions mojowatrz

    wands mojostyx

    Orc Urk / Urkz

    human uman / umie/ umiez

    elf Ul'bah

    half elf oot-Ul'bah

    half orc oot-Urk

    Orc(shardies) Urk'skah

    understand gruk / yubhosh

    speak / talk blah

    murderer (red) mudhar

    tribute tribuut

    eat et

    die det

    death deth

    ugly ugy

    hot hut

    cold kuld

    warm wum

    ice iez

    fire / flame fwam

    torch fwamstyx

    thing thingie

    steal bahwo

    Monster baddie

    animal krita

    Lizard lizzahd

    Dragon Beg Lizzahd

    Ettin Tuhed

    Earth Elem Dirtie

    Air Elem Wendzie

    Fire Elem Fwamie

    Water Elem Watrzie

    Wolf / Cu Side Warg

    Hell Hound Bane

    Dire Wolf Dire

    Ogre Beg Ugy

    Troll Beg Stenky

    Harpy Burdie

    Stone Harpy Ruk Burdie

    mother mutta

    father fatta

    (Laughter) Har

    (Exclamation of Joy) Hoowah!!!

    (Profanity) Skah!!

    (Surprise/Alarm) Ack!

    a battle cry Grrraaahhh!!!

    "Prepare for battle" Ogtuuk Klerg!!

    "be quiet" Ru'eeg'a

    "SHUT UP!!" Ru'eeg'a jat

    a fine orcish ale Krenbluk'a cha

    Orcish Devil Belok

    Orc God of blood Krenbluk

    Orc God of Magic Krull'nuk

    Master/Lord Goth

    Guild/Clan Leader Warbozz

  9. After making three different profiles (sorry webmaster) I am finally able to post and reply to the boards. Just to give you an idea of what was going on 1st account won't even let me log on even though I did the activation and such, 2nd account I used my work email and it blocks automatic emails so I couldn't get the activation email but I could log in on it, 3rd one seams to be working *crosses fingers* I will post an offical hello message this evening.

    The Orc is here!!

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